Algorithm Overview:
- A Binary Search Tree (BST) can be used to sort an array by inserting elements into the tree and then performing an in-order traversal. The in-order traversal of a BST will give the elements in sorted order.
- Insert all elements of the array into a Binary Search Tree.
- Perform an in-order traversal to retrieve the sorted elements.
Time Complexity:
- Best Case: O(n log n) – when the tree is balanced.
- Worst Case: O(n²) – when the tree becomes skewed (unbalanced).
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
# Insert into BST
def insert_into_bst(root, value):
if not root:
return TreeNode(value)
if value < root.value:
root.left = insert_into_bst(root.left, value)
root.right = insert_into_bst(root.right, value)
return root
# In-order traversal for sorting
def in_order_traversal(node, result):
if node:
in_order_traversal(node.left, result)
in_order_traversal(node.right, result)
# Tree Sort
def tree_sort(arr):
if not arr:
return []
root = None
for value in arr:
root = insert_into_bst(root, value)
result = []
in_order_traversal(root, result)
return result
# Example Usage
arr = [7, 4, 9, 1, 5, 6]
sorted_arr = tree_sort(arr)
print("Sorted Array:", sorted_arr)
Sorted Array: [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]
Algorithm Overview:
Heap Sort
is a comparison-based sorting technique based on aBinary Heap
data structure.- A
Binary Heap
is a complete binary tree, and it can be either aMax Heap
(root node is the largest) or aMin Heap
(root node is the smallest). - Heap Sort uses a
Max Heap
to repeatedly remove the largest element and place it at the end of the array.
- Build a
Max Heap
from the unsorted array. - Repeatedly extract the maximum element from the heap and place it at the end of the sorted portion of the array.
Time Complexity:
- O(n log n) for all cases (best, average, worst).
# Max-Heapify function
def heapify(arr, n, i):
largest = i
left = 2 * i + 1
right = 2 * i + 2
if left < n and arr[left] > arr[largest]:
largest = left
if right < n and arr[right] > arr[largest]:
largest = right
if largest != i:
arr[i], arr[largest] = arr[largest], arr[i]
heapify(arr, n, largest)
# Heap Sort function
def heap_sort(arr):
n = len(arr)
# Build a max heap
for i in range(n // 2 - 1, -1, -1):
heapify(arr, n, i)
# Extract elements from the heap
for i in range(n - 1, 0, -1):
arr[i], arr[0] = arr[0], arr[i]
heapify(arr, i, 0)
# Example Usage
arr = [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7]
print("Sorted Array:", arr)
Sorted Array: [5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13]
Algorithm Overview:
A Priority Queue
can be implemented using a Min Heap
or a Max Heap
. The sorting is achieved by repeatedly extracting the minimum (or maximum) element from the heap.
- Insert all elements into the
Priority Queue
(Heap). - Repeatedly remove the
minimum (or maximum)
element and append it to the sorted result.
import heapq
def priority_queue_sort(arr):
heapq.heapify(arr) # Turn the array into a Min-Heap
sorted_arr = [heapq.heappop(arr) for _ in range(len(arr))]
return sorted_arr
# Example Usage
arr = [9, 7, 8, 5, 4, 2, 3]
sorted_arr = priority_queue_sort(arr)
print("Sorted Array:", sorted_arr)
Sorted Array: [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]