#Custom Socket.io Manager
routes events by order of domain, each event has two strings with the following format: socket.emit('domain', 'action', args)
. The manager requires events.js
and rooms.js
to be initialized.
var Room
is a class that holds a list of all the rooms on the server, each room represents a unique instance of the game, and it also holds all the sockets. As a note most functions will be using the socket.id
and find the value at sockets
in order to obtain the room the current client is in then use room[name]
accepts a socket to derive the id from, the room to initialize and for the player to join, and playerData as its arguments. The room initialization is a two step process: roomProperties
calls teamMode
to give it a scaffold and then that data is linked to the room which the player has designated.
is called when a room already exists and a player wishes to join and assigns the player to a faction, Rebel or Alliance, depending on the state of teamMode
and humansOnly
is a function that scaffolds a room for initialization purposes. It sets the state of the room to either being team and/or humans only.
var Events
contains all the custom events for the server. If you wish to add your own custom events first delcare it up top before var Events
is declared and in var Events
put this.yourEventHere = yourevent(host, io)
The event system requires a host and an io, the io is provided by socket.io and the host is an alias for rooms.js which is declared and used in manager.js
#Order of Events
`manager -> initializes room.js and eventss.js -> routes requests to eventss'