diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
index e2e256726d..1b99775ab8 100644
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
     - 2.12.6
+    - ./bin/run-ci-scripted.sh
+    - ./bin/run-ci-scripted-to-jar.sh
@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ pipeline:
       - export DRONE_DIR="/drone"
       - git fetch --tags && git log | head -n 20
       - ./bin/run-ci.sh
+      - ${RUN_SCRIPTED}
     image: appleboy/drone-sftp-cache
diff --git a/bin/run-ci-scripted-to-jar.sh b/bin/run-ci-scripted-to-jar.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f3f2968e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/run-ci-scripted-to-jar.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eu
+set -o nounset
+sbt -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
+  -J-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512M \
+  -J-Xms1024M -J-Xmx4096M -J-server \
+  "zincScripted/test:run --to-jar"
diff --git a/bin/run-ci-scripted.sh b/bin/run-ci-scripted.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b323e2c8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/run-ci-scripted.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eu
+set -o nounset
+sbt -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
+  -J-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512M \
+  -J-Xms1024M -J-Xmx4096M -J-server \
+  "zincScripted/test:run"
diff --git a/bin/run-ci.sh b/bin/run-ci.sh
index c706889b37..6f472e289e 100755
--- a/bin/run-ci.sh
+++ b/bin/run-ci.sh
@@ -13,5 +13,4 @@ sbt -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
   "$PROJECT_ROOT/test:compile" \
   crossTestBridges \
   "publishBridges" \
-  "$PROJECT_ROOT/test" \
-  "zincScripted/test:run"
+  "$PROJECT_ROOT/test"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index fe4b702c20..affc718dd3 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -165,6 +165,15 @@ lazy val zinc = (project in file("zinc"))
     name := "zinc",
+    mimaBinaryIssueFilters ++= Seq(
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.IncrementalCompilerImpl.compileIncrementally"),
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.IncrementalCompilerImpl.inputs"),
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.IncrementalCompilerImpl.compile"),
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.MixedAnalyzingCompiler.config"),
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.MixedAnalyzingCompiler.makeConfig"),
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.MixedAnalyzingCompiler.this"),
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.CompileConfiguration.this")
+    )
 lazy val zincTesting = (project in internalPath / "zinc-testing")
@@ -281,7 +290,11 @@ lazy val zincCore = (project in internalPath / "zinc-core")
-        exclude[ReversedMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.IncrementalCommon.findAPIChange")
+        exclude[ReversedMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.IncrementalCommon.findAPIChange"),
+        exclude[IncompatibleMethTypeProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.Incremental.prune"),
+        exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.IncrementalCompile.apply"),
+        exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.AnalysisCallback#Builder.this"),
+        exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.AnalysisCallback.this")
@@ -391,7 +404,10 @@ lazy val compilerInterface212 = (project in internalPath / "compiler-interface")
-        exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("xsbti.api.AnalyzedClass.create")
+        exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("xsbti.api.AnalyzedClass.create"),
+        exclude[ReversedMissingMethodProblem]("xsbti.AnalysisCallback.classesInOutputJar"),
+        exclude[ReversedMissingMethodProblem]("xsbti.compile.IncrementalCompiler.compile"),
+        exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("xsbti.compile.IncrementalCompiler.compile")
@@ -745,7 +761,10 @@ lazy val zincClassfile212 = zincClassfileTemplate
     scalaVersion := scala212,
     crossScalaVersions := Seq(scala212),
-    target := (target in zincClassfileTemplate).value.getParentFile / "target-2.12"
+    target := (target in zincClassfileTemplate).value.getParentFile / "target-2.12",
+    mimaBinaryIssueFilters ++= Seq(
+      exclude[DirectMissingMethodProblem]("sbt.internal.inc.classfile.Analyze.apply")
+    )
 // re-implementation of scripted engine
@@ -831,6 +850,7 @@ lazy val otherRootSettings = Seq(
   Scripted.scriptedPrescripted := { (_: File) => () },
   Scripted.scriptedUnpublished := scriptedUnpublishedTask.evaluated,
   Scripted.scriptedSource := (sourceDirectory in zinc).value / "sbt-test",
+  Scripted.scriptedCompileToJar := false,
   publishAll := {
     val _ = (publishLocal).all(ScopeFilter(inAnyProject)).value
@@ -845,6 +865,7 @@ def scriptedTask: Def.Initialize[InputTask[Unit]] = Def.inputTask {
+    scriptedCompileToJar.value,
@@ -857,6 +878,7 @@ def scriptedUnpublishedTask: Def.Initialize[InputTask[Unit]] = Def.inputTask {
+    scriptedCompileToJar.value,
diff --git a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/API.scala b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/API.scala
index edfa9bfcc0..f21ab5c6fa 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/API.scala
+++ b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/API.scala
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ final class API(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends Compat with GlobalHelpers wi
    * This method only takes care of non-local classes because local classes have no
    * relevance in the correctness of the algorithm and can be registered after genbcode.
-   * Local classes are only used to contruct the relations of products and to produce
+   * Local classes are only used to construct the relations of products and to produce
    * the list of generated files + stamps, but names referring to local classes **never**
    * show up in the name hashes of classes' APIs, hence never considered for name hashing.
@@ -116,9 +116,17 @@ final class API(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends Compat with GlobalHelpers wi
       def registerProductNames(names: FlattenedNames): Unit = {
         // Guard against a local class in case it surreptitiously leaks here
         if (!symbol.isLocalClass) {
-          val classFileName = s"${names.binaryName}.class"
-          val outputDir = global.settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(sourceFile).file
-          val classFile = new java.io.File(outputDir, classFileName)
+          val pathToClassFile = s"${names.binaryName}.class"
+          val classFile = {
+            JarUtils.outputJar match {
+              case Some(outputJar) =>
+                new java.io.File(JarUtils.classNameInJar(outputJar, pathToClassFile))
+              case None =>
+                val outputDir = global.settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(sourceFile).file
+                new java.io.File(outputDir, pathToClassFile)
+            }
+          }
           val zincClassName = names.className
           val srcClassName = classNameAsString(symbol)
           callback.generatedNonLocalClass(sourceJavaFile, classFile, zincClassName, srcClassName)
diff --git a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/Analyzer.scala b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/Analyzer.scala
index 78e8136c99..a168a18764 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/Analyzer.scala
+++ b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/Analyzer.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
 package xsbt
+import java.io.File
 import scala.tools.nsc.Phase
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
 object Analyzer {
   def name = "xsbt-analyzer"
@@ -22,15 +25,39 @@ final class Analyzer(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends LocateClassFile {
       "Finds concrete instances of provided superclasses, and application entry points."
     def name = Analyzer.name
+    /**
+     * When straight-to-jar compilation is enabled, returns the classes
+     * that are found in the jar of the last compilation. This method
+     * gets the existing classes from the analysis callback and adapts
+     * it for consumption in the compiler bridge.
+     *
+     * It's lazy because it triggers a read of the zip, which may be
+     * unnecessary if there are no local classes in a compilation unit.
+     */
+    private lazy val classesWrittenByGenbcode: Set[String] = {
+      JarUtils.outputJar match {
+        case Some(jar) =>
+          val classes = global.callback.classesInOutputJar().asScala
+          classes.map(JarUtils.classNameInJar(jar, _)).toSet
+        case None => Set.empty
+      }
+    }
     def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
       if (!unit.isJava) {
         val sourceFile = unit.source.file.file
         for (iclass <- unit.icode) {
           val sym = iclass.symbol
-          val outputDir = settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(sym.sourceFile).file
+          lazy val outputDir = settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(sym.sourceFile).file
           def addGenerated(separatorRequired: Boolean): Unit = {
-            val classFile = fileForClass(outputDir, sym, separatorRequired)
-            if (classFile.exists()) {
+            val locatedClass = {
+              JarUtils.outputJar match {
+                case Some(outputJar) => locateClassInJar(sym, outputJar, separatorRequired)
+                case None            => locatePlainClassFile(sym, separatorRequired)
+              }
+            }
+            locatedClass.foreach { classFile =>
               assert(sym.isClass, s"${sym.fullName} is not a class")
               // Use own map of local classes computed before lambdalift to ascertain class locality
               if (localToNonLocalClass.isLocal(sym).getOrElse(true)) {
@@ -49,5 +76,18 @@ final class Analyzer(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends LocateClassFile {
+    private def locatePlainClassFile(sym: Symbol, separatorRequired: Boolean): Option[File] = {
+      val outputDir = settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(sym.sourceFile).file
+      val classFile = fileForClass(outputDir, sym, separatorRequired)
+      if (classFile.exists()) Some(classFile) else None
+    }
+    private def locateClassInJar(sym: Symbol, jar: File, sepRequired: Boolean): Option[File] = {
+      val classFile = pathToClassFile(sym, sepRequired)
+      val classInJar = JarUtils.classNameInJar(jar, classFile)
+      if (!classesWrittenByGenbcode.contains(classInJar)) None
+      else Some(new File(classInJar))
+    }
diff --git a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/CallbackGlobal.scala b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/CallbackGlobal.scala
index a7794ae8b8..0c83e9ef94 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/CallbackGlobal.scala
+++ b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/CallbackGlobal.scala
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import scala.tools.nsc._
 import io.AbstractFile
 import java.io.File
+import scala.reflect.io.PlainFile
 /** Defines the interface of the incremental compiler hiding implementation details. */
 sealed abstract class CallbackGlobal(settings: Settings,
                                      reporter: reporters.Reporter,
@@ -38,6 +40,8 @@ sealed abstract class CallbackGlobal(settings: Settings,
+  lazy val JarUtils = new JarUtils(outputDirs)
    * Defines the sbt phase in which the dependency analysis is performed.
    * The reason why this is exposed in the callback global is because it's used
@@ -134,19 +138,44 @@ sealed class ZincCompiler(settings: Settings, dreporter: DelegatingReporter, out
   private final val fqnsToAssociatedFiles = perRunCaches.newMap[String, (AbstractFile, Boolean)]()
-  /** Returns the associated file of a fully qualified name and whether it's on the classpath. */
+  /**
+   * Returns the associated file of a fully qualified name and whether it's on the classpath.
+   * Note that the abstract file returned must exist.
+   */
   def findAssociatedFile(fqn: String): Option[(AbstractFile, Boolean)] = {
-    def getOutputClass(name: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
-      // This could be improved if a hint where to look is given.
-      val className = name.replace('.', '/') + ".class"
-      outputDirs.map(new File(_, className)).find((_.exists)).map((AbstractFile.getFile(_)))
+    def findOnPreviousCompilationProducts(name: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+      // This class file path is relative to the output jar/directory and computed from class name
+      val classFilePath = name.replace('.', '/') + ".class"
+      JarUtils.outputJar match {
+        case Some(outputJar) =>
+          if (!callback.classesInOutputJar().contains(classFilePath)) None
+          else {
+            /*
+             * Important implementation detail: `classInJar` has the format of `$JAR!$CLASS_REF`
+             * which is, of course, a path to a file that does not exist. This file path is
+             * interpreted especially by Zinc to decompose the format under straight-to-jar
+             * compilation. For this strategy to work, `PlainFile` must **not** check that
+             * this file does exist or not because, if it does, it will return `null` in
+             * `processExternalDependency` and the dependency will not be correctly registered.
+             * If scalac breaks this contract (the check for existence is done when creating
+             * a normal reflect file but not a plain file), Zinc will not work correctly.
+             */
+            Some(new PlainFile(JarUtils.classNameInJar(outputJar, classFilePath)))
+          }
+        case None => // The compiler outputs class files in a classes directory (the default)
+          // This lookup could be improved if a hint where to look is given.
+          outputDirs.map(new File(_, classFilePath)).find(_.exists()).map(AbstractFile.getFile(_))
+      }
     def findOnClassPath(name: String): Option[AbstractFile] =
     fqnsToAssociatedFiles.get(fqn).orElse {
-      val newResult = getOutputClass(fqn).map(f => (f, true))
+      val newResult = findOnPreviousCompilationProducts(fqn)
+        .map(f => (f, true))
         .orElse(findOnClassPath(fqn).map(f => (f, false)))
       newResult.foreach(res => fqnsToAssociatedFiles.put(fqn, res))
diff --git a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/JarUtils.scala b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/JarUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e23bfe8d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/JarUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package xsbt
+import java.io.File
+ * This is a utility class that provides a set of functions that
+ * are used to implement straight to jar compilation.
+ *
+ * [[sbt.internal.inc.JarUtils]] is an object that has similar purpose and
+ * duplicates some of the code, as it is difficult to share it. Any change
+ * in the logic of this file must be applied to the other `JarUtils` too!
+ */
+final class JarUtils(outputDirs: Iterable[File]) {
+  // This is an equivalent of asking if it runs on Windows where the separator is `\`
+  private val isSlashSeparator: Boolean = File.separatorChar == '/'
+  /**
+   * The jar file that is used as output for classes. If the output is
+   * not set to a single .jar file, value of this field is [[None]].
+   */
+  val outputJar: Option[File] = {
+    outputDirs match {
+      case Seq(file) if file.getName.endsWith(".jar") => Some(file)
+      case _                                          => None
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates an identifier for a class located inside a jar.
+   *
+   * It follows the format to encode inter-jar dependencies that
+   * is established in [[sbt.internal.inc.JarUtils.ClassInJar]].
+   */
+  def classNameInJar(jar: File, classFilePath: String): String = {
+    s"$jar!${if (isSlashSeparator) classFilePath else classFilePath.replace('/', File.separatorChar)}"
+  }
diff --git a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/LocateClassFile.scala b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/LocateClassFile.scala
index aae1a70cf1..c338b33c51 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/LocateClassFile.scala
+++ b/internal/compiler-bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/LocateClassFile.scala
@@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ abstract class LocateClassFile extends Compat with ClassName {
   protected def fileForClass(outputDirectory: File, s: Symbol, separatorRequired: Boolean): File =
     new File(outputDirectory, flatclassName(s, File.separatorChar, separatorRequired) + ".class")
+  protected def pathToClassFile(s: Symbol, separatorRequired: Boolean): String =
+    flatclassName(s, File.separatorChar, separatorRequired) + ".class"
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband-java/xsbti/compile/CompileOptions.java b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband-java/xsbti/compile/CompileOptions.java
index 7890ac33f4..020b076f62 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband-java/xsbti/compile/CompileOptions.java
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband-java/xsbti/compile/CompileOptions.java
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ public static CompileOptions create(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _s
     public static CompileOptions of(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sources, java.io.File _classesDirectory, String[] _scalacOptions, String[] _javacOptions, int _maxErrors, java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> _sourcePositionMapper, xsbti.compile.CompileOrder _order) {
         return new CompileOptions(_classpath, _sources, _classesDirectory, _scalacOptions, _javacOptions, _maxErrors, _sourcePositionMapper, _order);
+    public static CompileOptions create(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sources, java.io.File _classesDirectory, String[] _scalacOptions, String[] _javacOptions, int _maxErrors, java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> _sourcePositionMapper, xsbti.compile.CompileOrder _order, java.util.Optional<java.io.File> _temporaryClassesDirectory) {
+        return new CompileOptions(_classpath, _sources, _classesDirectory, _scalacOptions, _javacOptions, _maxErrors, _sourcePositionMapper, _order, _temporaryClassesDirectory);
+    }
+    public static CompileOptions of(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sources, java.io.File _classesDirectory, String[] _scalacOptions, String[] _javacOptions, int _maxErrors, java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> _sourcePositionMapper, xsbti.compile.CompileOrder _order, java.util.Optional<java.io.File> _temporaryClassesDirectory) {
+        return new CompileOptions(_classpath, _sources, _classesDirectory, _scalacOptions, _javacOptions, _maxErrors, _sourcePositionMapper, _order, _temporaryClassesDirectory);
+    }
      * The classpath to use for compilation.
      * This will be modified according to the ClasspathOptions used to configure the ScalaCompiler.
@@ -38,6 +44,12 @@ public static CompileOptions of(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sourc
     private java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> sourcePositionMapper;
     /** Controls the order in which Java and Scala sources are compiled. */
     private xsbti.compile.CompileOrder order;
+    /**
+     * Points to a temporary classes directory where the compiler can put compilation products
+     * of any kind. The lifetime of these compilation products is short and the temporary
+     * classes directory only needs to exist during one incremental compiler cycle.
+     */
+    private java.util.Optional<java.io.File> temporaryClassesDirectory;
     protected CompileOptions() {
         classpath = new java.io.File[0];
@@ -48,6 +60,7 @@ protected CompileOptions() {
         maxErrors = 100;
         sourcePositionMapper = new java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position>() { public xsbti.Position apply(xsbti.Position a) { return a; } };
         order = xsbti.compile.CompileOrder.Mixed;
+        temporaryClassesDirectory = java.util.Optional.empty();
     protected CompileOptions(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sources, java.io.File _classesDirectory, String[] _scalacOptions, String[] _javacOptions, int _maxErrors, java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> _sourcePositionMapper, xsbti.compile.CompileOrder _order) {
@@ -59,6 +72,19 @@ protected CompileOptions(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sources, jav
         maxErrors = _maxErrors;
         sourcePositionMapper = _sourcePositionMapper;
         order = _order;
+        temporaryClassesDirectory = java.util.Optional.empty();
+    }
+    protected CompileOptions(java.io.File[] _classpath, java.io.File[] _sources, java.io.File _classesDirectory, String[] _scalacOptions, String[] _javacOptions, int _maxErrors, java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> _sourcePositionMapper, xsbti.compile.CompileOrder _order, java.util.Optional<java.io.File> _temporaryClassesDirectory) {
+        super();
+        classpath = _classpath;
+        sources = _sources;
+        classesDirectory = _classesDirectory;
+        scalacOptions = _scalacOptions;
+        javacOptions = _javacOptions;
+        maxErrors = _maxErrors;
+        sourcePositionMapper = _sourcePositionMapper;
+        order = _order;
+        temporaryClassesDirectory = _temporaryClassesDirectory;
     public java.io.File[] classpath() {
         return this.classpath;
@@ -84,29 +110,35 @@ public java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> sourcePositio
     public xsbti.compile.CompileOrder order() {
         return this.order;
+    public java.util.Optional<java.io.File> temporaryClassesDirectory() {
+        return this.temporaryClassesDirectory;
+    }
     public CompileOptions withClasspath(java.io.File[] classpath) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withSources(java.io.File[] sources) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withClassesDirectory(java.io.File classesDirectory) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withScalacOptions(String[] scalacOptions) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withJavacOptions(String[] javacOptions) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withMaxErrors(int maxErrors) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withSourcePositionMapper(java.util.function.Function<xsbti.Position, xsbti.Position> sourcePositionMapper) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public CompileOptions withOrder(xsbti.compile.CompileOrder order) {
-        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order);
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
+    }
+    public CompileOptions withTemporaryClassesDirectory(java.util.Optional<java.io.File> temporaryClassesDirectory) {
+        return new CompileOptions(classpath, sources, classesDirectory, scalacOptions, javacOptions, maxErrors, sourcePositionMapper, order, temporaryClassesDirectory);
     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
         if (this == obj) {
@@ -115,13 +147,13 @@ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
             return false;
         } else {
             CompileOptions o = (CompileOptions)obj;
-            return java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.classpath(), o.classpath()) && java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.sources(), o.sources()) && this.classesDirectory().equals(o.classesDirectory()) && java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.scalacOptions(), o.scalacOptions()) && java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.javacOptions(), o.javacOptions()) && (this.maxErrors() == o.maxErrors()) && this.sourcePositionMapper().equals(o.sourcePositionMapper()) && this.order().equals(o.order());
+            return java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.classpath(), o.classpath()) && java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.sources(), o.sources()) && this.classesDirectory().equals(o.classesDirectory()) && java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.scalacOptions(), o.scalacOptions()) && java.util.Arrays.deepEquals(this.javacOptions(), o.javacOptions()) && (this.maxErrors() == o.maxErrors()) && this.sourcePositionMapper().equals(o.sourcePositionMapper()) && this.order().equals(o.order()) && this.temporaryClassesDirectory().equals(o.temporaryClassesDirectory());
     public int hashCode() {
-        return 37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (17 + "xsbti.compile.CompileOptions".hashCode()) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(classpath())) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(sources())) + classesDirectory().hashCode()) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(scalacOptions())) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(javacOptions())) + (new Integer(maxErrors())).hashCode()) + sourcePositionMapper().hashCode()) + order().hashCode());
+        return 37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (17 + "xsbti.compile.CompileOptions".hashCode()) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(classpath())) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(sources())) + classesDirectory().hashCode()) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(scalacOptions())) + java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(javacOptions())) + (new Integer(maxErrors())).hashCode()) + sourcePositionMapper().hashCode()) + order().hashCode()) + temporaryClassesDirectory().hashCode());
     public String toString() {
-        return "CompileOptions("  + "classpath: " + classpath() + ", " + "sources: " + sources() + ", " + "classesDirectory: " + classesDirectory() + ", " + "scalacOptions: " + scalacOptions() + ", " + "javacOptions: " + javacOptions() + ", " + "maxErrors: " + maxErrors() + ", " + "sourcePositionMapper: " + sourcePositionMapper() + ", " + "order: " + order() + ")";
+        return "CompileOptions("  + "classpath: " + classpath() + ", " + "sources: " + sources() + ", " + "classesDirectory: " + classesDirectory() + ", " + "scalacOptions: " + scalacOptions() + ", " + "javacOptions: " + javacOptions() + ", " + "maxErrors: " + maxErrors() + ", " + "sourcePositionMapper: " + sourcePositionMapper() + ", " + "order: " + order() + ", " + "temporaryClassesDirectory: " + temporaryClassesDirectory() + ")";
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband/incremental.json b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband/incremental.json
index 3310d349fa..9f56c28026 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband/incremental.json
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/contraband/incremental.json
@@ -312,6 +312,17 @@
           "default": "xsbti.compile.CompileOrder.Mixed",
           "doc": "Controls the order in which Java and Scala sources are compiled.",
           "since": "0.1.0"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "temporaryClassesDirectory",
+          "type": "java.util.Optional<java.io.File>",
+          "default": "java.util.Optional.empty()",
+          "doc": [
+            "Points to a temporary classes directory where the compiler can put compilation products",
+            "of any kind. The lifetime of these compilation products is short and the temporary",
+            "classes directory only needs to exist during one incremental compiler cycle."
