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Python Cheatsheet

Note: '~~' is used to provide a C# synonym (LHS is Python, RHS is C#)
  • iterable ~~ IEnumerable
  • range ~~ IEnumerable{int}
  • Slicing
    • creates shallow copy (i.e. references are copied, not underlying objects)
    • notation = object[{start index}:{end index (noninclusive)}]
  • for ~~ for
    • Behind the scenes, for calls iter() on the collection to get the iterator, which defines the __next__ method.
  • pass is no-op
  • raise ~~ throw
  • else
    • if this is for an if-block, then it's pretty standard behavior
    • on a try-block, it is executed if there were no exceptions raised.
    • on a for-loop, it is executed at the end condition, iff there was no break, continue or return hit.
  • with ~~ using
  • Default values don't have to be compile-time constants, but are bound at point of function definition!
    • e.g.
          i = 5
          def myFunc(arg = i):
          i = 6
          myFunc() # prints 5, not 6
  • in ~~ IEnumerable{T}.Contains
    • e.g.
          x = input("Please enter the value")
          if x in ('helloworld', 'hello', 'world'):
              print("Hello World")
  • *and **
    • On the call-site,
      • * can be used to unpack a list/tuple to a function call's arguments. e.g.
            def func(a = 1, b = 2):
            args = [3, 4]
      • ** can be used to unpack a dictionary to a function call's arguments. e.g.
            def func(a = 1, b = 2):
            args = {'a': 3, 'b': 4}
    • On the function-definition site,
      • * ~~ params object[] for variadic args. e.g.
            def func(a, *args)
      • ** is special variadic args: all the named/keyword args that aren't a formal parameter. e.g.
            def func(a, **keywordArgs, b = 5):
            func(6, b = 7, c = "Something", d = "Another thing") # keywordArgs will be a dictionary containing c and d, but not a, b
  • Lambda expressions:
    • Syntactically limited to single expression (so ~~ =>)
    • e.g.
          from typing import Callable
          def lambdaInput(n: int, arg: Callable[[int], int]) -> int:
              return arg(n) + 5
          lambdaRes = lambdaInput(5, lambda x: x + 5)
          def lambdaOutput(n: int) -> Callable[[str], int]:
              return lambda s: len(s) + n
          lambdaFunc = lambdaOutput(n=5)
          lambdaRes = lambdaFunc("HelloWorld")
  • deque - data structure with efficient appendLeft and pop from both ends.
        from collections import deque
        queue = deque(['A', 'B', 'C'])
        queue.popleft() # yields A
  • map(lambda, iterable) ~~ IEnumerable{T}.Select(lambda)
  • import {module} ~~ using {namespace}
  • dir lists the exports of a module (e.g. dir(sys))
  • is used to define a directory as a package
    • A package can have subpackages (recursively)
    • Can define __all__ in the to determine what to import when from {package} import * is used.
    • Within a package, one can use either absolute package identifier or relative paths from current module to reference other submodules or sub-packages.
  • JSON serialization/deserialization can be done using the json module:
        import json
        json.dumps({'Good': 23, 'bye': 42, 'NewtonSoft': 111})
        x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        json.dump(x, file)
        y = json.load(file)
  • Metaclass - the class of a class. Class definitions incorporate class name, class dictionary (for methods and fields), and base classes. A class is an instance of a metaclass, just like an object is an instance of a class. The default metaclass is type.
  • class:
    • Syntax is:
          class BaseClass1:
          class BaseClass2:
          class DerivedClass(BaseClass1, BaseClass2):
              staticVar = 'static class field'
              def __init__(self):
                  self.memberVar = 'instance field'
              def method(self):
          classInstance = DerivedClass()
    • All methods are effectively virtual
    • isinstance(obj, type) ~~ obj is type
    • issubclass(t1, t2) tests if t1 is a subclass (i.e. derivative) of t2
    • super let's you avoid referring to the base class explicitly
    • Method Resolution Order (MRO) changes dynamically to support cooperative calls to super (call-next-method approach)
    • While there is no support for private fields in Python, prefixing methods/fields with '__' results in name mangling (to become _classname__var):
          class C:
              __privateVar = 5 # compiler replaces this with _C__privateVar
    • Can be equivalent to struct:
          class Struct:
          s = Struct()
          s.a = 42
          s.b = 'Another field'
      • Note that this approach can be used more generally by defining read and readline methods in the struct-like class, which parse strings into fields
    • Can implement __iter__ and __next__ methods to become an iterable collection
      • Alternatively, and sometimes more advisably, generator functions can be used to the same effect without needing to implement the iterator tracking (simply use yield). e.g.
            def reverse(data):
                for index in range(len(data) - 1, -1):
                    yield data[index]
            for char in reverse('golf'):
  • Parallelism:
    • threading - contains synchronization primitives (locks, semaphores, Threading base class).
      • It is recommended to have resources allocated by a single thread, which has a Queue that receives requests for those resources from the other threads. This way the concurrency can be designed in a thread-safe manner with simplicity
    • asyncio
  • Performance measurements:
    • profile
    • pstats
    • timeit
  • Logging
    • logging
  • Unit testing:
    • doctest - embeds tests/expected result in the method's docstring, and scans the module to run all such tests
    • unittest - more traditional unit-testing module which can be used to implement test classes
  • Garbage collection:
    • gc
    • weakref - allows tracking objects without creating references to them
  • Package management (seealso):
    • In order to prevent cross-pollination of conflicting package dependencies between different Python applications, each application can have a virtual environment.
          > py -3 -m venv <virtual environment folder>
          > <virtual environment folder>\scripts\activate
    • - Python Package Index (default location where packages are installed from by pip)
    • To install packages:
          > python -m pip install <package name>
  • PYTHON_STARTUP environment variable can be used to point to a file that defines a set of commands to run on startup (interactive mode only)
    • usercustomize and sitecustomize are hooks that can be used to execute code on every invocation of Python (more information here)