This project is about the creation of a model for helping users to predict car prices. The dataset was obtained from this kaggle competition.
Project plan:
- Prepare data and Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
- Use linear regression for predicting price
- Understanding the internals of linear regression
- Evaluating the model with RMSE
- Feature engineering
- Regularization
- Using the model
The code and dataset are available at this link.
Pandas attributes and methods:
- - read csv files
- df.head() - take a look of the dataframe
- df.columns - retrieve colum names of a dataframe
- df.columns.str.lower() - lowercase all the letters.
- df.columns.str.replace(' ', '_') - replace the space separator
- df.dtypes - retrieve data types of all features
- df.index - retrive indices of a dataframe
The entire code of this project is available in this jupyter notebook.
Pandas attributes and methods:
- df[col].unique() - returns a list of unique values in the series
- df[col].nunique() - returns the number of unique values in the series
- df.isnull().sum() - retunrs the number of null values in the dataframe
Matplotlib and seaborn methods:
- %matplotlib inline - assure that plots are displayed in jupyter notebook's cells
- sns.histplot() - show the histogram of a series
Numpy methods:
- np.log1p() - applies log transformation to a variable and adds one to each result
Long-tail distributions usually confuse the ML models, so the recommendation is to transform the target variable distribution to a normal one whenever possible.
The entire code of this project is available in this jupyter notebook.
In general, the dataset is split into three parts: training, validation, and test. For each partition, we need to obtain feature matrices (X) and y vectors of targets. First, the size of partitions is calculated, records are shuffled to guarantee that values of the three partitions contain non-sequential records of the dataset, and the partitions are created with the shuffled indices.
Pandas attributes and methods:
- df.iloc[] - returns subsets of records of a dataframe, being selected by numerical indices
- df.rest_index() - restate the orginal indices
- del df[col] - eliminates target variable
Numpy methods:
- np.arrange() - retruns an array of numbers
- np.random.shuffle() - retturns a suffled array
- np.random.seed() - set a seed
The entire code of this project is available in this jupyter notebook.
Model for solving regression tasks, in which the objective is to adjust a line for the data and make predictions on new values. The input of this model is the feature matrix and a y vector of predictions is obtained, trying to be as close as possible to the actual y values. The LR formula is the sum of the bias term (WO), which refers to the predictions if there is no information, and each of the feature values times their corresponding weights. We need to assure that the result is showed on the untransformed scale.
The entire code of this project is available in this jupyter notebook.
The formula of LR can be synthesized with the dot product between features and weights. The feature vector includes the bias term with an x value of one. When all the records are included, the LR can be calculated with the dot product between feature matrix and vector of weights, obtaining the y vector of predictions.
The entire code of this project is available in this jupyter notebook.
Obtaining predictions as close as possible to y target values requires the calculation of weights from the general LR equation. The feature matrix does not have an inverse because it is not square, so it is required to obtain an approximate solution, which can be obtained using the Gram matrix (multiplication of feature matrix and its transpose). The vector of weights or coefficients obtained with this formula is the closest possible solution to the LR system.
The entire code of this project is available in this jupyter notebook.