+          ],
+          "since": "1.3.0"
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/AnalysisCallback.java b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/AnalysisCallback.java
index 9454875bc9..8e0c138bcc 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/AnalysisCallback.java
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/AnalysisCallback.java
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 package xsbti;
 import xsbti.api.DependencyContext;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.util.EnumSet;
@@ -172,4 +173,29 @@ void problem(String what,
      * phase defined by <code>xsbt-analyzer</code> should be added.
     boolean enabled();
+    /**
+     * Return class files in output jar at a given point in time.
+     *
+     * When straight-to-jar compilation is enabled, the following entrypoint
+     * in the analysis callback tells the compiler which classes can be found
+     * in the jar used as a compilation target (where all class files will be
+     * store). The entrypoint will return all the paths to class files in Zinc
+     * format, an example would be `xsbti/AnalysisCallback.class`.
+     *
+     * This entrypoint serves two main purposes:
+     *
+     * 1. Before the dependency phase is run, it returns the class files found
+     *    in the jar previous to the current compilation.
+     * 2. After dependency has run, when called again, it returns the class
+     *    files written by the compiler in genbcode.
+     *
+     * The second purpose is required because the compiler cannot communicate
+     * us via an internal programmatic API which files has written in genbcode
+     * and therefore we need to pay the price of opening the jar again to figure
+     * it out. If the compiler is to expose an entry point for this data, we
+     * can repurpose `classesInOutputJar` to only do 1).
+     */
+    java.util.Set<String> classesInOutputJar();
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/IncrementalCompiler.java b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/IncrementalCompiler.java
index a00c5c69a3..a6d2417a81 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/IncrementalCompiler.java
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/IncrementalCompiler.java
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ public interface IncrementalCompiler {
      *                 the current compilation progress.
      * @param incrementalOptions An Instance of {@link IncOptions} that
      *                           configures the incremental compiler behaviour.
+     * @param temporaryClassesDirectory A directory where incremental compiler
+     *                                  can put temporary class files or jars.
      * @param extra An array of sbt tuples with extra options.
      * @param logger An instance of {@link Logger} that logs Zinc output.
@@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ CompileResult compile(ScalaCompiler scalaCompiler,
                           java.lang.Boolean skip,
                           Optional<CompileProgress> progress,
                           IncOptions incrementalOptions,
+                          Optional<File> temporaryClassesDirectory,
                           T2<String, String>[] extra,
                           Logger logger);
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/SingleOutput.java b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/SingleOutput.java
index 61f5e9f198..53bd65c4a0 100755
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/SingleOutput.java
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/SingleOutput.java
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@
 public interface SingleOutput extends Output {
-     * Return the directory where class files should be generated.
+     * Return the **directory or jar** where class files should be generated
+     * and written to. The method name is a misnamer since it can return a
+     * jar file when straight-to-jar compilation is enabled.
      * <p>
-     * Incremental compilation manages the class files in this directory, so
-     * don't play with this directory out of the Zinc API. Zinc already takes
-     * care of deleting classes before every compilation run.
+     * Incremental compilation manages the class files in this file, so don't
+     * play with this directory out of the Zinc API. Zinc already takes care
+     * of deleting classes before every compilation run.
      * <p>
-     * This directory must be exclusively used for one set of sources.
+     * This file or directory must be exclusively used for one set of sources.
     public File getOutputDirectory();
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/analysis/ReadStamps.java b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/analysis/ReadStamps.java
index 67a5af675d..412f877835 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/analysis/ReadStamps.java
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/main/java/xsbti/compile/analysis/ReadStamps.java
@@ -72,4 +72,5 @@ public interface ReadStamps {
      * @see xsbti.compile.analysis.ReadStamps#product(File)
     public Map<File, Stamp> getAllProductStamps();
diff --git a/internal/compiler-interface/src/test/scala/xsbti/TestCallback.scala b/internal/compiler-interface/src/test/scala/xsbti/TestCallback.scala
index b2535d3286..1a97c0d16f 100644
--- a/internal/compiler-interface/src/test/scala/xsbti/TestCallback.scala
+++ b/internal/compiler-interface/src/test/scala/xsbti/TestCallback.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ package xsbti
 import java.io.File
 import java.util
+import java.util.Optional
-import xsbti.api.{ ClassLike, DependencyContext }
+import xsbti.api.{ DependencyContext, ClassLike }
 import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
@@ -77,6 +78,8 @@ class TestCallback extends AnalysisCallback {
   override def dependencyPhaseCompleted(): Unit = {}
   override def apiPhaseCompleted(): Unit = {}
+  override def classesInOutputJar(): util.Set[String] = java.util.Collections.emptySet()
 object TestCallback {
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipCentralDir.java b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipCentralDir.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9362b03cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipCentralDir.java
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ *   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *   - Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of its
+ *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *     from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ * This source code is provided to illustrate the usage of a given feature
+ * or technique and has been deliberately simplified. Additional steps
+ * required for a production-quality application, such as security checks,
+ * input validation and proper error handling, might not be present in
+ * this sample code.
+ */
+package sbt.internal.inc.zip;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.zip.ZipError;
+import java.util.zip.ZipException;
+import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.READ;
+import static sbt.internal.inc.zip.ZipConstants.*;
+import static sbt.internal.inc.zip.ZipUtils.*;
+ * A FileSystem built on a zip file
+ *
+ * @author Xueming Shen
+ */
+ * Modified implementation of [[com.sun.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystem]] that allows to:
+ * read index (central directory), modify it and write at specified offset.
+ *
+ * The changes focus on making public whatever is required and remove what is not.
+ * It is possible to use unmodified ZipFileSystem to implement operations required
+ * for Straight to Jar but it does not work in place (has to recreate zips) and does
+ * not allow to disable compression that makes it not efficient enough.
+ */
+public class ZipCentralDir {
+    private final byte[] cen; // CEN & ENDHDR
+    private END end;
+    private final SeekableByteChannel ch;
+    private LinkedHashMap<IndexNode, IndexNode> inodes;
+    private static byte[] ROOTPATH = new byte[0];
+    private final IndexNode LOOKUPKEY = IndexNode.keyOf(null);
+    private List<Entry> elist;
+    private static final boolean isWindows =
+            System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows");
+    public ZipCentralDir(Path zfpath) throws IOException {
+        this.ch = Files.newByteChannel(zfpath, READ);
+        this.cen = initCEN();
+        elist = readEntries();
+        ch.close();
+    }
+    public long getCentralDirStart() {
+        return end.cenoff;
+    }
+    public void setCentralDirStart(long value) {
+        end.cenoff = value;
+    }
+    public List<Entry> getHeaders() {
+        return elist;
+    }
+    public void setHeaders(List<Entry> value) {
+        elist = value;
+    }
+    public void dump(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
+        long written = 0;
+        for (Entry entry : elist) {
+            written += entry.writeCEN(os);
+        }
+        end.centot = elist.size();
+        end.cenlen = written;
+        end.write(os, written);
+    }
+    private List<Entry> readEntries() throws IOException {
+        List<Entry> elist = new ArrayList<>();
+        for (IndexNode inode : inodes.values()) {
+            if (inode.pos == -1) {
+                continue;               // pseudo directory node
+            }
+            Entry e = Entry.readCEN(this, inode.pos);
+            elist.add(e);
+        }
+        return elist;
+    }
+    // Reads zip file central directory. Returns the file position of first
+    // CEN header, otherwise returns -1 if an error occurred. If zip->msg != NULL
+    // then the error was a zip format error and zip->msg has the error text.
+    // Always pass in -1 for knownTotal; it's used for a recursive call.
+    private byte[] initCEN() throws IOException {
+        end = findEND();
+        // position of first LOC header (usually 0)
+        long locpos;
+        if (end.endpos == 0) {
+            inodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(10);
+            locpos = 0;
+            buildNodeTree();
+            return null;         // only END header present
+        }
+        if (end.cenlen > end.endpos)
+            zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory size)");
+        long cenpos = end.endpos - end.cenlen;     // position of CEN table
+        // Get position of first local file (LOC) header, taking into
+        // account that there may be a stub prefixed to the zip file.
+        locpos = cenpos - end.cenoff;
+        if (locpos < 0)
+            zerror("invalid END header (bad central directory offset)");
+        // read in the CEN and END
+        byte[] cen = new byte[(int)(end.cenlen + ENDHDR)];
+        if (readFullyAt(cen, 0, cen.length, cenpos) != end.cenlen + ENDHDR) {
+            zerror("read CEN tables failed");
+        }
+        // Iterate through the entries in the central directory
+        inodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(end.centot + 1);
+        int pos = 0;
+        int limit = cen.length - ENDHDR;
+        while (pos < limit) {
+            if (CENSIG(cen, pos) != CENSIG)
+                zerror("invalid CEN header (bad signature)");
+            int method = CENHOW(cen, pos);
+            int nlen   = CENNAM(cen, pos);
+            int elen   = CENEXT(cen, pos);
+            int clen   = CENCOM(cen, pos);
+            if ((CENFLG(cen, pos) & 1) != 0)
+                zerror("invalid CEN header (encrypted entry)");
+            if (method != METHOD_STORED && method != METHOD_DEFLATED)
+                zerror("invalid CEN header (unsupported compression method: " + method + ")");
+            if (pos + CENHDR + nlen > limit)
+                zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)");
+            byte[] name = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos + CENHDR, pos + CENHDR + nlen);
+            IndexNode inode = new IndexNode(name, pos);
+            inodes.put(inode, inode);
+            // skip ext and comment
+            pos += (CENHDR + nlen + elen + clen);
+        }
+        if (pos + ENDHDR != cen.length) {
+            zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)");
+        }
+        buildNodeTree();
+        return cen;
+    }
+    private END findEND() throws IOException
+    {
+        byte[] buf = new byte[READBLOCKSZ];
+        long ziplen = ch.size();
+        long minHDR = (ziplen - END_MAXLEN) > 0 ? ziplen - END_MAXLEN : 0;
+        long minPos = minHDR - (buf.length - ENDHDR);
+        for (long pos = ziplen - buf.length; pos >= minPos; pos -= (buf.length - ENDHDR))
+        {
+            int off = 0;
+            if (pos < 0) {
+                // Pretend there are some NUL bytes before start of file
+                off = (int)-pos;
+                Arrays.fill(buf, 0, off, (byte)0);
+            }
+            int len = buf.length - off;
+            if (readFullyAt(buf, off, len, pos + off) != len)
+                zerror("zip END header not found");
+            // Now scan the block backwards for END header signature
+            for (int i = buf.length - ENDHDR; i >= 0; i--) {
+                if (buf[i+0] == (byte)'P'    &&
+                        buf[i+1] == (byte)'K'    &&
+                        buf[i+2] == (byte)'\005' &&
+                        buf[i+3] == (byte)'\006' &&
+                        (pos + i + ENDHDR + ENDCOM(buf, i) == ziplen)) {
+                    // Found END header
+                    buf = Arrays.copyOfRange(buf, i, i + ENDHDR);
+                    END end = new END();
+                    end.endsub = ENDSUB(buf);
+                    end.centot = ENDTOT(buf);
+                    end.cenlen = ENDSIZ(buf);
+                    end.cenoff = ENDOFF(buf);
+                    end.comlen = ENDCOM(buf);
+                    end.endpos = pos + i;
+                    if (end.cenlen == ZIP64_MINVAL ||
+                            end.cenoff == ZIP64_MINVAL ||
+                            end.centot == ZIP64_MINVAL32)
+                    {
+                        // need to find the zip64 end;
+                        byte[] loc64 = new byte[ZIP64_LOCHDR];
+                        if (readFullyAt(loc64, 0, loc64.length, end.endpos - ZIP64_LOCHDR)
+                                != loc64.length) {
+                            return end;
+                        }
+                        long end64pos = ZIP64_LOCOFF(loc64);
+                        byte[] end64buf = new byte[ZIP64_ENDHDR];
+                        if (readFullyAt(end64buf, 0, end64buf.length, end64pos)
+                                != end64buf.length) {
+                            return end;
+                        }
+                        // end64 found, re-calcualte everything.
+                        end.cenlen = ZIP64_ENDSIZ(end64buf);
+                        end.cenoff = ZIP64_ENDOFF(end64buf);
+                        end.centot = (int)ZIP64_ENDTOT(end64buf); // assume total < 2g
+                        end.endpos = end64pos;
+                    }
+                    return end;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        zerror("zip END header not found");
+        return null; //make compiler happy
+    }
+    // Internal node that links a "name" to its pos in cen table.
+    // The node itself can be used as a "key" to lookup itself in
+    // the HashMap inodes.
+    static class IndexNode {
+        byte[] name;
+        int    hashcode;  // node is hashable/hashed by its name
+        int    pos = -1;  // position in cen table, -1 menas the
+        String nameAsString;
+        // entry does not exists in zip file
+        IndexNode(byte[] name, int pos) {
+            setName(name);
+            this.pos = pos;
+        }
+        static IndexNode keyOf(byte[] name) { // get a lookup key;
+            return new IndexNode(name, -1);
+        }
+        public final void setName(byte[] name) {
+            this.name = name;
+            this.hashcode = Arrays.hashCode(name);
+        }
+        public final String getName() {
+            if (nameAsString == null) {
+                this.nameAsString = new String(name);
+            }
+            return this.nameAsString;
+        }
+        final IndexNode as(byte[] name) {           // reuse the node, mostly
+            setName(name);                             // as a lookup "key"
+            return this;
+        }
+        public boolean equals(Object other) {
+            if (!(other instanceof IndexNode)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            return Arrays.equals(name, ((IndexNode)other).name);
+        }
+        public int hashCode() {
+            return hashcode;
+        }
+        IndexNode() {}
+        IndexNode sibling;
+        IndexNode child;  // 1st child
+    }
+    private static void zerror(String msg) {
+        throw new ZipError(msg);
+    }
+    private void buildNodeTree() {
+        HashSet<IndexNode> dirs = new HashSet<>();
+        IndexNode root = new IndexNode(ROOTPATH, -1);
+        inodes.put(root, root);
+        dirs.add(root);
+        for (IndexNode node : inodes.keySet().toArray(new IndexNode[0])) {
+            addToTree(node, dirs);
+        }
+    }
+    // ZIP directory has two issues:
+    // (1) ZIP spec does not require the ZIP file to include
+    //     directory entry
+    // (2) all entries are not stored/organized in a "tree"
+    //     structure.
+    // A possible solution is to build the node tree ourself as
+    // implemented below.
+    private void addToTree(IndexNode inode, HashSet<IndexNode> dirs) {
+        if (dirs.contains(inode)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        IndexNode parent;
+        byte[] name = inode.name;
+        byte[] pname = getParent(name);
+        if (inodes.containsKey(LOOKUPKEY.as(pname))) {
+            parent = inodes.get(LOOKUPKEY);
+        } else {    // pseudo directory entry
+            parent = new IndexNode(pname, -1);
+            inodes.put(parent, parent);
+        }
+        addToTree(parent, dirs);
+        inode.sibling = parent.child;
+        parent.child = inode;
+        if (name[name.length -1] == '/')
+            dirs.add(inode);
+    }
+    private static byte[] getParent(byte[] path) {
+        int off = path.length - 1;
+        if (off > 0 && path[off] == '/')  // isDirectory
+            off--;
+        while (off > 0 && path[off] != '/') { off--; }
+        if (off <= 0)
+            return ROOTPATH;
+        return Arrays.copyOf(path, off + 1);
+    }
+    // Reads len bytes of data from the specified offset into buf.
+    // Returns the total number of bytes read.
+    // Each/every byte read from here (except the cen, which is mapped).
+    private long readFullyAt(byte[] buf, int off, long len, long pos) throws IOException
+    {
+        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
+        bb.position(off);
+        bb.limit((int)(off + len));
+        return readFullyAt(bb, pos);
+    }
+    private long readFullyAt(ByteBuffer bb, long pos) throws IOException
+    {
+        return ch.position(pos).read(bb);
+    }
+    // End of central directory record
+    static class END {
+        int  endsub;     // endsub
+        int  centot;     // 4 bytes
+        long cenlen;     // 4 bytes
+        long cenoff;     // 4 bytes
+        int  comlen;     // comment length
+        byte[] comment;
+        /* members of Zip64 end of central directory locator */
+        long endpos;
+        void write(OutputStream os, long offset) throws IOException {
+            boolean hasZip64 = false;
+            long xlen = cenlen;
+            long xoff = cenoff;
+            if (xlen >= ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                xlen = ZIP64_MINVAL;
+                hasZip64 = true;
+            }
+            if (xoff >= ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                xoff = ZIP64_MINVAL;
+                hasZip64 = true;
+            }
+            int count = centot;
+            if (count >= ZIP64_MINVAL32) {
+                count = ZIP64_MINVAL32;
+                hasZip64 = true;
+            }
+            if (hasZip64) {
+                long off64 = offset;
+                //zip64 end of central directory record
+                writeInt(os, ZIP64_ENDSIG);       // zip64 END record signature
+                writeLong(os, ZIP64_ENDHDR - 12); // size of zip64 end
+                writeShort(os, 45);               // version made by
+                writeShort(os, 45);               // version needed to extract
+                writeInt(os, 0);                  // number of this disk
+                writeInt(os, 0);                  // central directory start disk
+                writeLong(os, centot);            // number of directory entires on disk
+                writeLong(os, centot);            // number of directory entires
+                writeLong(os, cenlen);            // length of central directory
+                writeLong(os, cenoff);            // offset of central directory
+                //zip64 end of central directory locator
+                writeInt(os, ZIP64_LOCSIG);       // zip64 END locator signature
+                writeInt(os, 0);                  // zip64 END start disk
+                writeLong(os, off64);             // offset of zip64 END
+                writeInt(os, 1);                  // total number of disks (?)
