Node.js, JavaScript, Jashmine, PageObject Model
Step 1 : Download and install node.js and check it gets done or not on cmd
node -v ---> check on cmd
npm -v ----> check on cmd
Step 2: npm init -y
Step 3: download protractor using command prompt
npm install –g protractor
npm install protractor --save-dev
webdriver-manager update
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted (for people facing policy issue)
webdriver-manager start
Check http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/static/resource/hub.html in browser
Step 4: Step 4 : Find conf.js file at C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\example
On cmd goto the location of this fileand run command
=> protractor conf.js
Step 5: Download and install Visual Studio Code
Step 6: Open VS Code
Step 7 : Install support for JavaScript and TypeScript
Step 8 : Create a new folder and open in VS Code explorer
Step 9 : Inside ProtractorDemo folder create 2 folders
note : protractor uses jasmine test framework by default Just in case you need to install jasmine use the command
npm install --save-dev jasmine
Note : You have to run Step 2 commands in VSCode terminal
Step 10 : Goto the folder :
Copy conf.js into conf folder in VSCode
Copy example_spec.js into tests folder in VSCode
Step 11 : In conf.js update location of spec file
Step 12 : Run conf.js in protractor
protractor conf.js