Let a BSPL-like notation:
Let a BSPL rule defined as:
Creation of a SARL event per BSPL message to transport the information between two agents:
Loop for each
$m \in M$ :
$\quad U = {v | \forall v \in A \cup E, u = \langle \square,\square,m,A,E\rangle, \forall u \in B}$
$\quad\oplus$ ("event"$m$ "{")
$\quad$ Loop for each$v \in U$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("var"$v$ ":"$\tau$ ($v$ ))
$\quad\oplus$ ("new" "(")
$\quad$ Loop for each$v \in U$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ($v$ ":"$\tau$ ($v$ ))
$\quad\oplus$ (")" "{")
$\quad$ Loop for each$v \in U$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("this" "."$v$ "="$v$ )
$\quad\oplus$ ("}" "}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("event"$m$ + "Enabled")
$\square$ stands for a free variable; -
$\oplus(x)$ generates SARL code$x$ ; -
$a + b$ in$\oplus(x)$ means the concatenation of the symbols$a$ and$b$ to generat a single symbol in SARL code; and -
$\tau(x)$ is the type declared for the variable$x$ as it is declared in the protocol specification.
Creation of a SARL "bound" event for each variable in BSPL that indicates to the agent that the knowledge
Loop for each
$v \in V$ :
$\quad \oplus$ ("event"$v$ + "Bound")
Each participant to a protocol plays a role.
Each role definition is an item of a Java enumeration in which the key functions are defined. The capacity/skill is for the emitters of a message; and, the behavior is for the received of a message:
: to provide the name of the capacity associated to the protocol for the role; -
: to provide the instance of the skill that implements the previous capacity; the providedspace
is the space that is used for exchanging protocol events; -
: to provide the instance of the behavior that implements the generic receiver behavior; the providedagent
is the role player; -
: to return the maximum number of players for this role; -
: to return the minimum number of players for this role. It is$1$ is this function is not defined;
Definition of all the roles in the protocol:
$\oplus$ ("enum"$B$ + "Role" "implements" "ProtocolRole" "{")
Loop for each$r \in R$ :
$\quad\oplus$ ($r$ "{")
$\quad\oplus$ ("def" "getProtocolCapacity" ":" "Class<? extends Capacity>" "{"$r$ + "ProtocolCapacity" "}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("def" "getProtocolSkill" "(" "space" ":" "ProtocolSpace" ")" ":" "Skill")
$\quad\oplus$ ("{" "new"$r$ + "ProtocolSkill" "(" "space" ")" "}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("def" "getProtocolBehavior" "(" "^agent" ":" "Agent" ")" ":" "Behavior")
$\quad\oplus$ ("{" "new"$r$ + "Behavior" "(" "agent" ")" "}")
$\quad$ Let$i \in [1:+\infty)$ the minimum cardinality for the role$r$ , with a default value of$1$
$\quad$ If$i > 1$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("def" "getMinCardinality" ":" "int" "{"$i$ "}")
$\quad$ Let$a \in [i;+\infty)$ the maximum cardinality for the role$r$ , with a default value of$1$
$\quad\oplus$ ("def" "getMaxCardinality" ":" "int" "{"$a$ "}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("}")
$\oplus$ ("}")
The protocol space is generic and independent of any specific protocol. A protocol defines a space specification (a kind of factory for the space) that specifies the accepted roles in the protocol:
$\oplus$ ("class"$B$ + "SpaceSpecification" "extends" "AbstractProtocolSpaceSpecification" "{")
$\oplus$ ("def" "getRoles" ":" "ProtocolRole[]" "{"$B$ + "Role" "." "values" "}" "}")
The players of the roles are equiped with a capacity and a skill for storing the bound in and out variables. All the variables that are bound in a message are accessible by the roles attached to the message.