+            }
+            writeInt(os, ENDSIG);                 // END record signature
+            writeShort(os, 0);                    // number of this disk
+            writeShort(os, 0);                    // central directory start disk
+            writeShort(os, count);                // number of directory entries on disk
+            writeShort(os, count);                // total number of directory entries
+            writeInt(os, xlen);                   // length of central directory
+            writeInt(os, xoff);                   // offset of central directory
+            if (comment != null) {            // zip file comment
+                writeShort(os, comment.length);
+                writeBytes(os, comment);
+            } else {
+                writeShort(os, 0);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public static class Entry extends IndexNode {
+        // entry attributes
+        int    version;
+        int    flag;
+        int    method = -1;    // compression method
+        long   mtime  = -1;    // last modification time (in DOS time)
+        long   atime  = -1;    // last access time
+        long   ctime  = -1;    // create time
+        long   crc    = -1;    // crc-32 of entry data
+        long   csize  = -1;    // compressed size of entry data
+        long   size   = -1;    // uncompressed size of entry data
+        byte[] extra;
+        // cen
+        int    versionMade;
+        int    disk;
+        int    attrs;
+        long   attrsEx;
+        long   locoff;
+        byte[] comment;
+        Entry() {}
+        public final long getLastModifiedTime() {
+            return mtime;
+        }
+        public final long getEntryOffset() {
+            return locoff;
+        }
+        public final  void setEntryOffset(long value) {
+            this.locoff = value;
+        }
+        int version() throws ZipException {
+            if (method == METHOD_DEFLATED)
+                return 20;
+            else if (method == METHOD_STORED)
+                return 10;
+            throw new ZipException("unsupported compression method");
+        }
+        ///////////////////// CEN //////////////////////
+        static Entry readCEN(ZipCentralDir zipfs, int pos)
+                throws IOException
+        {
+            return new Entry().cen(zipfs, pos);
+        }
+        private Entry cen(ZipCentralDir zipfs, int pos)
+                throws IOException
+        {
+            byte[] cen = zipfs.cen;
+            if (CENSIG(cen, pos) != CENSIG)
+                zerror("invalid CEN header (bad signature)");
+            versionMade = CENVEM(cen, pos);
+            version     = CENVER(cen, pos);
+            flag        = CENFLG(cen, pos);
+            method      = CENHOW(cen, pos);
+            mtime       = dosToJavaTime(CENTIM(cen, pos));
+            crc         = CENCRC(cen, pos);
+            csize       = CENSIZ(cen, pos);
+            size        = CENLEN(cen, pos);
+            int nlen    = CENNAM(cen, pos);
+            int elen    = CENEXT(cen, pos);
+            int clen    = CENCOM(cen, pos);
+            disk        = CENDSK(cen, pos);
+            attrs       = CENATT(cen, pos);
+            attrsEx     = CENATX(cen, pos);
+            locoff      = CENOFF(cen, pos);
+            pos += CENHDR;
+            setName(Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos, pos + nlen));
+            pos += nlen;
+            if (elen > 0) {
+                extra = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos, pos + elen);
+                pos += elen;
+                readExtra(zipfs);
+            }
+            if (clen > 0) {
+                comment = Arrays.copyOfRange(cen, pos, pos + clen);
+            }
+            return this;
+        }
+        int writeCEN(OutputStream os) throws IOException
+        {
+            int version0 = version();
+            long csize0  = csize;
+            long size0   = size;
+            long locoff0 = locoff;
+            int elen64   = 0;                // extra for ZIP64
+            int elenNTFS = 0;                // extra for NTFS (a/c/mtime)
+            int elenEXTT = 0;                // extra for Extended Timestamp
+            boolean foundExtraTime = false;  // if time stamp NTFS, EXTT present
+            // confirm size/length
+            int nlen = (name != null) ? name.length : 0;
+            int elen = (extra != null) ? extra.length : 0;
+            int eoff = 0;
+            int clen = (comment != null) ? comment.length : 0;
+            if (csize >= ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                csize0 = ZIP64_MINVAL;
+                elen64 += 8;                 // csize(8)
+            }
+            if (size >= ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                size0 = ZIP64_MINVAL;        // size(8)
+                elen64 += 8;
+            }
+            if (locoff >= ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                locoff0 = ZIP64_MINVAL;
+                elen64 += 8;                 // offset(8)
+            }
+            if (elen64 != 0) {
+                elen64 += 4;                 // header and data sz 4 bytes
+            }
+            while (eoff + 4 < elen) {
+                int tag = SH(extra, eoff);
+                int sz = SH(extra, eoff + 2);
+                if (tag == EXTID_EXTT || tag == EXTID_NTFS) {
+                    foundExtraTime = true;
+                }
+                eoff += (4 + sz);
+            }
+            if (!foundExtraTime) {
+                if (isWindows) {             // use NTFS
+                    elenNTFS = 36;           // total 36 bytes
+                } else {                     // Extended Timestamp otherwise
+                    elenEXTT = 9;            // only mtime in cen
+                }
+            }
+            writeInt(os, CENSIG);            // CEN header signature
+            if (elen64 != 0) {
+                writeShort(os, 45);          // ver 4.5 for zip64
+                writeShort(os, 45);
+            } else {
+                writeShort(os, version0);    // version made by
+                writeShort(os, version0);    // version needed to extract
+            }
+            writeShort(os, flag);            // general purpose bit flag
+            writeShort(os, method);          // compression method
+            // last modification time
+            writeInt(os, (int)javaToDosTime(mtime));
+            writeInt(os, crc);               // crc-32
+            writeInt(os, csize0);            // compressed size
+            writeInt(os, size0);             // uncompressed size
+            writeShort(os, name.length);
+            writeShort(os, elen + elen64 + elenNTFS + elenEXTT);
+            if (comment != null) {
+                writeShort(os, Math.min(clen, 0xffff));
+            } else {
+                writeShort(os, 0);
+            }
+            writeShort(os, 0);              // starting disk number
+            writeShort(os, 0);              // internal file attributes (unused)
+            writeInt(os, 0);                // external file attributes (unused)
+            writeInt(os, locoff0);          // relative offset of local header
+            writeBytes(os, name);
+            if (elen64 != 0) {
+                writeShort(os, EXTID_ZIP64);// Zip64 extra
+                writeShort(os, elen64 - 4); // size of "this" extra block
+                if (size0 == ZIP64_MINVAL)
+                    writeLong(os, size);
+                if (csize0 == ZIP64_MINVAL)
+                    writeLong(os, csize);
+                if (locoff0 == ZIP64_MINVAL)
+                    writeLong(os, locoff);
+            }
+            if (elenNTFS != 0) {
+                writeShort(os, EXTID_NTFS);
+                writeShort(os, elenNTFS - 4);
+                writeInt(os, 0);            // reserved
+                writeShort(os, 0x0001);     // NTFS attr tag
+                writeShort(os, 24);
+                writeLong(os, javaToWinTime(mtime));
+                writeLong(os, javaToWinTime(atime));
+                writeLong(os, javaToWinTime(ctime));
+            }
+            if (elenEXTT != 0) {
+                writeShort(os, EXTID_EXTT);
+                writeShort(os, elenEXTT - 4);
+                if (ctime == -1)
+                    os.write(0x3);          // mtime and atime
+                else
+                    os.write(0x7);          // mtime, atime and ctime
+                writeInt(os, javaToUnixTime(mtime));
+            }
+            if (extra != null)              // whatever not recognized
+                writeBytes(os, extra);
+            if (comment != null)            //TBD: 0, Math.min(commentBytes.length, 0xffff));
+                writeBytes(os, comment);
+            return CENHDR + nlen + elen + clen + elen64 + elenNTFS + elenEXTT;
+        }
+        ///////////////////// LOC //////////////////////
+        // read NTFS, UNIX and ZIP64 data from cen.extra
+        void readExtra(ZipCentralDir zipfs) throws IOException {
+            if (extra == null)
+                return;
+            int elen = extra.length;
+            int off = 0;
+            int newOff = 0;
+            while (off + 4 < elen) {
+                // extra spec: HeaderID+DataSize+Data
+                int pos = off;
+                int tag = SH(extra, pos);
+                int sz = SH(extra, pos + 2);
+                pos += 4;
+                if (pos + sz > elen)         // invalid data
+                    break;
+                switch (tag) {
+                    case EXTID_ZIP64 :
+                        if (size == ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                            if (pos + 8 > elen)  // invalid zip64 extra
+                                break;           // fields, just skip
+                            size = LL(extra, pos);
+                            pos += 8;
+                        }
+                        if (csize == ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                            if (pos + 8 > elen)
+                                break;
+                            csize = LL(extra, pos);
+                            pos += 8;
+                        }
+                        if (locoff == ZIP64_MINVAL) {
+                            if (pos + 8 > elen)
+                                break;
+                            locoff = LL(extra, pos);
+                            pos += 8;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case EXTID_NTFS:
+                        if (sz < 32)
+                            break;
+                        pos += 4;    // reserved 4 bytes
+                        if (SH(extra, pos) !=  0x0001)
+                            break;
+                        if (SH(extra, pos + 2) != 24)
+                            break;
+                        // override the loc field, datatime here is
+                        // more "accurate"
+                        mtime  = winToJavaTime(LL(extra, pos + 4));
+                        atime  = winToJavaTime(LL(extra, pos + 12));
+                        ctime  = winToJavaTime(LL(extra, pos + 20));
+                        break;
+                    case EXTID_EXTT:
+                        // spec says the Extened timestamp in cen only has mtime
+                        // need to read the loc to get the extra a/ctime
+                        byte[] buf = new byte[LOCHDR];
+                        if (zipfs.readFullyAt(buf, 0, buf.length , locoff)
+                                != buf.length)
+                            throw new ZipException("loc: reading failed");
+                        if (LOCSIG(buf) != LOCSIG)
+                            throw new ZipException("loc: wrong sig ->"
+                                    + Long.toString(LOCSIG(buf), 16));
+                        int locElen = LOCEXT(buf);
+                        if (locElen < 9)    // EXTT is at lease 9 bytes
+                            break;
+                        int locNlen = LOCNAM(buf);
+                        buf = new byte[locElen];
+                        if (zipfs.readFullyAt(buf, 0, buf.length , locoff + LOCHDR + locNlen)
+                                != buf.length)
+                            throw new ZipException("loc extra: reading failed");
+                        int locPos = 0;
+                        while (locPos + 4 < buf.length) {
+                            int locTag = SH(buf, locPos);
+                            int locSZ  = SH(buf, locPos + 2);
+                            locPos += 4;
+                            if (locTag  != EXTID_EXTT) {
+                                locPos += locSZ;
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                            int flag = CH(buf, locPos++);
+                            if ((flag & 0x1) != 0) {
+                                mtime = unixToJavaTime(LG(buf, locPos));
+                                locPos += 4;
+                            }
+                            if ((flag & 0x2) != 0) {
+                                atime = unixToJavaTime(LG(buf, locPos));
+                                locPos += 4;
+                            }
+                            if ((flag & 0x4) != 0) {
+                                ctime = unixToJavaTime(LG(buf, locPos));
+                                locPos += 4;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    default:    // unknown tag
+                        System.arraycopy(extra, off, extra, newOff, sz + 4);
+                        newOff += (sz + 4);
+                }
+                off += (sz + 4);
+            }
+            if (newOff != 0 && newOff != extra.length)
+                extra = Arrays.copyOf(extra, newOff);
+            else
+                extra = null;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipConstants.java b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipConstants.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abfd6d072b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipConstants.java
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ *   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *   - Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of its
+ *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *     from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ * This source code is provided to illustrate the usage of a given feature
+ * or technique and has been deliberately simplified. Additional steps
+ * required for a production-quality application, such as security checks,
+ * input validation and proper error handling, might not be present in
+ * this sample code.
+ */
+package sbt.internal.inc.zip;
+ *
+ * @author Xueming Shen
+ */
+class ZipConstants {
+    /*
+     * Compression methods
+     */
+    static final int METHOD_STORED     = 0;
+    static final int METHOD_DEFLATED   = 8;
+    /*
+     * Header signatures
+     */
+    static long LOCSIG = 0x04034b50L;   // "PK\003\004"
+    static long CENSIG = 0x02014b50L;   // "PK\001\002"
+    static long ENDSIG = 0x06054b50L;   // "PK\005\006"
+    /*
+     * Header sizes in bytes (including signatures)
+     */
+    static final int LOCHDR = 30;       // LOC header size
+    static final int CENHDR = 46;       // CEN header size
+    static final int ENDHDR = 22;       // END header size
+    /*
+     * ZIP64 constants
+     */
+    static final long ZIP64_ENDSIG = 0x06064b50L;  // "PK\006\006"
+    static final long ZIP64_LOCSIG = 0x07064b50L;  // "PK\006\007"
+    static final int  ZIP64_ENDHDR = 56;           // ZIP64 end header size
+    static final int  ZIP64_LOCHDR = 20;           // ZIP64 end loc header size
+    static final int  ZIP64_MINVAL32 = 0xFFFF;
+    static final long ZIP64_MINVAL = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
+    /*
+     * Extra field header ID
+     */
+    static final int  EXTID_ZIP64 = 0x0001;      // ZIP64
+    static final int  EXTID_NTFS  = 0x000a;      // NTFS
+    static final int  EXTID_EXTT  = 0x5455;      // Info-ZIP Extended Timestamp
+    /*
+     * fields access methods
+     */
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    static final int CH(byte[] b, int n) {
+        return Byte.toUnsignedInt(b[n]);
+    }
+    static final int SH(byte[] b, int n) {
+        return Byte.toUnsignedInt(b[n]) | (Byte.toUnsignedInt(b[n + 1]) << 8);
+    }
+    static final long LG(byte[] b, int n) {
+        return ((SH(b, n)) | (SH(b, n + 2) << 16)) & 0xffffffffL;
+    }
+    static final long LL(byte[] b, int n) {
+        return (LG(b, n)) | (LG(b, n + 4) << 32);
+    }
+    static final long GETSIG(byte[] b) {
+        return LG(b, 0);
+    }
+    // local file (LOC) header fields
+    static final long LOCSIG(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 0); } // signature
+    static final int  LOCNAM(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 26);} // filename length
+    static final int  LOCEXT(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 28);} // extra field length
+    // end of central directory header (END) fields
+    static final int  ENDSUB(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 8); }  // number of entries on this disk
+    static final int  ENDTOT(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 10);}  // total number of entries
+    static final long ENDSIZ(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 12);}  // central directory size
+    static final long ENDOFF(byte[] b) { return LG(b, 16);}  // central directory offset
+    static final int  ENDCOM(byte[] b) { return SH(b, 20);}  // size of zip file comment
+    static final int  ENDCOM(byte[] b, int off) { return SH(b, off + 20);}
+    // zip64 end of central directory recoder fields
+    static final long ZIP64_ENDTOD(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 24);}  // total number of entries on disk
+    static final long ZIP64_ENDTOT(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 32);}  // total number of entries
+    static final long ZIP64_ENDSIZ(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 40);}  // central directory size
+    static final long ZIP64_ENDOFF(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 48);}  // central directory offset
+    static final long ZIP64_LOCOFF(byte[] b) { return LL(b, 8);}   // zip64 end offset
+    // central directory header (CEN) fields
+    static final long CENSIG(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 0); }
+    static final int  CENVEM(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 4); }
+    static final int  CENVER(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 6); }
+    static final int  CENFLG(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 8); }
+    static final int  CENHOW(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 10);}
+    static final long CENTIM(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 12);}
+    static final long CENCRC(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 16);}
+    static final long CENSIZ(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 20);}
+    static final long CENLEN(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 24);}
+    static final int  CENNAM(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 28);}
+    static final int  CENEXT(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 30);}
+    static final int  CENCOM(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 32);}
+    static final int  CENDSK(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 34);}
+    static final int  CENATT(byte[] b, int pos) { return SH(b, pos + 36);}
+    static final long CENATX(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 38);}
+    static final long CENOFF(byte[] b, int pos) { return LG(b, pos + 42);}
+    /* The END header is followed by a variable length comment of size < 64k. */
+    static final long END_MAXLEN = 0xFFFF + ENDHDR;
+    static final int READBLOCKSZ = 128;
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipUtils.java b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipUtils.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffc6c30c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/java/sbt/internal/inc/zip/ZipUtils.java
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ *   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ *   - Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of its
+ *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *     from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ * This source code is provided to illustrate the usage of a given feature
+ * or technique and has been deliberately simplified. Additional steps
+ * required for a production-quality application, such as security checks,
+ * input validation and proper error handling, might not be present in
+ * this sample code.
+ */
+package sbt.internal.inc.zip;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+ *
+ * @author Xueming Shen
+ */
+class ZipUtils {
+    /*
+     * Writes a 16-bit short to the output stream in little-endian byte order.
+     */
+    static void writeShort(OutputStream os, int v) throws IOException {
+        os.write(v & 0xff);
+        os.write((v >>> 8) & 0xff);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Writes a 32-bit int to the output stream in little-endian byte order.
+     */
+    static void writeInt(OutputStream os, long v) throws IOException {
+        os.write((int)(v & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>>  8) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 16) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 24) & 0xff));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Writes a 64-bit int to the output stream in little-endian byte order.
+     */
+    static void writeLong(OutputStream os, long v) throws IOException {
+        os.write((int)(v & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>>  8) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 16) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 24) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 32) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 40) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 48) & 0xff));
+        os.write((int)((v >>> 56) & 0xff));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Writes an array of bytes to the output stream.
+     */
+    static void writeBytes(OutputStream os, byte[] b)
+            throws IOException
+    {
+        os.write(b, 0, b.length);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Converts DOS time to Java time (number of milliseconds since epoch).
+     */
+    static long dosToJavaTime(long dtime) {
+        Date d = new Date((int)(((dtime >> 25) & 0x7f) + 80),
+                (int)(((dtime >> 21) & 0x0f) - 1),
+                (int)((dtime >> 16) & 0x1f),
+                (int)((dtime >> 11) & 0x1f),
+                (int)((dtime >> 5) & 0x3f),
+                (int)((dtime << 1) & 0x3e));
+        return d.getTime();
+    }
+    /*
+     * Converts Java time to DOS time.
+     */
+    static long javaToDosTime(long time) {
+        Date d = new Date(time);
+        int year = d.getYear() + 1900;
+        if (year < 1980) {
+            return (1 << 21) | (1 << 16);
+        }
+        return (year - 1980) << 25 | (d.getMonth() + 1) << 21 |
+                d.getDate() << 16 | d.getHours() << 11 | d.getMinutes() << 5 |
+                d.getSeconds() >> 1;
+    }
+    // used to adjust values between Windows and java epoch
+    private static final long WINDOWS_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECONDS = -11644473600000000L;
+    static long winToJavaTime(long wtime) {
+        return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(
+                wtime / 10 + WINDOWS_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECONDS, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
+    }
+    static long javaToWinTime(long time) {
+        return (TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+                - WINDOWS_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECONDS) * 10;
+    }
+    static long unixToJavaTime(long utime) {
+        return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(utime, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+    }
+    static long javaToUnixTime(long time) {
+        return TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+    }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipFsOps.scala b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipFsOps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23e068c4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipFsOps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package sbt.internal.inc
+import java.io.OutputStream
+import java.nio.file.Path
+import sbt.internal.inc.zip.ZipCentralDir
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ * The concrete implementation of [[sbt.internal.inc.IndexBasedZipOps]]
+ * based on [[sbt.internal.inc.zip.ZipCentralDir]].
