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The Corda driver is used by the relays to interface with the Corda nodes. It triggers flows from the interoperation CorDapp to retrieve state given the query from the external network.


To build the driver executable locally (delete if present, else it will try to fetch dependencies from Github Packages), run the following:

Prerequisites: Build the following dependencies in sequence: Protobufs

cd ../../../common/protos-java-kt
make build

Interoperation CorDapp

cd ../../../core/network/corda-interop-app
make build-local

Now build the driver as follows:

make build-local

To build the driver executable using dependencies from Github Packages, follow the steps:

  • Create a Personal Access Token with write, read, and delete packages access in github. Refer Creating a Personal Access Token for help.
  • Create a copy of as
  • Replace with your email id for github.
  • Replace with your personal access token.
make build

If you see compile errors about classes not being found, it may be that gradle hasn't downloaded the required dependencies. To install the dependencies (with or without Github Packages support), run:

make build-refresh-dependencies[-local]


To run the driver, use the following:


The driver gRPC server will be listening on port 9099.

With TLS

If the relay expects a TLS connection over gRPC, you need to specify the following environment variables in the corda-driver command:

  • RELAY_TLS: should be set to true
  • One of the following:
    • If the relay server TLS CA certificates are in a password-protected Java Key Store (JKS file):
      • RELAY_TLSCA_TRUST_STORE: JKS file path
      • RELAY_TLSCA_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD: password used to create the JKS file
    • If the relay server TLS CA certificates are in separate PEM files in the filesystem:
      • RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS: colon-separated list of CA certificate file paths If you wish to run the driver service with TLS enabled, you need to specify the following environment variables in the corda-driver command:
  • DRIVER_TLS: should be set to true
  • DRIVER_TLS_CERT_PATH: driver's TLS certificate file path
  • DRIVER_TLS_KEY_PATH: driver's TLS private key file path
  • Example: both relay and driver are TLS-enabled, and a trust store is used as a certificate repository:
    RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=password RELAY_TLSCA_TRUST_STORE=trust_store.jks DRIVER_TLS=true DRIVER_TLS_CERT_PATH=cert.pem DRIVER_TLS_KEY_PATH=key.pem ./build/install/corda-driver/bin/corda-driver
  • Example: only relay is TLS-enabled, and the driver's trusted certificates are in separate files in the filesystem:
    RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=ca_cert1.pem:ca_cert2.pem ./build/install/corda-driver/bin/corda-driver

If the driver is deployed within a Docker container, set the same variables as above in the appropriate .env file. The following sample files in ./docker-testnet-envs/ can be used and tweaked for Fabric drivers associated with particular testnets:

  • Corda Corda_Network: .env.corda (non-TLS) and .env.corda.tls (TLS)
  • Corda Corda_Network2: .env.corda2 (non-TLS) and .env.corda2.tls (TLS)

Driver configuration

By default, the driver gRPC server listens on port 9099. To change the port, set the DRIVER_PORT as an environment variable.

Set DRIVER_RPC_USERNAME to a rpc user created for driver in the corda network.

Set DRIVER_RPC_PASSWORD to the password of above user.


To build image, run:

make image

To push image to github container registry:

  • Create a Personal Access Token with write, read, and delete packages access in github. Refer Creating a Personal Access Token for help.
  • Run docker login and use your github username and personal access token as password.
  • Create a copy of as
  • Replace with your email id for github.
  • Replace with your personal access token.
  • Run make push-image to build and push the image to github registry.

NOTE: Push image to hyperledger-labs only after PR approval, first test it by deploying it on your fork by running (instead of last step above): make push-image<username>, where replace <username> with your git username.

Docker-Compose Deployment

  • Copy .env.docker.template to .env
    • NETWORK_NAME: Used as suffix to corda-driver container name, i.e. corda-driver-<network-name> will be the name of the container.
    • DRIVER_PORT: Driver server port.
    • DRIVER_RPC_USERNAME: RPC user registered for Driver.
    • DRIVER_RPC_PASSWORD: Password for the above RPC user.
    • EXTERNAL_NETWORK: Name of the docker network in which the Corda containers are deployed.
    • DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: Keep this unchanged.
    • DOCKER_TAG: Refer here for the image tags available: weaver-corda-driver
    • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: Docker project name for the Corda network to which this driver is supposed to attach. By default, the folder name of the Corda network's docker-compose.yml, is the project name.
    • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NETWORK: Docker project network name for the Corda network to which this driver is supposed to attach. By default, default is the project network name.
    • RELAY_TLS: Boolean flag indicating whether or not the local relay requires TLS connections
    • RELAY_TLSCA_TRUST_STORE: Path to JKS file (truststore) containing TLS CA certificates
    • RELAY_TLSCA_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD: Password used to create the above JKS file
    • RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS: Colon-separated TLS certificate paths for local relay
    • DRIVER_TLS: Boolean flag indicating whether or not the driver requires TLS connections
    • DRIVER_TLS_CERT_PATH: Driver's TLS certificate path
    • DRIVER_TLS_KEY_PATH: Driver's TLS private key path
  • Create a Personal Access Token with read packages access in github. Refer Creating a Personal Access Token for help.
  • Run docker login and use your github username and personal access token as password.
  • Run: make deploy.
  • To stop, run: docker compose down


This repo uses Dokka to auto-generate the Kotlin code documentation. To generate the code docs, run the following:

./gradlew dokka

The docs are then located in build/dokka/corda-driver. Opening index.html in your browser will allow you to navigate through the project structure.

Notes on the proto dependencies

This repo relies on data structures defined in protos. It also has a dependency on the interop CorDapp, which itself has a dependency on the same proto files. Generating the java and Kotlin files from the proto files locally in this repository therefore creates some problems. Firstly, because the generated java and kotlin files are created under the namespace provided in the proto files (e.g. common.state), this creates two sets of the same source files in the classpath under the same namespace. Compiling the project then fails with conflicting dependencies. The other problem is that if the proto files do change, they need to be updated in two separate repositories.

A workaround (or arguably, a cleaner solution) is for the corda-testnet project to use the generated java and kotlin source files that comes from the interop CorDapp. This means that there is guaranteed to be one consistent version of the files and we don't need to worry about conflicting dependencies. When the proto files are updated, they need to be updated in a single repo, instead of across multiple.

To update the version number of the interop CorDapps that should be pulled from Github Maven Repository, change the version number of the interop_cordapps_version at the top of the build.gradle file.


  1. Create an Error class
  2. Make a script for pulling the latest interop cordapp (add to make)