Loop for each
$r \in R$ :
$\quad\oplus$ ("capacity"$r$ + "ProtocolCapacity" "{")
$\quad l = {v | \forall v \in A \cup E, u = \langle X,Y,\square,A, E\rangle, r \in {X, Y}, \forall u \in B}$
$\quad$ Loop for each$v \in l$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("def" "set" +$v$ "(" "v" ":"$\tau$ ($v$ ) ")")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("def" "get" +$v$ ":"$\tau$ ($v$ ))
$\quad\oplus$ ("}")
Loop for each
$r \in R$ :
$\quad\oplus$ ("skill"$r$ + "ProtocolSkill" "implements" "ProtocolCapacity" "{")
$\quad\oplus$ ("uses" "Logging" "Behaviors")
$\quad\oplus$ ("val" "protocolSpace" ":" "ProtocolSpace")
$\quad\oplus$ ("new" "(" "protocolSpace" ":" "ProtocolSpace" ")" "{" "this" "." "protocolSpace" "=" "protocolSpace" "}")
$\quad l = {v | \forall v \in A \cup E, u = \langle X,Y,\square,A, E\rangle, r \in {X, Y}, \forall u \in B}$
$\quad$ Loop for each$v \in l$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("val"$v$ ":" "MutableOptional<" +$\tau$ ($v$ ) + ">" "=" "MutableOptional" "." "empty")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("def" "get" +$v$ ":"$\tau$ ($v$ ) "{" "this" "."$v$ "}")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("def" "set" +$v$ "(" "v" ":"$\tau$ ($v$ ) ")" "{")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("if" "(" "this" "."$v$ "." "isPresent" ")" "{" $\boxtimes($Already bound$ )$ "}")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("this" "."$v$ "." "set" "("$v$ ")")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("wake" "(" "new"$v$ + "Bound" ")")
$\qquad\Omega_1 = {m | u = \langle X,Y,m,A,\square\rangle, v \in A, r \in {X, Y}, \forall u \in B}$
$\qquad$ Loop for each$m \in \Omega_1$ :
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("wake"$m$ + "IfEnabled")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("}")
$\qquad$ Loop for each$m \in \Omega_1$ :
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("private" "def" "wake" +$m$ + "IfEnabled" "{")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("if" "(")
$\qquad\quad$ Loop for each$v \in \bigcup(A | u = \langle r,\square,m,A,\square\rangle, \forall u \in B)$ :
$\qquad\qquad$ If$v$ is not the first item in the loop:
$\qquad\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("&&")
$\qquad\qquad\oplus$ ("this" "." v "." "isPresent")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ (")" "{")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("wake" "(" "new"$m$ + "Enabled" ")" "}" "}")
$\qquad\Omega_2 = {m | u = \langle X,Y,m,\square,E\rangle, v \in E, r \in {X, Y}, \forall u \in B}$
$\qquad$ Loop for each$m \in \Omega_2$ :
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("emit"$m$ + "IfReady")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("}")
$\qquad$ Loop for each$m \in \Omega_2$ :
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("private" "def" "emit" +$m$ + "IfReady" "{")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("if" "(")
$\qquad\quad\Omega_3 = \bigcup(E | u = \langle r,\square,m,\square,E\rangle, \forall u \in B)$
$\qquad\quad$ Loop for each$v \in \Omega_3$ :
$\qquad\qquad$ If$v$ is not the first item in the loop:
$\qquad\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("&&")
$\qquad\qquad\oplus$ ("this" "." v "." "isPresent")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ (")" "{")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("var" "evt" "=" "new"$m$ "(")
$\qquad\quad$ Loop for each$v \in \Omega_3$ :
$\qquad\qquad\oplus$ ("this" "." v)
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ (")" "this" "." "protocolSpace" "." "emit" "(" "owner" "." "ID" "," "evt" ")" "}" "}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("}")
The players of the receiver roles are equiped with a behavior for reacting to the receiving of an event and to transform the received data from inside the event to knowledge in the receiving agent memory.
Loop for each
$r \in R_r$ :
$\quad\oplus$ ("behavior"$r$ + "Behavior" "{")
$\quad$ If$\exists m | m \in M, u = \langle r,\square,m,\emptyset,\square\rangle, \forall u \in B$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("uses" "Behaviors")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("on" "ProtocolReady" "{" "wake" "(" "new" i + "Enabled" ")" "}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("uses"$r$ + "ProtocolCapacity")
$\quad\Omega = {m | u = \langle\square,r,m,\square,\square\rangle, \forall u \in B}$
$\quad$ Loop for each$m \in \Omega$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("on"$m$ "{")
$\qquad$ Loop for each$v \in {v | v \in A \cup E, u = \langle \square,r,m,A,E\rangle, \forall u \in B}$ :
$\qquad\qquad\oplus$ ("set"$v$ "(" "occurrence" "."$v$ ")")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("}")
The following rule describes the generation of a template code for an agent involved in a protocol.
Loop for each
$r \in R$ :
$\quad\oplus$ ("agent"$r$ + "Agent" "{")
$\quad\oplus$ ("uses" "ProtocolEnactment")
$\quad\oplus$ ("uses"$r$ + "ProtocolCapacity")
$\quad\oplus$ ("val" "protocolSpace" "=" "new" "AtomicRerence<ProtocolSpace>")
$\quad\oplus$ ("on" "SpaceCreated" "[" "it" "." "spaceID" "." "spaceSpecification" "=="$B$ +"SpaceSpecification" "]" "{")
$\quad$ If ProtocolEnactmentSkill is not a built-in capacity in SARL:
$\qquad\oplus$ ("setSkill(new ProtocolEnactmentSkill)")
$\quad\oplus$ ("var" "sp" "=" "enact" "(" "occurrence" "." "spaceID" ","$B$ + "Role" "."$r$ ")")
$\quad\oplus$ ("protocolSpace" "." "set" "(" "sp" ")" "}")
$\quad\Omega_1 = {m | u = \langle r,\square,m,\square,\square\rangle, \forall u \in B}$
$\quad$ Loop on$m \in \Omega_1$ :
$\qquad\oplus$ ("on"$m$ + "Enabled" "{")
$\qquad\Omega_2 = {v | v \in E, u = \langle r,\square,m,\square,E\rangle, \forall u \in B}$
$\qquad$ Loop for each$v \in \Omega_2$ :
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("// TODO: Replace$\Delta$ by a value")
$\qquad\quad\oplus$ ("set"$v$ "(" "$\Delta$" ")")
$\qquad\oplus$ ("}")
$\quad\oplus$ ("on" "ProtocolCompleted" "{")
$\quad\oplus$ ("// TODO: Leave the procotol")
$\quad\oplus$ ("}" "}")