+ */
+object IndexBasedZipFsOps extends IndexBasedZipOps {
+  override type CentralDir = ZipCentralDir
+  override type Header = ZipCentralDir.Entry
+  override protected def readCentralDir(path: Path): CentralDir = {
+    new ZipCentralDir(path)
+  }
+  override protected def getCentralDirStart(centralDir: CentralDir): Long = {
+    centralDir.getCentralDirStart
+  }
+  override protected def setCentralDirStart(centralDir: CentralDir, centralDirStart: Long): Unit = {
+    centralDir.setCentralDirStart(centralDirStart)
+  }
+  override protected def getHeaders(centralDir: CentralDir): Seq[Header] = {
+    centralDir.getHeaders.asScala
+  }
+  override protected def setHeaders(centralDir: CentralDir, headers: Seq[Header]): Unit = {
+    centralDir.setHeaders(new java.util.ArrayList[Header](headers.asJava))
+  }
+  override protected def getFileName(header: Header): String = {
+    header.getName
+  }
+  override protected def getFileOffset(header: Header): Long = {
+    header.getEntryOffset
+  }
+  override protected def setFileOffset(header: Header, offset: Long): Unit = {
+    header.setEntryOffset(offset)
+  }
+  override protected def getLastModifiedTime(header: Header): Long = {
+    header.getLastModifiedTime
+  }
+  override protected def writeCentralDir(centralDir: CentralDir,
+                                         outputStream: OutputStream): Unit = {
+    centralDir.dump(outputStream)
+  }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipOps.scala b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipOps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..573e2dbafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipOps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+package sbt.internal.inc
+import java.nio.channels.{ FileChannel, Channels, ReadableByteChannel }
+import java.io._
+import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path }
+import java.util.UUID
+import java.util.zip.{ Deflater, ZipOutputStream, ZipEntry }
+import sbt.io.{ IO, Using }
+ * Provides efficient implementation of operations on zip files * that are
+ * used for implementation of the Straight to Jar feature.
+ *
+ * The implementation is based on index (aka central directory) that is
+ * located at the end of the zip file and contains among others the name/path
+ * and offset where the actual data of stored file is located. Reading zips
+ * should always be done based on that index, which means that it is often enough
+ * to manipulate this index without rewriting the other part of the file.
+ * This class heavily relies on this fact.
+ *
+ * This class abstracts over the actual operations on index i.e. reading, manipulating
+ * and storing it making it easy to replace.
+ */
+abstract class IndexBasedZipOps extends CreateZip {
+  /**
+   * Reads timestamps of zip entries. On the first access to a given zip
+   * it reads the timestamps once and keeps them cached for future lookups.
+   *
+   * It only supports reading stamps from a single zip. The zip passed as
+   * an argument is only used to initialize the cache and is later ignored.
+   * This is enough as stamps are only read from the output jar.
+   */
+  final class CachedStamps(zip: File) {
+    private val cachedNameToTimestamp: Map[String, Long] = initializeCache(zip)
+    def getStamp(entry: String): Long = {
+      cachedNameToTimestamp.getOrElse(entry, 0)
+    }
+    private def initializeCache(zipFile: File): Map[String, Long] = {
+      if (zipFile.exists()) {
+        val centralDir = readCentralDir(zipFile.toPath)
+        val headers = getHeaders(centralDir)
+        headers.map(header => getFileName(header) -> getLastModifiedTime(header))(
+          collection.breakOut)
+      } else {
+        Map.empty
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Removes specified entries from given zip file by replacing current index
+   * with a version without those entries.
+   * @param zipFile the zip file to remove entries from
+   * @param entries paths to files inside the jar e.g. sbt/internal/inc/IndexBasedZipOps.class
+   */
+  def removeEntries(zipFile: File, entries: Iterable[String]): Unit = {
+    removeEntries(zipFile.toPath, entries.toSet)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merges two zip files. It works by appending contents of `from`
+   * to `into`. Indices are combined, in case of duplicates, the
+   * final entries that are used are from `from`.
+   * The final merged zip is available under `into` path, and `from`
+   * is deleted.
+   *
+   * @param into the target zip file to merge to
+   * @param from the source zip file that is added/merged to `into`
+   */
+  def mergeArchives(into: File, from: File): Unit = {
+    mergeArchives(into.toPath, from.toPath)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Adds `files` (plain files) to the specified zip file. Implemented by creating
+   * a new zip with the plain files. If `zipFile` already exists, the archives will
+   * be merged.
+   * Plain files are not removed after this operation.
+   *
+   * @param zipFile A zip file to add files to
+   * @param files a sequence of tuples with actual file to include and the path in
+   *             the zip where it should be put.
+   */
+  def includeInArchive(zipFile: File, files: Seq[(File, String)]): Unit = {
+    if (zipFile.exists()) {
+      val tempZip = zipFile.toPath.resolveSibling(s"${UUID.randomUUID()}.jar").toFile
+      createZip(tempZip, files)
+      mergeArchives(zipFile, tempZip)
+    } else {
+      createZip(zipFile, files)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reads the current index from given zip file
+   *
+   * @param zipFile path to the zip file
+   * @return current index
+   */
+  def readCentralDir(zipFile: File): CentralDir = {
+    readCentralDir(zipFile.toPath)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Replaces index inside the zip file.
+   *
+   * @param zipFile the zip file that should have the index updated
+   * @param centralDir the index to be stored in the file
+   */
+  def writeCentralDir(zipFile: File, centralDir: CentralDir): Unit = {
+    writeCentralDir(zipFile.toPath, centralDir)
+  }
+  def listEntries(zipFile: File): Seq[String] = {
+    val centralDir = readCentralDir(zipFile)
+    val headers = getHeaders(centralDir)
+    headers.map(getFileName)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Represents the central directory (index) of a zip file. It must contain the start offset
+   * (where it is located in the zip file) and list of headers
+   */
+  type CentralDir
+  /**
+   * Represents a header of a zip entry located inside the central directory. It has to contain
+   * the timestamp, name/path and offset to the actual data in zip file.
+   */
+  type Header
+  private def writeCentralDir(path: Path, newCentralDir: CentralDir): Unit = {
+    val currentCentralDir = readCentralDir(path)
+    val currentCentralDirStart = truncateCentralDir(currentCentralDir, path)
+    finalizeZip(newCentralDir, path, currentCentralDirStart)
+  }
+  private def removeEntries(path: Path, toRemove: Set[String]): Unit = {
+    val centralDir = readCentralDir(path)
+    removeEntriesFromCentralDir(centralDir, toRemove)
+    val writeOffset = truncateCentralDir(centralDir, path)
+    finalizeZip(centralDir, path, writeOffset)
+  }
+  private def removeEntriesFromCentralDir(centralDir: CentralDir, toRemove: Set[String]): Unit = {
+    val headers = getHeaders(centralDir)
+    val clearedHeaders = headers.filterNot(header => toRemove.contains(getFileName(header)))
+    setHeaders(centralDir, clearedHeaders)
+  }
+  private def mergeArchives(target: Path, source: Path): Unit = {
+    val targetCentralDir = readCentralDir(target)
+    val sourceCentralDir = readCentralDir(source)
+    // "source" will start where "target" ends
+    val sourceStart = truncateCentralDir(targetCentralDir, target)
+    // "source" data (files) is as long as from its beginning till the start of central dir
+    val sourceLength = getCentralDirStart(sourceCentralDir)
+    transferAll(source, target, startPos = sourceStart, bytesToTransfer = sourceLength)
+    val mergedHeaders = mergeHeaders(targetCentralDir, sourceCentralDir, sourceStart)
+    setHeaders(targetCentralDir, mergedHeaders)
+    val centralDirStart = sourceStart + sourceLength
+    finalizeZip(targetCentralDir, target, centralDirStart)
+    Files.delete(source)
+  }
+  private def mergeHeaders(
+      targetCentralDir: CentralDir,
+      sourceCentralDir: CentralDir,
+      sourceStart: Long
+  ): Seq[Header] = {
+    val sourceHeaders = getHeaders(sourceCentralDir)
+    sourceHeaders.foreach { header =>
+      // potentially offsets should be updated for each header
+      // not only in central directory but a valid zip tool
+      // should not rely on that unless the file is corrupted
+      val currentOffset = getFileOffset(header)
+      val newOffset = currentOffset + sourceStart
+      setFileOffset(header, newOffset)
+    }
+    // override files from target with files from source
+    val sourceNames = sourceHeaders.map(getFileName).toSet
+    val targetHeaders =
+      getHeaders(targetCentralDir).filterNot(h => sourceNames.contains(getFileName(h)))
+    targetHeaders ++ sourceHeaders
+  }
+  private def truncateCentralDir(centralDir: CentralDir, path: Path): Long = {
+    val sizeAfterTruncate = getCentralDirStart(centralDir)
+    new FileOutputStream(path.toFile, true).getChannel
+      .truncate(sizeAfterTruncate)
+      .close()
+    sizeAfterTruncate
+  }
+  private def finalizeZip(
+      centralDir: CentralDir,
+      path: Path,
+      centralDirStart: Long
+  ): Unit = {
+    setCentralDirStart(centralDir, centralDirStart)
+    val fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(path.toFile, /*append =*/ true)
+    fileOutputStream.getChannel.position(centralDirStart)
+    val outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOutputStream)
+    writeCentralDir(centralDir, outputStream)
+    outputStream.close()
+  }
+  private def transferAll(
+      source: Path,
+      target: Path,
+      startPos: Long,
+      bytesToTransfer: Long
+  ): Unit = {
+    val sourceFile = openFileForReading(source)
+    val targetFile = openFileForWriting(target)
+    var remaining = bytesToTransfer
+    var offset = startPos
+    while (remaining > 0) {
+      val transferred =
+        targetFile.transferFrom(sourceFile, /*position =*/ offset, /*count = */ remaining)
+      offset += transferred
+      remaining -= transferred
+    }
+    sourceFile.close()
+    targetFile.close()
+  }
+  private def openFileForReading(path: Path): ReadableByteChannel = {
+    Channels.newChannel(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(path)))
+  }
+  private def openFileForWriting(path: Path): FileChannel = {
+    new FileOutputStream(path.toFile, /*append = */ true).getChannel
+  }
+  protected def readCentralDir(path: Path): CentralDir
+  protected def getCentralDirStart(centralDir: CentralDir): Long
+  protected def setCentralDirStart(centralDir: CentralDir, centralDirStart: Long): Unit
+  protected def getHeaders(centralDir: CentralDir): Seq[Header]
+  protected def setHeaders(centralDir: CentralDir, headers: Seq[Header]): Unit
+  protected def getFileName(header: Header): String
+  protected def getFileOffset(header: Header): Long
+  protected def setFileOffset(header: Header, offset: Long): Unit
+  protected def getLastModifiedTime(header: Header): Long
+  protected def writeCentralDir(centralDir: CentralDir, outputStream: OutputStream): Unit
+// Adapted from sbt.io.IO.zip - disabled compression and simplified
+sealed trait CreateZip {
+  def createZip(target: File, files: Seq[(File, String)]): Unit = {
+    IO.createDirectory(target.getParentFile)
+    withZipOutput(target) { output =>
+      writeZip(files, output)
+    }
+  }
+  private def withZipOutput(file: File)(f: ZipOutputStream => Unit): Unit = {
+    Using.fileOutputStream()(file) { fileOut =>
+      val zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(fileOut)
+      zipOut.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED)
+      zipOut.setLevel(Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION)
+      try { f(zipOut) } finally { zipOut.close() }
+    }
+  }
+  private def writeZip(files: Seq[(File, String)], output: ZipOutputStream): Unit = {
+    val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
+    def makeFileEntry(name: String): ZipEntry = {
+      val entry = new ZipEntry(name)
+      entry.setTime(now)
+      entry
+    }
+    def addFileEntry(file: File, name: String): Unit = {
+      output.putNextEntry(makeFileEntry(name))
+      IO.transfer(file, output)
+      output.closeEntry()
+    }
+    files.foreach { case (file, name) => addFileEntry(file, normalizeName(name)) }
+  }
+  private def normalizeName(name: String): String = {
+    val sep = File.separatorChar
+    if (sep == '/') name else name.replace(sep, '/')
+  }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/JarUtils.scala b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/JarUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f5dbec15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/JarUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+package sbt.internal.inc
+import sbt.io.IO
+import java.util.zip.ZipFile
+import java.io.File
+import java.util.UUID
+import sbt.io.syntax.URL
+import xsbti.compile.{ Output, SingleOutput }
+ * This is a utility class that provides a set of functions that
+ * are used to implement straight to jar compilation.
+ *
+ *  [[xsbt.JarUtils]] is a class that has similar purpose and
+ *  duplicates some of the code, as it is difficult to share it.
+ */
+object JarUtils {
+  /** Represents a path to a class file located inside a jar, relative to this jar */
+  type ClassFilePath = String
+  /** `ClassInJar` is an identifier for a class located inside a jar.
+   * For plain class files it is enough to simply use the actual file
+   * system path. A class in a jar is identified as a path to the jar
+   * and path to the class within that jar (`RelClass`). Those two values
+   * are held in one string separated by `!`. Slashes in both
+   * paths are consistent with `File.separatorChar` as the actual
+   * string is usually kept in `File` object.
+   *
+   * As an example: given a jar file "C:\develop\zinc\target\output.jar"
+   * and a relative path to the class "sbt/internal/inc/Compile.class"
+   * The resulting identifier would be:
+   * "C:\develop\zinc\target\output.jar!sbt\internal\inc\Compile.class"
+   */
+  class ClassInJar(override val toString: String) extends AnyVal {
+    def toClassFilePath: ClassFilePath = splitJarReference._2
+    def splitJarReference: (File, ClassFilePath) = {
+      val Array(jar, cls) = toString.split("!")
+      // ClassInJar stores RelClass part with File.separatorChar, however actual paths in zips always use '/'
+      val classFilePath = cls.replace('\\', '/')
+      (new File(jar), classFilePath)
+    }
+    /**
+     * Wraps the string value inside a [[java.io.File]] object.
+     * File is needed to e.g. be compatible with [[xsbti.compile.analysis.ReadStamps]] interface.
+     */
+    def toFile: File = new File(toString)
+  }
+  object ClassInJar {
+    private val forwardSlash = File.separatorChar == '/'
+    /**
+     * The base constructor for `ClassInJar`
+     *
+     * @param jar the jar file
+     * @param cls the relative path to class within the jar
+     * @return a proper ClassInJar identified by given jar and path to class
+     */
+    def apply(jar: File, cls: ClassFilePath): ClassInJar = {
+      // This identifier will be stored as a java.io.File. Its constructor will normalize slashes
+      // which means that the identifier to be consistent should at all points have consistent
+      // slashes for safe comparisons, especially in sets or maps.
+      val classFilePath = if (forwardSlash) cls else cls.replace('/', File.separatorChar)
+      new ClassInJar(s"$jar!$classFilePath")
+    }
+    /**
+     * Converts an URL to a class in a jar to `ClassInJar`. The method is rather trivial
+     * as it also takes precomputed path to the jar that it logically should extract itself.
+     * However as it is computed at the callsite anyway, to avoid recomputation it is passed
+     * as a parameter/
+     *
+     * As an example, given a URL:
+     * "jar:file:///C:/develop/zinc/target/output.jar!/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.class"
+     * and a file: "C:\develop\zinc\target\output.jar"
+     * it will create a `ClassInJar` represented as:
+     * "C:\develop\zinc\target\output.jar!sbt\internal\inc\Compile.class"
+     *
+     * @param url url to a class inside a jar
+     * @param jar a jar file where the class is located in
+     * @return the class inside a jar represented as `ClassInJar`
+     */
+    def fromURL(url: URL, jar: File): ClassInJar = {
+      val Array(_, cls) = url.getPath.split("!/")
+      apply(jar, cls)
+    }
+    /** Initialized `ClassInJar` based on its serialized value stored inside a file */
+    def fromFile(f: File): ClassInJar = new ClassInJar(f.toString)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Options that have to be specified when running scalac in order
+   * for Straight to Jar to work properly.
+   *
+   * -YdisableFlatCpCaching is needed to disable caching the output jar
+   * that changes between compilation runs (incremental compilation cycles).
+   * Caching may hide those changes and lead into incorrect results.
+   */
+  val scalacOptions = Set("-YdisableFlatCpCaching")
+  /**
+   * Options that have to be specified when running javac in order
+   * for Straight to Jar to work properly.
+   *
+   * -XDuseOptimizedZip=false holds jars open that causes problems
+   * with locks on Windows.
+   */
+  val javacOptions = Set("-XDuseOptimizedZip=false")
+  /** Reads current index of a jar file to allow restoring it later with `unstashIndex` */
+  def stashIndex(jar: File): IndexBasedZipFsOps.CentralDir = {
+    IndexBasedZipFsOps.readCentralDir(jar)
+  }
+  /** Replaces index in given jar file with specified one */
+  def unstashIndex(jar: File, index: IndexBasedZipFsOps.CentralDir): Unit = {
+    IndexBasedZipFsOps.writeCentralDir(jar, index)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Adds plain files to specified jar file. See [[sbt.internal.inc.IndexBasedZipOps#includeInArchive]] for details.
+   */
+  def includeInJar(jar: File, files: Seq[(File, ClassFilePath)]): Unit = {
+    IndexBasedZipFsOps.includeInArchive(jar, files)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merges contents of two jars. See [[sbt.internal.inc.IndexBasedZipOps#mergeArchives]] for details.
+   */
+  def mergeJars(into: File, from: File): Unit = {
+    IndexBasedZipFsOps.mergeArchives(into, from)
+  }
+  /** Lists class file entries in jar e.g. sbt/internal/inc/JarUtils.class */
+  def listClassFiles(jar: File): Seq[String] = {
+    IndexBasedZipFsOps.listEntries(jar).filter(_.endsWith(".class"))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Removes specified entries from a jar file.
+   */
+  def removeFromJar(jarFile: File, classes: Iterable[ClassFilePath]): Unit = {
+    if (jarFile.exists()) {
+      IndexBasedZipFsOps.removeEntries(jarFile, classes)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reads all timestamps from given jar file. Returns a function that
+   * allows to access them by `ClassInJar` wrapped in `File`.
+   */
+  def readStamps(jar: File): File => Long = {
+    val stamps = new IndexBasedZipFsOps.CachedStamps(jar)
+    file =>
+      stamps.getStamp(ClassInJar.fromFile(file).toClassFilePath)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Runs the compilation with previous jar if required.
+   *
+   * When compiling directly to a jar, scalac will produce
+   * a jar file, if one exists it will be overwritten rather
+   * than updated. For sake of incremental compilation it
+   * is required to merge the output from previous compilation(s)
+   * and the current one. To make it work, the jar output from
+   * previous compilation is stored aside (renamed) to avoid
+   * overwrite. The compilation is run normally to the specified
+   * output jar. The produced output jar is then merged with
+   * jar from previous compilation(s).
+   *
+   * Classes from previous jar need to be available for the current
+   * compiler run - they need to be added to the classpath. This is
+   * implemented by taking a function that given additional classpath
+   * runs the compilation.
+   *
+   * If compilation fails, it does not produce a jar, the previous jar
+   * is simply reverted (moved to output jar path).
+   *
+   * If the previous output does not exist or the output is not a jar
+   * at all (JarUtils feature is disabled) this function runs a normal
+   * compilation.
