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I found a way to sort of do what you want to do, but I'm not super thrilled with the approach. I have an HTTP testing app and wanted to create a "console" what would show request traffic. In the example below I am watching for reqwest TRACE messages and dispatching them to an event handler (I'm using Tauri, but that isn't material here). Crates like reqwest_middleware didn't work for me because there was no way to get to the request/response bodies. Basically, the only way I found to get the entire request and response is to use the trace logging included in reqwest. There's some overhead with doing this.
Make sure your ClientBuilder calls My log processing mechanism looks like this... use chrono::Local;
use log::{Metadata, Record};
use regex::Regex;
use serde::Serialize;
use tauri::{AppHandle, Emitter};
pub struct ReqwestLogger {
regex_readwrite: Regex,
regex_connect: Regex,
app: AppHandle,
pub struct ReqwestEventConnect<'a> {
pub timestamp: &'a str,
pub host: &'a str,
pub struct ReqwestEventRead<'a> {
pub timestamp: &'a str,
pub id: &'a str,
pub data: &'a str,
pub struct ReqwestEventWrite<'a> {
pub timestamp: &'a str,
pub id: &'a str,
pub data: &'a str,
#[serde(tag = "event")]
pub enum ReqwestEvent<'a> {
impl ReqwestLogger {
pub fn new(app: AppHandle) -> Self {
ReqwestLogger {
regex_readwrite: Regex::new(r#"^([0-9a-f]+) (read|write): (b".*")$"#).unwrap(),
regex_connect: Regex::new(r#"starting new connection: (.*)"#).unwrap(),
impl log::Log for ReqwestLogger {
fn enabled(&self, _: &Metadata) -> bool {
fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
let target =;
if target == "reqwest::connect" {
let args = record.args().to_string();
if let Some(result) = self.regex_connect.captures(&args) {
if let Some(host) = result.get(1) {
serde_json::to_string(&ReqwestEvent::Connect(ReqwestEventConnect {
timestamp: Local::now()
host: host.as_str(),
} else if target == "reqwest::connect::verbose" {
let args = record.args().to_string();
if let Some(result) = self.regex_readwrite.captures(&args) {
if let Some(request_id) = result.get(1) {
if let Some(operation) = result.get(2) {
if let Some(data) = result.get(3) {
if operation.as_str() == "read" {
ReqwestEventRead {
timestamp: Local::now()
id: request_id.as_str(),
data: data.as_str(),
} else {
ReqwestEventWrite {
timestamp: Local::now()
id: request_id.as_str(),
data: data.as_str(),
fn flush(&self) {}
} In my app, I initialize the logger using OnceLock, since log is static lifetime: static REQWEST_LOGGER: OnceLock<ReqwestLogger> = OnceLock::new();
fn main() {
.setup(|app| {
/// stuff...
// Initialize log hook to monitor Reqwest activity
let _ =
log::set_logger(REQWEST_LOGGER.get_or_init(|| ReqwestLogger::new(app.handle().clone())));
// yah, this is global :( ...
} IMHO, in a perfect world, Reqwest wouldn't be relying on logging to do this sort of introspection. There is overhead no matter what when doing something like this, because the response can only be streamed once as its coming in. So, the utility of something like this in production application is kind of an edge-case, so I see why they don't do it. Hope this helps... |
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In golang can trace a request like this, how can trace a request use reqwest?
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