diff --git a/news/2024-01-10_january-video/index.html b/news/2024-01-10_january-video/index.html index 3ad5e12a..887c7a52 100644 --- a/news/2024-01-10_january-video/index.html +++ b/news/2024-01-10_january-video/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Video of the month - SASIP

This month we publish a video provided by S. Brenner @ Brown University, USA.

In a new paper in Geophysical Research Letters, S. Brenner and members of the SASIP team investigate floe-scale effects on ice-ocean boundary layer turbulence. These numerical simulations of the marginal ice zone, produced with the “FloeDyn” sea ice discrete element model, show sea ice motion together with the underying ocean current field (white/blue colourmap and vector arrows shows), followed by the associated turbulence generation under the ice (cyan/red colourmap). Three different floe size distributions are investigated. Despite maintaing the same bulk sea ice concentration (50%) and ocean forcing for each of the cases shown, distinct turbulence patterns emerge for the three floe size distributions. Read the paper: Scale-Dependent Air-Sea Exchange in the Polar Oceans: Floe-Floe and Floe-Flow Coupling in the Generation of Ice-Ocean Boundary Layer Turbulence.


Fig.: Movie produced by S. Brenner @ Brown University, USA. +


This month we publish a video provided by S. Brenner @ Brown University, USA.

In a new paper in Geophysical Research Letters, S. Brenner and members of the SASIP team investigate floe-scale effects on ice-ocean boundary layer turbulence. These numerical simulations of the marginal ice zone, produced with the “FloeDyn” sea ice discrete element model, show sea ice motion together with the underying ocean current field (white/blue colourmap and vector arrows shows), followed by the associated turbulence generation under the ice (cyan/red colourmap). Three different floe size distributions are investigated. Despite maintaing the same bulk sea ice concentration (50%) and ocean forcing for each of the cases shown, distinct turbulence patterns emerge for the three floe size distributions. Read the paper: Scale-Dependent Air-Sea Exchange in the Polar Oceans: Floe-Floe and Floe-Flow Coupling in the Generation of Ice-Ocean Boundary Layer Turbulence.

Fig.: Movie produced by S. Brenner @ Brown University, USA. Ocean current field and sea ice motion, 50%SIC, large floes. Sea ice floes are modelled using “FloeDyn” (Rabatel et. al., 2015; https://doi.org/10.1002/2015JC010909).

Fig.: Movie produced by S. Brenner @ Brown University, USA. Ocean current field and sea ice motion, 50%SIC, medium floes.