+   *
+   * @param output output for scalac compilation
+   * @param callback analysis callback used to set previus jar
+   * @param compile function that given extra classpath for compiler runs the compilation
+   */
+  def withPreviousJar(output: Output)(compile: /*extra classpath: */ Seq[File] => Unit): Unit = {
+    preparePreviousJar(output) match {
+      case Some((prevJar, outputJar)) =>
+        try {
+          compile(Seq(prevJar))
+        } catch {
+          case e: Exception =>
+            IO.move(prevJar, outputJar)
+            throw e
+        }
+        cleanupPreviousJar(prevJar, outputJar)
+      case None =>
+        compile(Nil)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * If compilation to jar is enabled and previous jar existed
+   * will prepare the prev jar, i.e. move the existing output
+   * to temporary location. It will return tuple of the path
+   * to moved prev jar and path to output jar.
+   * The returned prev jar file should be added to the classpath
+   * of the compiler.
+   */
+  def preparePreviousJar(output: Output): Option[(File, File)] = {
+    getOutputJar(output)
+      .filter(_.exists())
+      .map { outputJar =>
+        val prevJar = createPrevJarPath()
+        IO.move(outputJar, prevJar)
+        (prevJar, outputJar)
+      }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Performs cleanup after successful compilation that involved
+   * previous jar. It merges the previous jar with the new output
+   * and puts the merged file back into output jar path.
+   * */
+  def cleanupPreviousJar(prevJar: File, outputJar: File): Unit = {
+    if (outputJar.exists()) {
+      JarUtils.mergeJars(into = prevJar, from = outputJar)
+    }
+    IO.move(prevJar, outputJar)
+  }
+  private var tempDir: File = _
+  /**
+   * Ensures that temporary directory exists.
+   *
+   * @param temporaryClassesDirectory path to temporary directory for classes.
+   *                                  If not specified, a default will be used.
+   */
+  def setupTempClassesDir(temporaryClassesDirectory: Option[File]): Unit = {
+    temporaryClassesDirectory match {
+      case Some(dir) =>
+        IO.createDirectory(dir)
+        tempDir = dir
+      case None =>
+        tempDir = new File(IO.temporaryDirectory, "zinc_temp_classes_dir")
+    }
+  }
+  private def createPrevJarPath(): File = {
+    val prevJarName = s"$prevJarPrefix-${UUID.randomUUID()}.jar"
+    tempDir.toPath.resolve(prevJarName).toFile
+  }
+  val prevJarPrefix: String = "prev-jar"
+  /** Checks if given file stores a ClassInJar */
+  def isClassInJar(file: File): Boolean = {
+    file.toString.split("!") match {
+      case Array(jar, _) => jar.endsWith(".jar")
+      case _             => false
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Determines if Straight to Jar compilations is enabled
+   * by inspecting if compilation output is a jar file
+   */
+  def isCompilingToJar(output: Output): Boolean = {
+    getOutputJar(output).isDefined
+  }
+  /** Extracts a jar file from the output if it is set to be a single jar. */
+  def getOutputJar(output: Output): Option[File] = {
+    output match {
+      case s: SingleOutput =>
+        Some(s.getOutputDirectory).filter(_.getName.endsWith(".jar"))
+      case _ => None
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * As javac does not support compiling directly to jar it is required to
+   * change its output to a directory that is temporary, as after compilation
+   * the plain classes are put into a zip file and merged with the output jar.
+   *
+   * This method returns path to this directory based on output jar. The result
+   * of this method has to be deterministic as it is called from different places
+   * independently.
+   */
+  def javacTempOutput(outputJar: File): File = {
+    val outJarName = outputJar.getName
+    val outDirName = outJarName + "-javac-output"
+    outputJar.toPath.resolveSibling(outDirName).toFile
+  }
+  /**
+   * The returned `OutputJarContent` object provides access
+   * to current content of output jar.
+   * It is prepared to be accessed from zinc's custom compiler
+   * phases. With some assumptions on how it works the content
+   * can be cached and read only when necessary.
+   *
+   * Implementation details:
+   * The content has to be `reset` before each zinc run. This
+   * sets the output and reads the current contents of output
+   * jar if it exists. The next reading will be necessary
+   * in xsbt-analyzer phase which is after jvm phase, so the
+   * jar with new contents will appear. To figure out that it
+   * is in that place, a call to `dependencyPhaseCompleted` is
+   * expected. As content is not accessed between dependency
+   * and analysis phases, we can be sure that we are after jvm.
+   * The contents of jar will not change until next scalac run
+   * (except for javac case) so we should not read the content.
+   * This is ensured by a call to `scalacRunCompleted` method.
+   * After scalac run, it is possible that javac will run, and
+   * its output will be added to the output jar. To have consistent
+   * state, after adding those classes `addClasses` should be called.
+   * Thanks to this we know what is the content of prev jar during
+   * the compilation, without the need to actually read it.
+   * The completion of next dependency phase will trigger reading
+   * the output jar again. Note that at the point of reading we
+   * have both prev jar and new output jar with just compiled classes
+   * so the contents of those (currently stored and just read) have
+   * bo be combined. Last thing to do is track class deletions
+   * while pruning between iterations, which is done through
+   * `removeClasses` method.
+   */
+  def createOutputJarContent(output: Output): OutputJarContent = {
+    getOutputJar(output) match {
+      case Some(jar) => new ValidOutputJarContent(jar)
+      case None      => NoOutputJar
+    }
+  }
+  sealed abstract class OutputJarContent {
+    def dependencyPhaseCompleted(): Unit
+    def scalacRunCompleted(): Unit
+    def addClasses(classes: Set[ClassFilePath]): Unit
+    def removeClasses(classes: Set[ClassFilePath]): Unit
+    def get(): Set[ClassFilePath]
+  }
+  private object NoOutputJar extends OutputJarContent {
+    def dependencyPhaseCompleted(): Unit = ()
+    def scalacRunCompleted(): Unit = ()
+    def addClasses(classes: Set[ClassFilePath]): Unit = ()
+    def removeClasses(classes: Set[ClassFilePath]): Unit = ()
+    def get(): Set[ClassFilePath] = Set.empty
+  }
+  private class ValidOutputJarContent(outputJar: File) extends OutputJarContent {
+    private var content: Set[ClassFilePath] = Set.empty
+    private var shouldReadJar: Boolean = false
+    update()
+    def dependencyPhaseCompleted(): Unit = {
+      shouldReadJar = true
+    }
+    def scalacRunCompleted(): Unit = {
+      shouldReadJar = false
+    }
+    def addClasses(classes: Set[ClassFilePath]): Unit = {
+      content ++= classes
+    }
+    def removeClasses(classes: Set[ClassFilePath]): Unit = {
+      content --= classes
+    }
+    def get(): Set[ClassFilePath] = {
+      if (shouldReadJar) update()
+      shouldReadJar = false
+      content
+    }
+    private def update(): Unit = {
+      if (outputJar.exists()) {
+        content ++= JarUtils.listClassFiles(outputJar).toSet
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Methods below are only used for test code. They are not optimized for performance. */
+  /** Reads timestamp of given jared class */
+  def readModifiedTime(jc: ClassInJar): Long = {
+    val (jar, cls) = jc.splitJarReference
+    if (jar.exists()) {
+      withZipFile(jar) { zip =>
+        Option(zip.getEntry(cls)).map(_.getLastModifiedTime.toMillis).getOrElse(0)
+      }
+    } else 0
+  }
+  /** Checks if given jared class exists */
+  def exists(jc: ClassInJar): Boolean = {
+    val (jar, cls) = jc.splitJarReference
+    jar.exists() && {
+      withZipFile(jar)(zip => zip.getEntry(cls) != null)
+    }
+  }
+  private def withZipFile[A](zip: File)(f: ZipFile => A): A = {
+    val file = new ZipFile(zip)
+    try f(file)
+    finally file.close()
+  }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Analyze.scala b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Analyze.scala
index 94a6e9c903..6a5aa7357f 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Analyze.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Analyze.scala
@@ -15,17 +15,26 @@ import mutable.{ ArrayBuffer, Buffer }
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
 import java.io.File
 import java.net.URL
 import xsbti.api.DependencyContext
 import xsbti.api.DependencyContext._
 import sbt.io.IO
 import sbt.util.Logger
+import xsbti.compile.{ Output, SingleOutput }
 private[sbt] object Analyze {
-  def apply[T](newClasses: Seq[File], sources: Seq[File], log: Logger)(
+  def apply[T](newClasses: Seq[File],
+               sources: Seq[File],
+               log: Logger,
+               output: Output,
+               finalJarOutput: Option[File])(
       analysis: xsbti.AnalysisCallback,
       loader: ClassLoader,
       readAPI: (File, Seq[Class[_]]) => Set[(String, String)]): Unit = {
     val sourceMap = sources.toSet[File].groupBy(_.getName)
+    // For performance reasons, precompute these as they are static throughout this analysis
+    val outputJarOrNull: File = finalJarOutput.getOrElse(null)
+    val singleOutputOrNull: File = output.getSingleOutput.orElse(null)
     def load(tpe: String, errMsg: => Option[String]): Option[Class[_]] = {
       if (tpe.endsWith("module-info")) None
@@ -67,11 +76,16 @@ private[sbt] object Analyze {
       val srcClassName = loadEnclosingClass(loadedClass)
+      val finalClassFile = {
+        if (singleOutputOrNull == null || outputJarOrNull == null) newClass
+        else resolveFinalClassFile(newClass, singleOutputOrNull, outputJarOrNull, log)
+      }
       srcClassName match {
         case Some(className) =>
-          analysis.generatedNonLocalClass(source, newClass, binaryClassName, className)
+          analysis.generatedNonLocalClass(source, finalClassFile, binaryClassName, className)
           classNames += className
-        case None => analysis.generatedLocalClass(source, newClass)
+        case None => analysis.generatedLocalClass(source, finalClassFile)
       sourceToClassFiles(source) += classFile
@@ -110,7 +124,7 @@ private[sbt] object Analyze {
         def loadFromClassloader(): Option[File] = {
           for {
             url <- Option(loader.getResource(classNameToClassFile(onBinaryName)))
-            file <- urlAsFile(url, log)
+            file <- urlAsFile(url, log, finalJarOutput)
           } yield { classfilesCache(onBinaryName) = file; file }
@@ -122,8 +136,18 @@ private[sbt] object Analyze {
                 analysis.classDependency(scalaLikeTypeName, fromClassName, context)
               } else {
                 val cachedOrigin = classfilesCache.get(onBinaryName)
-                for (file <- cachedOrigin.orElse(loadFromClassloader()))
-                  analysis.binaryDependency(file, onBinaryName, fromClassName, source, context)
+                for (file <- cachedOrigin.orElse(loadFromClassloader())) {
+                  val binaryFile = {
+                    if (singleOutputOrNull == null || outputJarOrNull == null) file
+                    else resolveFinalClassFile(file, singleOutputOrNull, outputJarOrNull, log)
+                  }
+                  analysis.binaryDependency(binaryFile,
+                                            onBinaryName,
+                                            fromClassName,
+                                            source,
+                                            context)
+                }
           case None => // It could be a stale class file, ignore
@@ -168,13 +192,53 @@ private[sbt] object Analyze {
-  private[this] def urlAsFile(url: URL, log: Logger): Option[File] =
-    try IO.urlAsFile(url)
+  /**
+   * When straight-to-jar compilation is enabled, classes are compiled to a temporary directory
+   * because javac cannot compile to jar directly. The paths to class files that can be observed
+   * here through the file system or class loaders are located in temporary output directory for
+   * javac. As this output will be eventually included in the output jar (`finalJarOutput`), the
+   * analysis (products) have to be changed accordingly.
+   *
+   * Given `finalJarOutput = Some("/develop/zinc/target/output.jar")` and
+   * `output = "/develop/zinc/target/output.jar-javac-output"`, this method turns
+   *   `/develop/zinc/target/output.jar-javac-output/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.class`
+   * into
+   *   `/develop/zinc/target/output.jar!/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.class`
+   */
+  private def resolveFinalClassFile(
+      realClassFile: File,
+      outputDir: File,
+      outputJar: File,
+      log: Logger
+  ): File = {
+    IO.relativize(outputDir, realClassFile) match {
+      case Some(relativeClass) => JarUtils.ClassInJar(outputJar, relativeClass).toFile
+      case None =>
+        log.error(s"Class file $realClassFile is not relative to $outputDir")
+        realClassFile
+    }
+  }
+  private[this] def urlAsFile(url: URL, log: Logger, finalJarOutput: Option[File]): Option[File] =
+    try urlAsFile(url, finalJarOutput)
     catch {
       case e: Exception =>
         log.warn("Could not convert URL '" + url.toExternalForm + "' to File: " + e.toString)
+  private def urlAsFile(url: URL, finalJarOutput: Option[File]): Option[File] = {
+    IO.urlAsFile(url).map { file =>
+      // IO.urlAsFile removes the class reference in the jar url, let's add it back.
+      if (finalJarOutput.exists(_ == file)) {
+        JarUtils.ClassInJar.fromURL(url, file).toFile
+      } else {
+        file
+      }
+    }
+  }
   private def trapAndLog(log: Logger)(execute: => Unit): Unit = {
     try { execute } catch { case e: Throwable => log.trace(e); log.error(e.toString) }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Parser.scala b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Parser.scala
index ffbaf72579..2b9441b031 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Parser.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/Parser.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ package inc
 package classfile
 import java.net.URL
-import java.io.{ DataInputStream, File, InputStream }
+import java.io.{ BufferedInputStream, InputStream, File, DataInputStream }
+import sbt.internal.io.ErrorHandling
 import scala.annotation.switch
 import sbt.io.Using
@@ -27,7 +30,15 @@ private[sbt] object Parser {
   def apply(url: URL): ClassFile =
-    Using.urlInputStream(url)(parse(url.toString)).right.get
+    usingUrlInputStreamWithoutCaching(url)(parse(url.toString)).right.get
+  // JarURLConnection with caching enabled will never close the jar
+  private val usingUrlInputStreamWithoutCaching = Using.resource((u: URL) =>
+    ErrorHandling.translate("Error opening " + u + ": ") {
+      val urlConnection = u.openConnection()
+      urlConnection.setUseCaches(false)
+      new BufferedInputStream(urlConnection.getInputStream())
+  })
   private def parse(readableName: String)(is: InputStream): Either[String, ClassFile] =
     Right(parseImpl(readableName, is))
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/JavaCompilerForUnitTesting.scala b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/JavaCompilerForUnitTesting.scala
index f9e0ed3602..047ef42446 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-classfile/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/JavaCompilerForUnitTesting.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-classfile/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classfile/JavaCompilerForUnitTesting.scala
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import sbt.internal.util.ConsoleLogger
 import xsbti.api.DependencyContext._
 import xsbti.{ AnalysisCallback, TestCallback }
 import xsbti.TestCallback.ExtractedClassDependencies
+import xsbti.compile.SingleOutput
 import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
@@ -61,9 +62,12 @@ object JavaCompilerForUnitTesting {
       // - extract api representation out of Class (and saved it via a side effect)
       // - extract all base classes.
       // we extract just parents as this is enough for testing
-      Analyze(classFiles, srcFiles, logger)(analysisCallback,
-                                            classloader,
-                                            readAPI(analysisCallback, _, _))
+      val output = new SingleOutput { def getOutputDirectory: File = classesDir }
+      Analyze(classFiles, srcFiles, logger, output, finalJarOutput = None)(
+        analysisCallback,
+        classloader,
+        readAPI(analysisCallback, _, _))
       (srcFiles, analysisCallback)
diff --git a/internal/zinc-classpath/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classpath/ClassLoaders.scala b/internal/zinc-classpath/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classpath/ClassLoaders.scala
index c2c2d1889b..44871975d6 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-classpath/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classpath/ClassLoaders.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-classpath/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/classpath/ClassLoaders.scala
@@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ final class SelfFirstLoader(classpath: Seq[URL], parent: ClassLoader)
 /** Doesn't load any classes itself, but instead verifies that all classes loaded through `parent` either come from `root` or `classpath`.*/
 final class ClasspathFilter(parent: ClassLoader, root: ClassLoader, classpath: Set[File])
     extends ClassLoader(parent) {
+  def close(): Unit = {
+    parent match {
+      case ucl: URLClassLoader => ucl.close()
+      case _                   => ()
+    }
+  }
   override def toString =
         |  parent = $parent
diff --git a/internal/zinc-compile-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/LocalJava.scala b/internal/zinc-compile-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/LocalJava.scala
index 029e989c3d..4a712cb4e7 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-compile-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/LocalJava.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-compile-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/LocalJava.scala
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ package inc
 package javac
 import java.io.{ File, OutputStream, PrintWriter, Writer }
+import java.nio.charset.Charset
+import java.util.Locale
 import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location
 import javax.tools.JavaFileObject.Kind
 import javax.tools.{
@@ -19,7 +22,9 @@ import javax.tools.{
-  JavaFileObject
+  JavaFileObject,
+  StandardJavaFileManager,
+  DiagnosticListener
 import sbt.internal.util.LoggerWriter
@@ -126,8 +131,6 @@ final class LocalJavaCompiler(compiler: javax.tools.JavaCompiler) extends XJavaC
     val logWriter = new PrintWriter(logger)
     log.debug("Attempting to call " + compiler + " directly...")
     val diagnostics = new DiagnosticsReporter(reporter)
-    val fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostics, null, null)
-    val jfiles = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(sources.toList.asJava)
     /* Local Java compiler doesn't accept `-J<flag>` options, strip them. */
     val (invalidOptions, cleanedOptions) = options partition (_ startsWith "-J")
@@ -136,6 +139,15 @@ final class LocalJavaCompiler(compiler: javax.tools.JavaCompiler) extends XJavaC
       log.warn(invalidOptions.mkString("\t", ", ", ""))
+    val fileManager = {
+      if (cleanedOptions.contains("-XDuseOptimizedZip=false")) {
+        fileManagerWithoutOptimizedZips(diagnostics)
+      } else {
+        compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostics, null, null)
+      }
+    }
+    val jfiles = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(sources.toList.asJava)
     val customizedFileManager = {
       val maybeClassFileManager = incToolOptions.classFileManager()
       if (incToolOptions.useCustomizedFileManager && maybeClassFileManager.isPresent)
@@ -160,10 +172,42 @@ final class LocalJavaCompiler(compiler: javax.tools.JavaCompiler) extends XJavaC
        * to javac's behaviour, we report fail compilation from diagnostics. */
       compileSuccess = success && !diagnostics.hasErrors
     } finally {
+      customizedFileManager.close()
       logger.flushLines(if (compileSuccess) Level.Warn else Level.Error)
+  /**
+   * Rewrite of [[javax.tools.JavaCompiler.getStandardFileManager]] method that also sets
+   * useOptimizedZip=false flag. With forked javac adding this option to arguments just works.
+   * Here, as `FileManager` is created before `CompilationTask` options do not get passed
+   * properly. Also there is no access to `com.sun.tools.javac` classes, hence the reflection...
