- If you don't have an account, create it here (select chercheur in contract type if you have a permanent position or are a post-doc, doctorant if you are PhD) and ask to join the pr-sasip project.
- Read carefully the computation center documentation
- Once logged to dahu (CPU) or bigfoot (GPU), you have access to the storage at :
You can set up a direct access to dahu via this procedure so that ssh and scp takes only one line of command, a simplified version is reported below :
- Check that you should be able to connect to the bastions :
ssh <your-login>@rotule.u-ga.fr
andssh <your-login>@trinity.u-ga.fr
(replace with your perseus account) - Once connected on one of the bastions, check that you can connect to dahu (for CPU) :
ssh dahu
or bigfoot (for GPU)ssh bigfoot
- To connect directly to dahu or bigfoot, add the following lines to your
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 30
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ForwardX11 yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
Host *.ciment
User <your-login>
ProxyCommand ssh -q <your-login>@access-gricad.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr "nc -w 60 `basename %h .ciment` %p"
- Now you should be able to connect to dahu directly with
ssh dahu.ciment
or to bigfoot withssh bigfoot.ciment
- To connect without typing your password, you can set up a SSH key :
- on your local machine create the ssh key :
- copy the public key to the bastions, it is the file in .ssh that ends with .pub, it can be id_rsa.pub or id_ed25519.pub :
- on your local machine create the ssh key :
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/KEY.pub <your-login>@rotule.u-ga.fr:
and ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/KEY.pub <your-login>@trinity.u-ga.fr:
and to the clusters : ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/KEY.pub <your-login>@dahu.ciment:
or ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/KEY.pub <your-login>@bigfoot.ciment:
Once you connected to dahu, go to /summer/sasip
- put your data in a repository that has a meaningful name (ex ERAinterim-2012-2020-3h) in the right subdirectory (model-configuration, model-forcing, model-outputs, observations)
- if needed, change the owner and rights to your directory so that everyone in the pr-sasip group can access it (like
drwxrwxr-- 4 alberta pr-sasip
for instance) - provide a readme file that describes what, who, where, when the data was produced inside the repository (like this one for instance)
- if you are the producer of the dataset, try as much as possible to follow the FAIR principles that SASIP committed to endorse (rich metadata, doi, etc ...)
- report the same informations on the catalog on github : create a md file in the right subdirectory of github (ex forcings/your-data.md) and make a link to it in forcings.md in this example
- advertise that your data is available among SASIP participants using participants(at)sasip-climate.com mailing list !