+   */
+  private def fileManagerWithoutOptimizedZips(
+      diagnostics: DiagnosticsReporter): StandardJavaFileManager = {
+    val classLoader = compiler.getClass.getClassLoader
+    val contextClass = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context", true, classLoader)
+    val optionsClass = Class.forName("com.sun.tools.javac.util.Options", true, classLoader)
+    val javacFileManagerClass =
+      Class.forName("com.sun.tools.javac.file.JavacFileManager", true, classLoader)
+    val `Options.instance` = optionsClass.getMethod("instance", contextClass)
+    val `context.put` = contextClass.getMethod("put", classOf[Class[_]], classOf[Object])
+    val `options.put` = optionsClass.getMethod("put", classOf[String], classOf[String])
+    val `new JavacFileManager` =
+      javacFileManagerClass.getConstructor(contextClass, classOf[Boolean], classOf[Charset])
+    val context = contextClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+    `context.put`.invoke(context, classOf[Locale], null)
+    `context.put`.invoke(context, classOf[DiagnosticListener[_]], diagnostics)
+    val options = `Options.instance`.invoke(null, context)
+    `options.put`.invoke(options, "useOptimizedZip", "false")
+    `new JavacFileManager`
+      .newInstance(context, Boolean.box(true), null)
+      .asInstanceOf[StandardJavaFileManager]
+  }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ClassFileManager.scala b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ClassFileManager.scala
index 81f3fbf661..b51ed3a3be 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ClassFileManager.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ClassFileManager.scala
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ import java.util.Optional
 import collection.mutable
 import xsbti.compile.{
-  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager,
-  ClassFileManagerType,
-  DeleteImmediatelyManagerType,
-  TransactionalManagerType
+  DeleteImmediatelyManagerType,
+  TransactionalManagerType,
+  ClassFileManagerType,
+  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager,
+  Output
 object ClassFileManager {
@@ -42,6 +43,33 @@ object ClassFileManager {
     xsbti.compile.WrappedClassFileManager.of(internal, external.toOptional)
+  def getDefaultClassFileManager(
+      classFileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType],
+      output: Output,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
+  ): XClassFileManager = {
+    if (classFileManagerType.isPresent) {
+      classFileManagerType.get match {
+        case _: DeleteImmediatelyManagerType => deleteImmediately(output, outputJarContent)
+        case m: TransactionalManagerType =>
+          transactional(output, outputJarContent, m.backupDirectory, m.logger)
+      }
+    } else deleteImmediately(output, outputJarContent)
+  }
+  def getClassFileManager(
+      options: IncOptions,
+      output: Output,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
+  ): XClassFileManager = {
+    import sbt.internal.inc.JavaInterfaceUtil.{ EnrichOptional, EnrichOption }
+    val internal =
+      getDefaultClassFileManager(options.classfileManagerType, output, outputJarContent)
+    val external = Option(options.externalHooks())
+      .flatMap(ext => ext.getExternalClassFileManager.toOption)
+    xsbti.compile.WrappedClassFileManager.of(internal, external.toOptional)
+  }
   private final class DeleteClassFileManager extends XClassFileManager {
     override def delete(classes: Array[File]): Unit =
@@ -56,6 +84,16 @@ object ClassFileManager {
   def deleteImmediately: XClassFileManager = new DeleteClassFileManager
+  def deleteImmediatelyFromJar(outputJar: File,
+                               outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent): XClassFileManager =
+    new DeleteClassFileManagerForJar(outputJar, outputJarContent)
+  def deleteImmediately(output: Output,
+                        outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent): XClassFileManager = {
+    val outputJar = JarUtils.getOutputJar(output)
+    outputJar.fold(deleteImmediately)(deleteImmediatelyFromJar(_, outputJarContent))
+  }
    * Constructs a transactional [[ClassFileManager]] implementation that restores class
    * files to the way they were before compilation if there is an error. Otherwise, it
@@ -66,6 +104,21 @@ object ClassFileManager {
   def transactional(tempDir0: File, logger: sbt.util.Logger): XClassFileManager =
     new TransactionalClassFileManager(tempDir0, logger)
+  def transactionalForJar(outputJar: File,
+                          outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent): XClassFileManager = {
+    new TransactionalClassFileManagerForJar(outputJar, outputJarContent)
+  }
+  def transactional(
+      output: Output,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent,
+      tempDir: File,
+      logger: sbt.util.Logger
+  ): XClassFileManager = {
+    val outputJar = JarUtils.getOutputJar(output)
+    outputJar.fold(transactional(tempDir, logger))(transactionalForJar(_, outputJarContent))
+  }
   private final class TransactionalClassFileManager(tempDir0: File, logger: sbt.util.Logger)
       extends XClassFileManager {
     val tempDir = tempDir0.getCanonicalFile
@@ -114,4 +167,49 @@ object ClassFileManager {
+  private final class DeleteClassFileManagerForJar(
+      outputJar: File,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
+  ) extends XClassFileManager {
+    override def delete(classes: Array[File]): Unit = {
+      val relClasses = classes.map(c => JarUtils.ClassInJar.fromFile(c).toClassFilePath)
+      outputJarContent.removeClasses(relClasses.toSet)
+      JarUtils.removeFromJar(outputJar, relClasses)
+    }
+    override def generated(classes: Array[File]): Unit = ()
+    override def complete(success: Boolean): Unit = ()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Version of [[sbt.internal.inc.ClassFileManager.TransactionalClassFileManager]]
+   * that works when sources are compiled directly to a jar file.
+   *
+   * Before compilation the index is read from the output jar if it exists
+   * and after failed compilation it is reverted. This implementation relies
+   * on the fact that nothing is actually removed from jar during incremental
+   * compilation. Files are only removed from index or new files are appended
+   * and potential overwrite is also handled by replacing index entry. For this
+   * reason the old index with offsets to old files will still be valid.
+   */
+  private final class TransactionalClassFileManagerForJar(
+      outputJar: File,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
+  ) extends XClassFileManager {
+    private val backedUpIndex = Some(outputJar).filter(_.exists()).map(JarUtils.stashIndex)
+    override def delete(classesInJar: Array[File]): Unit = {
+      val classes = classesInJar.map(c => JarUtils.ClassInJar.fromFile(c).toClassFilePath)
+      JarUtils.removeFromJar(outputJar, classes)
+      outputJarContent.removeClasses(classes.toSet)
+    }
+    override def generated(classes: Array[File]): Unit = ()
+    override def complete(success: Boolean): Unit = {
+      if (!success) {
+        backedUpIndex.foreach(index => JarUtils.unstashIndex(outputJar, index))
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.scala b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.scala
index c5a432105b..faa1001feb 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Compile.scala
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ import sbt.internal.inc.Analysis.{ LocalProduct, NonLocalProduct }
 import xsbt.api.{ APIUtil, HashAPI, NameHashing }
 import xsbti.api._
 import xsbti.compile.{
-  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager,
-  Output
+  Output,
+  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager
 import xsbti.{ Position, Problem, Severity, UseScope }
 import sbt.util.Logger
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ import sbt.util.InterfaceUtil.jo2o
 import java.io.File
 import java.util
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
 import xsbti.api.DependencyContext
-import xsbti.compile.analysis.ReadStamps
+import xsbti.compile.analysis.{ ReadStamps, Stamp }
  * Helper methods for running incremental compilation.  All this is responsible for is
@@ -55,9 +56,12 @@ object IncrementalCompile {
       previous0: CompileAnalysis,
       output: Output,
       log: Logger,
-      options: IncOptions): (Boolean, Analysis) = {
+      options: IncOptions,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
+  ): (Boolean, Analysis) = {
     val previous = previous0 match { case a: Analysis => a }
-    val current = Stamps.initial(Stamper.forLastModified, Stamper.forHash, Stamper.forLastModified)
+    val current =
+      Stamps.initial(Stamper.forLastModified, Stamper.forHash, Stamper.forLastModified)
     val internalBinaryToSourceClassName = (binaryClassName: String) =>
     val internalSourceToClassNamesMap: File => Set[String] = (f: File) =>
@@ -75,9 +79,12 @@ object IncrementalCompile {
-                                     options),
+                                     options,
+                                     outputJarContent),
-        options
+        options,
+        output,
+        outputJarContent
     } catch {
       case _: xsbti.CompileCancelled =>
@@ -106,16 +113,20 @@ private object AnalysisCallback {
       externalAPI: (File, String) => Option[AnalyzedClass],
       current: ReadStamps,
       output: Output,
-      options: IncOptions
+      options: IncOptions,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
   ) {
-    def build(): AnalysisCallback = new AnalysisCallback(
-      internalBinaryToSourceClassName,
-      internalSourceToClassNamesMap,
-      externalAPI,
-      current,
-      output,
-      options
-    )
+    def build(): AnalysisCallback = {
+      new AnalysisCallback(
+        internalBinaryToSourceClassName,
+        internalSourceToClassNamesMap,
+        externalAPI,
+        current,
+        output,
+        options,
+        outputJarContent
+      )
+    }
@@ -125,7 +136,8 @@ private final class AnalysisCallback(
     externalAPI: (File, String) => Option[AnalyzedClass],
     stampReader: ReadStamps,
     output: Output,
-    options: IncOptions
+    options: IncOptions,
+    outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
 ) extends xsbti.AnalysisCallback {
   private[this] val compilation: Compilation = Compilation(output)
@@ -300,8 +312,10 @@ private final class AnalysisCallback(
   override def enabled(): Boolean = options.enabled
-  def get: Analysis =
+  def get: Analysis = {
+    outputJarContent.scalacRunCompleted()
+  }
   def getOrNil[A, B](m: collection.Map[A, Seq[B]], a: A): Seq[B] = m.get(a).toList.flatten
   def addCompilation(base: Analysis): Analysis =
@@ -356,7 +370,15 @@ private final class AnalysisCallback(
-  def addProductsAndDeps(base: Analysis): Analysis =
+  def createStamperForProducts(): File => Stamp = {
+    JarUtils.getOutputJar(output) match {
+      case Some(outputJar) => Stamper.forLastModifiedInJar(outputJar)
+      case None            => stampReader.product _
+    }
+  }
+  def addProductsAndDeps(base: Analysis): Analysis = {
+    val stampProduct = createStamperForProducts()
     (base /: srcs) {
       case (a, src) =>
         val stamp = stampReader.source(src)
@@ -367,7 +389,7 @@ private final class AnalysisCallback(
                                         getOrNil(mainClasses, src))
         val binaries = binaryDeps.getOrElse(src, Nil: Iterable[File])
         val localProds = localClasses.getOrElse(src, Nil: Iterable[File]) map { classFile =>
-          val classFileStamp = stampReader.product(classFile)
+          val classFileStamp = stampProduct(classFile)
           LocalProduct(classFile, classFileStamp)
         val binaryToSrcClassName = (classNames.getOrElse(src, Set.empty) map {
@@ -376,7 +398,7 @@ private final class AnalysisCallback(
         val nonLocalProds = nonLocalClasses.getOrElse(src, Nil: Iterable[(File, String)]) map {
           case (classFile, binaryClassName) =>
             val srcClassName = binaryToSrcClassName(binaryClassName)
-            val classFileStamp = stampReader.product(classFile)
+            val classFileStamp = stampProduct(classFile)
             NonLocalProduct(srcClassName, binaryClassName, classFile, classFileStamp)
@@ -394,8 +416,16 @@ private final class AnalysisCallback(
+  }
-  override def dependencyPhaseCompleted(): Unit = {}
+  override def dependencyPhaseCompleted(): Unit = {
+    outputJarContent.dependencyPhaseCompleted()
+  }
   override def apiPhaseCompleted(): Unit = {}
+  override def classesInOutputJar(): java.util.Set[String] = {
+    outputJarContent.get().asJava
+  }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Incremental.scala b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Incremental.scala
index e5fc777566..4d58f26247 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Incremental.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Incremental.scala
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ import java.io.File
 import sbt.util.{ Level, Logger }
 import xsbti.compile.analysis.{ ReadStamps, Stamp => XStamp }
 import xsbti.compile.{
+  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager,
-  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager
+  Output
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ object Incremental {
    * @param callbackBuilder The builder that builds callback where we report dependency issues.
    * @param log  The log where we write debugging information
    * @param options  Incremental compilation options
+   * @param outputJarContent Object that holds cached content of output jar
    * @param profiler An implementation of an invalidation profiler, empty by default.
    * @param equivS  The means of testing whether two "Stamps" are the same.
    * @return
@@ -60,12 +62,15 @@ object Incremental {
       callbackBuilder: AnalysisCallback.Builder,
       log: sbt.util.Logger,
       options: IncOptions,
+      output: Output,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent,
       profiler: InvalidationProfiler = InvalidationProfiler.empty
   )(implicit equivS: Equiv[XStamp]): (Boolean, Analysis) = {
     val previous = previous0 match { case a: Analysis => a }
     val runProfiler = profiler.profileRun
     val incremental: IncrementalCommon = new IncrementalNameHashing(log, options, runProfiler)
-    val initialChanges = incremental.detectInitialChanges(sources, previous, current, lookup)
+    val initialChanges =
+      incremental.detectInitialChanges(sources, previous, current, lookup, output)
     val binaryChanges = new DependencyChanges {
       val modifiedBinaries = initialChanges.binaryDeps.toArray
       val modifiedClasses = initialChanges.external.allModified.toArray
@@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ object Incremental {
           "All initially invalidated classes: " + initialInvClasses + "\n" +
             "All initially invalidated sources:" + initialInvSources + "\n")
-    val analysis = manageClassfiles(options) { classfileManager =>
+    val analysis = manageClassfiles(options, output, outputJarContent) { classfileManager =>
@@ -120,15 +125,23 @@ object Incremental {
   private[inc] def apiDebug(options: IncOptions): Boolean =
     options.apiDebug || java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean(apiDebugProp)
-  private[sbt] def prune(invalidatedSrcs: Set[File], previous0: CompileAnalysis): Analysis = {
+  private[sbt] def prune(invalidatedSrcs: Set[File],
+                         previous0: CompileAnalysis,
+                         output: Output,
+                         outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent): Analysis = {
     val previous = previous0.asInstanceOf[Analysis]
-    IncrementalCommon.pruneClassFilesOfInvalidations(invalidatedSrcs,
-                                                     previous,
-                                                     ClassFileManager.deleteImmediately)
+    IncrementalCommon.pruneClassFilesOfInvalidations(
+      invalidatedSrcs,
+      previous,
+      ClassFileManager.deleteImmediately(output, outputJarContent))
-  private[this] def manageClassfiles[T](options: IncOptions)(run: XClassFileManager => T): T = {
-    val classfileManager = ClassFileManager.getClassFileManager(options)
+  private[this] def manageClassfiles[T](
+      options: IncOptions,
+      output: Output,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
+  )(run: XClassFileManager => T): T = {
+    val classfileManager = ClassFileManager.getClassFileManager(options, output, outputJarContent)
     val result = try run(classfileManager)
     catch {
       case e: Throwable =>
diff --git a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCommon.scala b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCommon.scala
index 920af2b9e4..e9cd4251c7 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCommon.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCommon.scala
@@ -14,7 +14,12 @@ import java.io.File
 import sbt.util.Logger
 import xsbt.api.APIUtil
 import xsbti.api.AnalyzedClass
-import xsbti.compile.{ DependencyChanges, IncOptions, ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager }
+import xsbti.compile.{
+  DependencyChanges,
+  IncOptions,
+  Output,
+  ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager
 import xsbti.compile.analysis.{ ReadStamps, Stamp => XStamp }
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
@@ -234,7 +239,8 @@ private[inc] abstract class IncrementalCommon(
       sources: Set[File],
       previousAnalysis: Analysis,
       stamps: ReadStamps,
-      lookup: Lookup
+      lookup: Lookup,
+      output: Output
   )(implicit equivS: Equiv[XStamp]): InitialChanges = {
     import IncrementalCommon.{ isBinaryModified, findExternalAnalyzedClass }
     val previous = previousAnalysis.stamps
@@ -251,8 +257,12 @@ private[inc] abstract class IncrementalCommon(
-    val removedProducts = lookup.removedProducts(previousAnalysis).getOrElse {
-      previous.allProducts.filter(p => !equivS.equiv(previous.product(p), stamps.product(p))).toSet
+    val removedProducts: Set[File] = lookup.removedProducts(previousAnalysis).getOrElse {
+      val currentProductsStamps =
+        JarUtils.getOutputJar(output).fold(stamps.product _)(Stamper.forLastModifiedInJar)
+      previous.allProducts
+        .filter(p => !equivS.equiv(previous.product(p), currentProductsStamps(p)))
+        .toSet
     val changedBinaries: Set[File] = lookup.changedBinaries(previousAnalysis).getOrElse {
diff --git a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MiniSetupUtil.scala b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MiniSetupUtil.scala
index eac6366ab1..c8c98542f1 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MiniSetupUtil.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MiniSetupUtil.scala
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ object MiniSetupUtil {
     new Equiv[MiniOptions] {
       def equiv(a: MiniOptions, b: MiniOptions) = {
         equivScalacOpts.equiv(a.scalacOptions, b.scalacOptions) &&
-        (a.javacOptions sameElements b.javacOptions)
+        equivJavacOptions.equiv(a.javacOptions, b.javacOptions)
@@ -128,6 +128,13 @@ object MiniSetupUtil {
   def equivScalacOptions(ignoredRegexes: Array[String]): Equiv[Array[String]] = {
+    equivCompilerOptions(ignoredRegexes)
+  }
+  // ignoring -d as it is overridden anyway
+  val equivJavacOptions: Equiv[Array[String]] = equivCompilerOptions(Array("-d .*"))
+  def equivCompilerOptions(ignoredRegexes: Array[String]): Equiv[Array[String]] = {
     def groupWithParams(opts: Array[String]): Set[String] = {
       def isParam(s: String) = !s.startsWith("-")
       def recur(opts: List[String], res: Set[String]): Set[String] = opts match {
diff --git a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Stamp.scala b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Stamp.scala
index f96eb3b6f0..df76a73634 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Stamp.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-core/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/Stamp.scala
@@ -141,9 +141,14 @@ object Stamper {
     catch { case _: IOException => EmptyStamp }
-  val forHash = (toStamp: File) => tryStamp(Hash.ofFile(toStamp))
-  val forLastModified = (toStamp: File) =>
+  val forHash: File => XStamp = (toStamp: File) => tryStamp(Hash.ofFile(toStamp))
+  val forLastModified: File => XStamp = (toStamp: File) =>
     tryStamp(new LastModified(IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero(toStamp)))
+  def forLastModifiedInJar(jar: File): File => XStamp = {
+    val stamps = JarUtils.readStamps(jar)
+    (file: File) =>
+      new LastModified(stamps(file))
+  }
 object Stamps {
@@ -241,6 +246,7 @@ private class InitialStamps(prodStamp: File => XStamp,
                             binStamp: File => XStamp)
     extends ReadStamps {
   import collection.mutable.{ HashMap, Map }
   // cached stamps for files that do not change during compilation
   private val sources: Map[File, XStamp] = new HashMap
   private val binaries: Map[File, XStamp] = new HashMap
diff --git a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MainScriptedRunner.scala b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MainScriptedRunner.scala
index e286c229b2..143104f5e7 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MainScriptedRunner.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MainScriptedRunner.scala
@@ -10,16 +10,22 @@ import xsbti.compile.CompilerBridgeProvider
 import sbt.util.Logger
 final class MainScriptedRunner {
-  def run(resourceBaseDirectory: File, bufferLog: Boolean, tests: Array[String]): Unit = {
+  def run(
+      resourceBaseDirectory: File,
+      bufferLog: Boolean,
+      compileToJar: Boolean,
+      tests: Array[String]
+  ): Unit = {
     IO.withTemporaryDirectory { tempDir =>
       // Create a global temporary directory to store the bridge et al
-      val handlers = new MainScriptedHandlers(tempDir)
+      val handlers = new MainScriptedHandlers(tempDir, compileToJar)
       ScriptedRunnerImpl.run(resourceBaseDirectory, bufferLog, tests, handlers, 4)
-final class MainScriptedHandlers(tempDir: File) extends IncScriptedHandlers(tempDir) {
+final class MainScriptedHandlers(tempDir: File, compileToJar: Boolean)
+    extends IncScriptedHandlers(tempDir, compileToJar) {
   // Create a provider that uses the bridges from the classes directory of the projects
   val provider: CompilerBridgeProvider = {
     val compilerBridge210 = ScalaBridge(
@@ -56,7 +62,7 @@ final class MainScriptedHandlers(tempDir: File) extends IncScriptedHandlers(temp
           case x: ManagedLogger => x
           case _                => sys.error("Expected ManagedLogger")
-      new BloopIncHandler(config.testDirectory(), tempDir, provider, logger)
+      new BloopIncHandler(config.testDirectory(), tempDir, provider, logger, compileToJar)
@@ -65,7 +71,8 @@ final class BloopIncHandler(
     directory: File,
     cacheDir: File,
     provider: CompilerBridgeProvider,
-    logger: ManagedLogger
-) extends IncHandler(directory, cacheDir, logger) {
+    logger: ManagedLogger,
+    compileToJar: Boolean
+) extends IncHandler(directory, cacheDir, logger, compileToJar) {
   override def getZincProvider(targetDir: File, log: Logger): CompilerBridgeProvider = provider
diff --git a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/ScriptedMain.scala b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/ScriptedMain.scala
index 0781e3b176..aff23a6fd5 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/ScriptedMain.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/ScriptedMain.scala
@@ -9,21 +9,19 @@ import sbt.io.{ AllPassFilter, NameFilter }
 import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
 object ScriptedMain {
-  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
-    val (isUserDefined, buffer) = args.lastOption match {
-      case Some(last) =>
-        if (last == "true") (true, true)
-        else if (last == "false") (true, false)
-        else (false, true)
-      case None => (false, true)
+  private val DisableBuffering = "--no-buffer"
+  private val CompileToJar = "--to-jar"
+  private val Flags = Set(DisableBuffering, CompileToJar)
-    }
+  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+    val compileToJar = args.contains(CompileToJar)
+    val disableBuffering = args.contains(DisableBuffering)
+    val argsToParse = args.filterNot(Flags.contains)
     val sourceDir = BuildInfo.sourceDirectory.toPath.resolve("sbt-test").toFile
-    val argsToParse = if (isUserDefined) args.init else args
     val tests = detectScriptedTests(sourceDir)
     val parsed = argsToParse.toList.flatMap(arg => parseScripted(tests, sourceDir, arg))
-    runScripted(sourceDir, parsed, buffer)
+    runScripted(sourceDir, parsed, buffer = !disableBuffering, compileToJar)
   private def detectScriptedTests(scriptedBase: File): Map[String, Set[String]] = {
@@ -65,6 +63,7 @@ object ScriptedMain {
     def run(
         resourceBaseDirectory: File,
         bufferLog: Boolean,
+        compileToJar: Boolean,
         tests: Array[String]
     ): Unit
@@ -73,7 +72,8 @@ object ScriptedMain {
   def runScripted(
       source: File,
       args: Seq[String],
-      buffer: Boolean
+      buffer: Boolean,
+      compileToJar: Boolean
   ): Unit = {
     println(s"About to run tests: ${args.mkString("\n * ", "\n * ", "\n")}")
     // Force Log4J to not use a thread context classloader otherwise it throws a CCE
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ object ScriptedMain {
     val loader = ClasspathUtilities.toLoader(classpath)
     val bridgeClass = Class.forName("sbt.inc.MainScriptedRunner", true, loader)
     val bridge = bridgeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[IncScriptedRunner]
-    try bridge.run(source, buffer, args.toArray)
+    try bridge.run(source, buffer, compileToJar, args.toArray)
     catch { case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException => throw ite.getCause }
diff --git a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncHandler.scala b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncHandler.scala
index f342ae7ed9..6ad1eb15c8 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncHandler.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncHandler.scala
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Method
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier.{ isPublic, isStatic }
 import java.util.{ Optional, Properties }
-import sbt.internal.inc.classpath.{ ClassLoaderCache, ClasspathUtilities }
+import sbt.internal.inc.classpath.{ ClassLoaderCache, ClasspathUtilities, ClasspathFilter }
 import sbt.internal.scripted.{ StatementHandler, TestFailed }
 import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger
 import sjsonnew.support.scalajson.unsafe.{ Converter, Parser => JsonParser }
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ final case class Build(projects: Seq[Project])
 final case class IncInstance(si: xsbti.compile.ScalaInstance, cs: XCompilers)
-class IncHandler(directory: File, cacheDir: File, scriptedLog: ManagedLogger)
+class IncHandler(directory: File, cacheDir: File, scriptedLog: ManagedLogger, compileToJar: Boolean)
     extends BridgeProviderSpecification
     with StatementHandler {
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class IncHandler(directory: File, cacheDir: File, scriptedLog: ManagedLogger)
       val in = p.in.getOrElse(directory / p.name)
       val version = p.scalaVersion.getOrElse(scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString)
       val deps = p.dependsOn.toVector.flatten
-      val project = ProjectStructure(p.name, deps, in, scriptedLog, lookupProject, version)
+      val project =
+        ProjectStructure(p.name, deps, in, scriptedLog, lookupProject, version, compileToJar)
       buildStructure(p.name) = project
@@ -88,7 +89,9 @@ class IncHandler(directory: File, cacheDir: File, scriptedLog: ManagedLogger)
       implicit val projectFormat =
         caseClass(Project.apply _, Project.unapply _)("name", "dependsOn", "in", "scalaVersion")
       implicit val buildFormat = caseClass(Build.apply _, Build.unapply _)("projects")
-      val json = JsonParser.parseFromFile(directory / "build.json").get
+      // Do not parseFromFile as it leaves file open, causing problems on Windows.
+      val channel = new FileInputStream(directory / "build.json").getChannel
+      val json = JsonParser.parseFromChannel(channel).get
     } else Build(projects = Vector(Project(name = RootIdentifier).copy(in = Some(directory))))
@@ -165,12 +168,21 @@ class IncHandler(directory: File, cacheDir: File, scriptedLog: ManagedLogger)
         val analysis = p.compile(i)
         p.discoverMainClasses(Some(analysis.apis)) match {
           case Seq(mainClassName) =>
-            val classpath: Array[File] = (i.si.allJars :+ p.classesDir) map { _.getAbsoluteFile }
+            val classpath: Array[File] =
+              ((i.si.allJars :+ p.classesDir) ++ p.outputJar).map(_.getAbsoluteFile)
             val loader = ClasspathUtilities.makeLoader(classpath, i.si, directory)
-            val main = p.getMainMethod(mainClassName, loader)
-            p.invokeMain(loader, main, params)
-          case _ =>
-            throw new TestFailed("Found more than one main class.")
+            try {
+              val main = p.getMainMethod(mainClassName, loader)
+              p.invokeMain(loader, main, params)
+            } finally {
+              loader match {
+                case f: ClasspathFilter => f.close()
+              }
+            }
+          case Seq() =>
+            throw new TestFailed(s"Did not find any main class")
+          case s =>
+            throw new TestFailed(s"Found more than one main class: $s")
     noArgs("package") { case (p, i) => p.packageBin(i) },
@@ -212,8 +224,10 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
     baseDirectory: File,
     scriptedLog: ManagedLogger,
     lookupProject: String => ProjectStructure,
-    scalaVersion: String
+    scalaVersion: String,
+    compileToJar: Boolean
 ) extends BridgeProviderSpecification {
   val compiler = new IncrementalCompilerImpl
   val maxErrors = 100
   class PerClasspathEntryLookupImpl(
@@ -227,6 +241,7 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
   val targetDir = baseDirectory / "target"
   val classesDir = targetDir / "classes"
+  val outputJar = if (compileToJar) Some(classesDir / "output.jar") else None
   val generatedClassFiles = classesDir ** "*.class"
   val scalaSourceDirectory = baseDirectory / "src" / "main" / "scala"
   val javaSourceDirectory = baseDirectory / "src" / "main" / "java"
@@ -261,7 +276,9 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
     f1 orElse { case _ => None }
   def dependsOnRef: Vector[ProjectStructure] = dependsOn map { lookupProject(_) }
-  def internalClasspath: Vector[File] = dependsOnRef map { _.classesDir }
+  def internalClasspath: Vector[File] = dependsOnRef flatMap { proj =>
+    Vector(proj.classesDir) ++ proj.outputJar
+  }
   def checkSame(i: IncInstance): Unit =
     cachedStore.get.toOption match {
@@ -329,10 +346,21 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
   def checkProducts(i: IncInstance, src: String, expected: List[String]): Unit = {
     val analysis = compile(i)
+    def isWindows: Boolean = sys.props("os.name").toLowerCase.startsWith("win")
     def relativeClassDir(f: File): File = f.relativeTo(classesDir) getOrElse f
+    def normalizePath(path: String): String = {
+      if (isWindows) path.replace('\\', '/') else path
+    }
     def products(srcFile: String): Set[String] = {
       val productFiles = analysis.relations.products(baseDirectory / srcFile)
-      productFiles.map(relativeClassDir).map(_.getPath)
+      productFiles.map { file =>
+        if (JarUtils.isClassInJar(file)) {
+          JarUtils.ClassInJar.fromFile(file).toClassFilePath
+        } else {
+          normalizePath(relativeClassDir(file).getPath)
+        }
+      }
     def assertClasses(expected: Set[String], actual: Set[String]) =
       assert(expected == actual, s"Expected $expected products, got $actual")
@@ -342,9 +370,12 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
   def checkNoGeneratedClassFiles(): Unit = {
-    val allClassFiles = generatedClassFiles.get.mkString("\n\t")
-    if (!allClassFiles.isEmpty)
-      sys.error(s"Classes existed:\n\t$allClassFiles")
+    val allPlainClassFiles = generatedClassFiles.get.map(_.toString)
+    val allClassesInJar = outputJar.toSeq.filter(_.exists()).flatMap(JarUtils.listClassFiles)
+    if (allPlainClassFiles.nonEmpty || allClassesInJar.nonEmpty) {
+      val allClassFiles = allPlainClassFiles ++ allClassesInJar
+      sys.error(s"Classes existed:\n\t${allClassFiles.mkString("\n\t")}")
+    }
   def checkDependencies(i: IncInstance, className: String, expected: List[String]): Unit = {
@@ -392,11 +423,11 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
-    val classpath =
-      (i.si.allJars.toList ++ (unmanagedJars :+ classesDir) ++ internalClasspath).toArray
+    val output = outputJar.getOrElse(classesDir)
+    val classpath = (i.si.allJars.toList ++ (unmanagedJars :+ output) ++ internalClasspath).toArray
     val in = compiler.inputs(classpath,
-                             classesDir,
+                             output,
@@ -404,7 +435,8 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
-                             previousResult)
+                             previousResult,
+                             Optional.empty())
     val result = compiler.compile(in, scriptedLog)
     val analysis = result.analysis match { case a: Analysis => a }
     cachedStore.set(AnalysisContents.create(analysis, result.setup))
@@ -414,17 +446,22 @@ case class ProjectStructure(
   def packageBin(i: IncInstance): Unit = {
-    val jar = targetDir / s"$name.jar"
-    val manifest = new Manifest
-    val sources =
-      (classesDir ** -DirectoryFilter).get flatMap {
-        case x =>
-          IO.relativize(classesDir, x) match {
-            case Some(path) => List((x, path))
-            case _          => Nil
+    val targetJar = targetDir / s"$name.jar"
+    outputJar match {
+      case Some(currentJar) =>
+        IO.copy(Seq(currentJar -> targetJar))
+        ()
+      case None =>
+        val manifest = new Manifest
+        val sources =
+          (classesDir ** -DirectoryFilter).get flatMap { x =>
+            IO.relativize(classesDir, x) match {
+              case Some(path) => List((x, path))
+              case _          => Nil
+            }
-      }
-    IO.jar(sources, jar, manifest)
+        IO.jar(sources, targetJar, manifest)
+    }
   def unrecognizedArguments(commandName: String, args: List[String]): Unit =
diff --git a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncScriptedRunner.scala b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncScriptedRunner.scala
index 0f5cca876b..1bc774acce 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncScriptedRunner.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncScriptedRunner.scala
@@ -9,10 +9,15 @@ import sbt.util.Logger
 import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeq
 class IncScriptedRunner {
-  def run(resourceBaseDirectory: File, bufferLog: Boolean, tests: Array[String]): Unit = {
+  def run(
+      resourceBaseDirectory: File,
+      bufferLog: Boolean,
+      compileToJar: Boolean,
+      tests: Array[String]
+  ): Unit = {
     IO.withTemporaryDirectory { tempDir =>
       // Create a global temporary directory to store the bridge et al
-      val handlers = new IncScriptedHandlers(tempDir)
+      val handlers = new IncScriptedHandlers(tempDir, compileToJar)
       ScriptedRunnerImpl.run(resourceBaseDirectory, bufferLog, tests, handlers, 4)
diff --git a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ScriptedHandlers.scala b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ScriptedHandlers.scala
index 6dfad9cf9f..f09ab57b62 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ScriptedHandlers.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ScriptedHandlers.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class SleepingHandler(val handler: StatementHandler, delay: Long) extends Statem
   override def finish(state: State) = handler.finish(state)
-class IncScriptedHandlers(globalCacheDir: File) extends HandlersProvider {
+class IncScriptedHandlers(globalCacheDir: File, compileToJar: Boolean) extends HandlersProvider {
   def getHandlers(config: ScriptConfig): Map[Char, StatementHandler] = Map(
     '$' -> new SleepingHandler(new ZincFileCommands(config.testDirectory()), 500),
     '#' -> CommentHandler,
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class IncScriptedHandlers(globalCacheDir: File) extends HandlersProvider {
           case x: ManagedLogger => x
           case _                => sys.error("Expected ManagedLogger")
-      new IncHandler(config.testDirectory(), globalCacheDir, logger)
+      new IncHandler(config.testDirectory(), globalCacheDir, logger, compileToJar)
diff --git a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ZincFileCommands.scala b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ZincFileCommands.scala
index b1158d2a13..2088e0d31c 100644
--- a/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ZincFileCommands.scala
+++ b/internal/zinc-scripted/src/test/scala/sbt/internal/inc/ZincFileCommands.scala
@@ -1,18 +1,80 @@
 package sbt.internal.inc
 import java.io.File
+import java.nio.file.Paths
 import sbt.internal.scripted.FileCommands
+import sbt.io.IO
 class ZincFileCommands(baseDirectory: File) extends FileCommands(baseDirectory) {
   override def commandMap: Map[String, List[String] => Unit] = {
     super.commandMap + {
       "pause" noArg {
         // Redefine pause not to use `System.console`, which is too restrictive
-        println(s"Pausing in $baseDirectory. Press enter to continue.")
+        println(s"Pausing in $baseDirectory (press enter to continue)")
         println("Restarting the execution.")
+  override def absent(paths: List[String]): Unit = {
+    val present = paths.filter(exists)
+    if (present.nonEmpty)
+      scriptError("File(s) existed: " + present.mkString("[ ", " , ", " ]"))
+  }
+  override def newer(a: String, b: String): Unit = {
+    val isNewer = exists(a) && (!exists(b) || getModifiedTimeOrZero(a) > getModifiedTimeOrZero(b))
+    if (!isNewer) {
+      scriptError(s"$a is not newer than $b")
+    }
+  }
+  override def exists(paths: List[String]): Unit = {
+    val notPresent = paths.filterNot(exists)
+    if (notPresent.nonEmpty) {
+      scriptError("File(s) did not exist: " + notPresent.mkString("[ ", " , ", " ]"))
+    }
+  }
+  private def exists(path: String): Boolean = {
+    pathFold(path)(_.exists(), JarUtils.exists)(_ || _)
+  }
+  private def getModifiedTimeOrZero(path: String): Long = {
+    pathFold(path)(IO.getModifiedTimeOrZero, JarUtils.readModifiedTime)(_ max _)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Folds over representations of path (analogously to Either#fold).
+   * Path can be a path to regular file or a jared class.
+   *
+   * This method is pretty hacky but makes scripted tests work with
+   * Straight to Jar compilation and without changing assertions there.
+   * The path will always point to actual file, but this method will
+   * attempt to run a function for both plain file and jared class
+   * and then decide which result is relevant with `combine` function.
+   *
+   * As an example, it will convert path "target/classes/C.class" to
+   *   "/tmp/sbt_535fddcd/target/classes/a/b/c/C.class"
+   * as well as to
+   *   "/tmp/sbt_535fddcd/target/classes/output.jar!a/b/c/C.class"
+   * and run functions on them, e.g. checking if one of those files exists.
+   */
+  private def pathFold[A](path: String)(
+      transformPlain: File => A,
+      transformJared: JarUtils.ClassInJar => A
+  )(combine: (A, A) => A): A = {
+    val jaredRes = {
+      val relBasePath = "target/classes"
+      IO.relativize(new File(relBasePath), new File(path)).map { relClass =>
+        val jar = Paths.get(baseDirectory.toString, relBasePath, "output.jar").toFile
+        transformJared(JarUtils.ClassInJar(jar, relClass))
+      }
+    }
+    val regularRes = transformPlain(fromString(path))
+    jaredRes.map(combine(_, regularRes)).getOrElse(regularRes)
+  }
diff --git a/project/Scripted.scala b/project/Scripted.scala
index fb16162c05..808934bb87 100644
--- a/project/Scripted.scala
+++ b/project/Scripted.scala
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ object Scripted {
         "Saves you some time when only your test has changed")
   val scriptedSource = settingKey[File]("")
   val scriptedPrescripted = taskKey[File => Unit]("")
+  val scriptedCompileToJar = settingKey[Boolean]("Compile directly to jar in scripted tests")
   import sbt.complete._
   import DefaultParsers._
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ object Scripted {
   // Interface to cross class loader
   type IncScriptedRunner = {
-    def run(resourceBaseDirectory: File, bufferLog: Boolean, tests: Array[String]): Unit
+    def run(resourceBaseDirectory: File, bufferLog: Boolean, compileToJar: Boolean, tests: Array[String]): Unit
   def doScripted(scriptedSbtClasspath: Seq[Attributed[File]],
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ object Scripted {
                  sourcePath: File,
                  args: Seq[String],
                  bufferLog: Boolean,
+                 compileToJar: Boolean,
                  prescripted: File => Unit): Unit = {
     System.err.println(s"About to run tests: ${args.mkString("\n * ", "\n * ", "\n")}")
     // Force Log4J to not use a thread context classloader otherwise it throws a CCE
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ object Scripted {
     val bridge = bridgeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[IncScriptedRunner]
     // val launcherVmOptions = Array("-XX:MaxPermSize=256M") // increased after a failure in scripted source-dependencies/macro
     try {
-      bridge.run(sourcePath, bufferLog, args.toArray)
+      bridge.run(sourcePath, bufferLog, compileToJar, args.toArray)
     } catch { case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException => throw ite.getCause }
diff --git a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/CompileConfiguration.scala b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/CompileConfiguration.scala
index 2a02dc3f7c..23a8df5663 100644
--- a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/CompileConfiguration.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/CompileConfiguration.scala
@@ -49,5 +49,6 @@ final class CompileConfiguration(
     val compiler: xsbti.compile.ScalaCompiler,
     val javac: xsbti.compile.JavaCompiler,
     val cache: GlobalsCache,
-    val incOptions: IncOptions
+    val incOptions: IncOptions,
+    val outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
diff --git a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCompilerImpl.scala b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCompilerImpl.scala
index 3902d5203a..6d173ec052 100644
--- a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCompilerImpl.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/IncrementalCompilerImpl.scala
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
+      temporaryClassesDirectory.toOption,
@@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
    *                                the current compilation progress.
    * @param incrementalOptions      An Instance of [[IncOptions]] that configures
    *                                the incremental compiler behaviour.
+   * @param temporaryClassesDirectory A directory where incremental compiler
+   *                                  will put temporary class files or jars.
    * @param extra                   An array of sbt tuples with extra options.
    * @param logger An instance of [[Logger]] that logs Zinc output.
    * @return An instance of [[xsbti.compile.CompileResult]] that holds
@@ -121,8 +124,9 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
       skip: java.lang.Boolean,
       progress: Optional[xsbti.compile.CompileProgress],
       incrementalOptions: xsbti.compile.IncOptions,
+      temporaryClassesDirectory: Optional[File],
       extra: Array[xsbti.T2[String, String]],
-      logger: xsbti.Logger
+      logger: xsbti.Logger,
   ) = {
     val extraInScala = extra.toList.map(_.toScalaTuple)
@@ -142,6 +146,7 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
       skip: Boolean,
+      temporaryClassesDirectory.toOption,
@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
         val msg =
           s"""## Exception when compiling $numberSources to $outputString
-             |${e.getMessage}
+             |${e.toString}
@@ -233,13 +238,33 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
       compileOrder: CompileOrder = Mixed,
       skip: Boolean = false,
       incrementalOptions: IncOptions,
-      extra: List[(String, String)]
+      temporaryClassesDirectory: Option[File],
+      extra: List[(String, String)],
   )(implicit logger: Logger): CompileResult = {
     handleCompilationError(sources, output, logger) {
       val prev = previousAnalysis match {
         case Some(previous) => previous
         case None           => Analysis.empty
+      val compileStraightToJar = JarUtils.isCompilingToJar(output)
+      // otherwise jars on classpath will not be closed, especially prev jar.
+      if (compileStraightToJar) sys.props.put("scala.classpath.closeZip", "true")
+      val extraScalacOptions = {
+        val scalaVersion = scalaCompiler.scalaInstance.version
+        if (compileStraightToJar && scalaVersion.startsWith("2.12")) {
+          JarUtils.scalacOptions
+        } else Seq.empty
+      }
+      val extraJavacOptions = if (compileStraightToJar) {
+        JarUtils.javacOptions
+      } else Seq.empty
+      val outputJarContent = JarUtils.createOutputJarContent(output)
       val config = MixedAnalyzingCompiler.makeConfig(
@@ -248,8 +273,8 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
-        scalaOptions,
-        javaOptions,
+        scalaOptions ++ extraScalacOptions,
+        javaOptions ++ extraJavacOptions,
@@ -257,10 +282,12 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
+        outputJarContent,
       if (skip) CompileResult.of(prev, config.currentSetup, false)
       else {
+        JarUtils.setupTempClassesDir(temporaryClassesDirectory)
         val (analysis, changed) = compileInternal(
@@ -295,9 +322,9 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
         else if (!equivPairs.equiv(previous.extra, currentSetup.extra))
-        else Incremental.prune(srcsSet, previousAnalysis)
+        else Incremental.prune(srcsSet, previousAnalysis, output, outputJarContent)
       case None =>
-        Incremental.prune(srcsSet, previousAnalysis)
+        Incremental.prune(srcsSet, previousAnalysis, output, outputJarContent)
     // Run the incremental compilation
@@ -308,7 +335,8 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
-      incOptions
+      incOptions,
+      outputJarContent
@@ -347,7 +375,8 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
       order: CompileOrder,
       compilers: Compilers,
       setup: Setup,
-      pr: PreviousResult
+      pr: PreviousResult,
+      temporaryClassesDirectory: Optional[File]
   ): Inputs = {
     val compileOptions = {
@@ -358,7 +387,8 @@ class IncrementalCompilerImpl extends IncrementalCompiler {
-        order
+        order,
+        temporaryClassesDirectory
     inputs(compileOptions, compilers, setup, pr)
diff --git a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MixedAnalyzingCompiler.scala b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MixedAnalyzingCompiler.scala
index dff1f8823f..03a1482d32 100644
--- a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MixedAnalyzingCompiler.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/MixedAnalyzingCompiler.scala
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ package internal
 package inc
 import java.io.File
-import java.lang.ref.{ Reference, SoftReference }
+import java.lang.ref.{ SoftReference, Reference }
 import java.util.Optional
-import inc.javac.AnalyzingJavaCompiler
 import xsbti.{ Reporter, AnalysisCallback => XAnalysisCallback }
 import xsbti.compile.CompileOrder._
 import xsbti.compile._
-import sbt.io.IO
+import sbt.io.{ IO, DirectoryFilter }
 import sbt.util.{ InterfaceUtil, Logger }
 import sbt.internal.inc.JavaInterfaceUtil.EnrichOption
 import sbt.internal.inc.caching.ClasspathCache
+import sbt.internal.inc.javac.AnalyzingJavaCompiler
 import xsbti.compile.{ ClassFileManager => XClassFileManager }
 /** An instance of an analyzing compiler that can run both javac + scalac. */
@@ -28,17 +28,15 @@ final class MixedAnalyzingCompiler(
     val scalac: xsbti.compile.ScalaCompiler,
     val javac: AnalyzingJavaCompiler,
     val config: CompileConfiguration,
-    val log: Logger
+    val log: Logger,
+    outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
 ) {
-  import config._
-  import currentSetup._
-  private[this] val absClasspath = classpath.map(_.getAbsoluteFile)
+  private[this] val absClasspath = toAbsolute(config.classpath)
   /** Mechanism to work with compiler arguments. */
   private[this] val cArgs =
-    new CompilerArguments(compiler.scalaInstance, compiler.classpathOptions)
+    new CompilerArguments(config.compiler.scalaInstance, config.compiler.classpathOptions)
    * Compiles the given Java/Scala files.
@@ -54,33 +52,40 @@ final class MixedAnalyzingCompiler(
       callback: XAnalysisCallback,
       classfileManager: XClassFileManager
   ): Unit = {
+    val output = config.currentSetup.output
     val outputDirs = outputDirectories(output)
     outputDirs.foreach { d =>
-      if (!d.getPath.endsWith(".jar"))
+      if (d.getName.endsWith(".jar"))
+        IO.createDirectory(d.getParentFile)
+      else {
+      }
-    val incSrc = sources.filter(include)
+    val incSrc = config.sources.filter(include)
     val (javaSrcs, scalaSrcs) = incSrc.partition(javaOnly)
     logInputs(log, javaSrcs.size, scalaSrcs.size, outputDirs)
     /** Compile Scala sources. */
     def compileScala(): Unit =
       if (scalaSrcs.nonEmpty) {
-        val sources = if (order == Mixed) incSrc else scalaSrcs
-        val arguments = cArgs(Nil, absClasspath, None, options.scalacOptions)
-        timed("Scala compilation", log) {
-          compiler.compile(
-            sources.toArray,
-            changes,
-            arguments.toArray,
-            output,
-            callback,
-            reporter,
-            config.cache,
-            log,
-            progress.toOptional
-          )
+        JarUtils.withPreviousJar(output) { extraClasspath =>
+          val sources = if (config.currentSetup.order == Mixed) incSrc else scalaSrcs
+          val cp = toAbsolute(extraClasspath) ++ absClasspath
+          val arguments = cArgs(Nil, cp, None, config.currentSetup.options.scalacOptions)
+          timed("Scala compilation", log) {
+            config.compiler.compile(
+              sources.toArray,
+              changes,
+              arguments.toArray,
+              output,
+              callback,
+              config.reporter,
+              config.cache,
+              log,
+              config.progress.toOptional
+            )
+          }
@@ -91,26 +96,42 @@ final class MixedAnalyzingCompiler(
           val incToolOptions =
-              incOptions.useCustomizedFileManager()
+              config.incOptions.useCustomizedFileManager()
-          val joptions = options.javacOptions().toArray[String]
-          javac.compile(
-            javaSrcs,
-            joptions,
-            output,
-            callback,
-            incToolOptions,
-            reporter,
-            log,
-            progress
-          )
+          val joptions = config.currentSetup.options.javacOptions
+          JarUtils.getOutputJar(output) match {
+            case Some(outputJar) =>
+              val outputDir = JarUtils.javacTempOutput(outputJar)
+              IO.createDirectory(outputDir)
+              javac.compile(javaSrcs,
+                            joptions,
+                            CompileOutput(outputDir),
+                            Some(outputJar),
+                            callback,
+                            incToolOptions,
+                            config.reporter,
+                            log,
+                            config.progress)
+              putJavacOutputInJar(outputJar, outputDir)
+            case None =>
+              javac.compile(javaSrcs,
+                            joptions,
+                            output,
+                            finalJarOutput = None,
+                            callback,
+                            incToolOptions,
+                            config.reporter,
+                            log,
+                            config.progress)
+          }
     /* `Mixed` order defaults to `ScalaThenJava` behaviour.
      * See https://github.com/sbt/zinc/issues/234. */
-    if (order == JavaThenScala) {
+    if (config.currentSetup.order == JavaThenScala) {
       compileJava(); compileScala()
     } else {
       compileScala(); compileJava()
@@ -120,6 +141,27 @@ final class MixedAnalyzingCompiler(
       log.info("Done compiling.")
+  private def putJavacOutputInJar(outputJar: File, outputDir: File): Unit = {
+    import sbt.io.syntax._
+    val compiledClasses = (outputDir ** -DirectoryFilter).get.flatMap { classFile =>
+      IO.relativize(outputDir, classFile) match {
+        case Some(relPath) =>
+          List((classFile, relPath))
+        case _ => Nil
+      }
+    }
+    if (compiledClasses.nonEmpty) {
+      JarUtils.includeInJar(outputJar, compiledClasses)
+      outputJarContent.addClasses(compiledClasses.map(_._2).toSet)
+    }
+    IO.delete(outputDir)
+  }
+  private def toAbsolute(extraClasspath: Seq[File]) = {
+    extraClasspath.map(_.getAbsoluteFile)
+  }
   private[this] def outputDirectories(output: Output): Seq[File] = {
     output match {
       case single: SingleOutput => List(single.getOutputDirectory)
@@ -180,6 +222,7 @@ object MixedAnalyzingCompiler {
       compileOrder: CompileOrder = Mixed,
       skip: Boolean = false,
       incrementalCompilerOptions: IncOptions,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent,
       extra: List[(String, String)]
   ): CompileConfiguration = {
     val lookup = incrementalCompilerOptions.externalHooks().getExternalLookup
@@ -218,7 +261,8 @@ object MixedAnalyzingCompiler {
-      incrementalCompilerOptions
+      incrementalCompilerOptions,
+      outputJarContent
@@ -235,7 +279,8 @@ object MixedAnalyzingCompiler {
       reporter: Reporter,
       skip: Boolean,
       cache: GlobalsCache,
-      incrementalCompilerOptions: IncOptions
+      incrementalCompilerOptions: IncOptions,
+      outputJarContent: JarUtils.OutputJarContent
   ): CompileConfiguration = {
     new CompileConfiguration(
@@ -249,7 +294,8 @@ object MixedAnalyzingCompiler {
-      incrementalCompilerOptions
+      incrementalCompilerOptions,
+      outputJarContent
@@ -259,13 +305,19 @@ object MixedAnalyzingCompiler {
   ): (Seq[File], String => Option[File]) = {
     import config._
     import currentSetup._
+    // If we are compiling straight to jar, as javac does not support this,
+    // it will be compiled to a temporary directory (with deterministic name)
+    // and then added to the final jar. This temporary directory has to be
+    // available for sbt.internal.inc.classfile.Analyze to work correctly.
+    val tempJavacOutput =
+      JarUtils.getOutputJar(currentSetup.output).map(JarUtils.javacTempOutput).toSeq
     val absClasspath = classpath.map(_.getAbsoluteFile)
     val cArgs =
       new CompilerArguments(compiler.scalaInstance, compiler.classpathOptions)
     val searchClasspath = explicitBootClasspath(options.scalacOptions) ++ withBootclasspath(
-    )
+    ) ++ tempJavacOutput
     (searchClasspath, Locate.entry(searchClasspath, perClasspathEntryLookup))
@@ -291,7 +343,8 @@ object MixedAnalyzingCompiler {
-      log
+      log,
+      outputJarContent
diff --git a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/AnalyzingJavaCompiler.scala b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/AnalyzingJavaCompiler.scala
index ef999e9030..9ed29687e2 100644
--- a/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/AnalyzingJavaCompiler.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/main/scala/sbt/internal/inc/javac/AnalyzingJavaCompiler.scala
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ package inc
 package javac
 import java.io.File
+import java.net.URLClassLoader
 import sbt.internal.inc.classfile.Analyze
 import sbt.internal.inc.classpath.ClasspathUtilities
@@ -46,12 +47,35 @@ final class AnalyzingJavaCompiler private[sbt] (
     val searchClasspath: Seq[File]
 ) extends JavaCompiler {
+  // for compatibility
+  def compile(
+      sources: Seq[File],
+      options: Seq[String],
+      output: Output,
+      callback: AnalysisCallback,
+      incToolOptions: IncToolOptions,
+      reporter: XReporter,
+      log: XLogger,
+      progressOpt: Option[CompileProgress]
+  ): Unit = {
+    compile(sources,
+            options,
+            output,
+            finalJarOutput = None,
+            callback,
+            incToolOptions,
+            reporter,
+            log,
+            progressOpt)
+  }
    * Compile some java code using the current configured compiler.
    * @param sources  The sources to compile
    * @param options  The options for the Java compiler
    * @param output   The output configuration for this compiler
+   * @param finalJarOutput The output that will be used for straight to jar compilation.
    * @param callback  A callback to report discovered source/binary dependencies on.
    * @param incToolOptions The component that manages generated class files.
    * @param reporter  A reporter where semantic compiler failures can be reported.
@@ -63,6 +87,7 @@ final class AnalyzingJavaCompiler private[sbt] (
       sources: Seq[File],
       options: Seq[String],
       output: Output,
+      finalJarOutput: Option[File],
       callback: AnalysisCallback,
       incToolOptions: IncToolOptions,
       reporter: XReporter,
@@ -107,9 +132,6 @@ final class AnalyzingJavaCompiler private[sbt] (
         (classesFinder, classesFinder.get, srcs)
-      // Construct class loader to analyze dependencies of generated class files
-      val loader = ClasspathUtilities.toLoader(searchClasspath)
       // Record progress for java compilation
       val javaCompilationPhase = "Java compilation"
       progressOpt.map { progress =>
@@ -155,13 +177,25 @@ final class AnalyzingJavaCompiler private[sbt] (
         progress.advance(1, 2)
+      // Construct class loader to analyze dependencies of generated class files
+      val loader = ClasspathUtilities.toLoader(searchClasspath)
       timed(javaAnalysisPhase, log) {
         for ((classesFinder, oldClasses, srcs) <- memo) {
           val newClasses = Set(classesFinder.get: _*) -- oldClasses
-          Analyze(newClasses.toSeq, srcs, log)(callback, loader, readAPI)
+          Analyze(newClasses.toSeq, srcs, log, output, finalJarOutput)(callback, loader, readAPI)
+      // After using the classloader it should be closed. Otherwise it will keep the accessed
+      // jars open. Especially, when zinc is compiling directly to jar, that jar will be locked
+      // not allowing to change it in further compilation cycles (on Windows).
+      // This also affects jars in the classpath that come from dependency resolution.
+      loader match {
+        case u: URLClassLoader => u.close()
+        case _                 => ()
+      }
       // Report that we reached the end
       progressOpt.foreach { progress =>
         progress.advance(2, 2)
diff --git a/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/anon-class-java-depends-on-scala/JJ.java b/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/anon-class-java-depends-on-scala/JJ.java
index 3b9d25102f..4792932ecf 100644
--- a/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/anon-class-java-depends-on-scala/JJ.java
+++ b/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/anon-class-java-depends-on-scala/JJ.java
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 public class JJ {
-	public static void main(String[] args) {
-    // Declare anonymous class depending on Scala class
-		S s = new S() {
-      public void foo(String s) {
-        System.out.println(s);
-      }
-    };
-    s.foo("ahoy");
-	}
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+        // Declare anonymous class depending on Scala class
+        S s = new S() {
+            public void foo(String s) {
+                System.out.println(s);
+            }
+        };
+        s.foo("ahoy");
+    }
diff --git a/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/default-arguments-separate-compilation/incOptions.properties b/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/default-arguments-separate-compilation/incOptions.properties
index 17f05bf462..adfc92c361 100644
--- a/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/default-arguments-separate-compilation/incOptions.properties
+++ b/zinc/src/sbt-test/source-dependencies/default-arguments-separate-compilation/incOptions.properties
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-apiDebug = true
 relationsDebug = true
diff --git a/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/BaseCompilerSpec.scala b/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/BaseCompilerSpec.scala
index e291cf320f..83d6ec42b2 100644
--- a/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/BaseCompilerSpec.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/BaseCompilerSpec.scala
@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ class BaseCompilerSpec extends BridgeProviderSpecification {
-                             prev)
+                             prev,
+                             Optional.empty())
     def doCompile(newInputs: Inputs => Inputs = identity): CompileResult = {
       lastCompiledUnits = Set.empty
diff --git a/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MultiProjectIncrementalSpec.scala b/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MultiProjectIncrementalSpec.scala
index 794b67c520..a9258e2575 100644
--- a/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MultiProjectIncrementalSpec.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/MultiProjectIncrementalSpec.scala
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ class MultiProjectIncrementalSpec extends BridgeProviderSpecification {
-                               prev0)
+                               prev0,
+                               Optional.empty())
       // This registers `test.pkg.Ext1` as the class name on the binary stamp
       val result0 = compiler.compile(in, log)
       val contents = AnalysisContents.create(result0.analysis(), result0.setup())
@@ -100,7 +101,8 @@ class MultiProjectIncrementalSpec extends BridgeProviderSpecification {
-                                prev1)
+                                prev1,
+                                Optional.empty())
       // This registers `test.pkg.Ext2` as the class name on the binary stamp,
       // which means `test.pkg.Ext1` is no longer in the stamp.
       val result1 = compiler.compile(in1, log)
@@ -137,7 +139,8 @@ class MultiProjectIncrementalSpec extends BridgeProviderSpecification {
-                                emptyPrev)
+                                emptyPrev,
+                                Optional.empty())
       val result2 = compiler.compile(in2, log)
       fileStore2.set(AnalysisContents.create(result2.analysis(), result2.setup()))
@@ -176,7 +179,8 @@ class MultiProjectIncrementalSpec extends BridgeProviderSpecification {
-                                prev)
+                                prev,
+                                Optional.empty())
       val result3 = compiler.compile(in3, log)
       val a3 = result3.analysis match { case a: Analysis => a }
       fileStore.set(AnalysisContents.create(a3, result3.setup))
diff --git a/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/cached/CachedHashingSpec.scala b/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/cached/CachedHashingSpec.scala
index f43eae172d..1a2667a59d 100644
--- a/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/cached/CachedHashingSpec.scala
+++ b/zinc/src/test/scala/sbt/inc/cached/CachedHashingSpec.scala
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ package sbt.inc.cached
 import java.nio.file.{ Path, Paths }
 import java.io.File
 import sbt.inc.{ BaseCompilerSpec, SourceFiles }
-import sbt.internal.inc.{ Analysis, CompileOutput, MixedAnalyzingCompiler }
+import sbt.internal.inc.{ CompileOutput, Analysis, MixedAnalyzingCompiler, JarUtils }
 import sbt.io.IO
 class CachedHashingSpec extends BaseCompilerSpec {
@@ -35,13 +36,14 @@ class CachedHashingSpec extends BaseCompilerSpec {
       val javac = compilers.javaTools.javac
       val scalac = compilers.scalac
       val giganticClasspath = file(sys.props("user.home"))./(".ivy2").**("*.jar").get.take(500)
+      val output = CompileOutput(options.classesDirectory)
       def genConfig = MixedAnalyzingCompiler.makeConfig(
-        CompileOutput(options.classesDirectory),
+        output,
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ class CachedHashingSpec extends BaseCompilerSpec {
+        JarUtils.createOutputJarContent(output),
@@ -77,13 +80,14 @@ class CachedHashingSpec extends BaseCompilerSpec {
       val javac = compilers.javaTools.javac
       val scalac = compilers.scalac
       val fakeLibraryJar = tempDir / "lib" / "foo.jar"
+      val output = CompileOutput(options.classesDirectory)
       def genConfig = MixedAnalyzingCompiler.makeConfig(
-        CompileOutput(options.classesDirectory),
+        output,
@@ -95,6 +99,7 @@ class CachedHashingSpec extends BaseCompilerSpec {
+        JarUtils.createOutputJarContent(output),