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Thomas Sibley edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 4 revisions

The study has a Grafana Cloud subscription on, so that we don't have to manage and operate our own Grafana and Loki instances.

Our Grafana instance is

Our Prometheus instance on backoffice sends metrics to the Grafana Cloud account's Prometheus ingestion endpoint, via Prometheus' remote writer support. The relevant configuration is in our Ansible-managed infra.

Soon, promtail will send backoffice logs to the Grafana Cloud account's Loki instance.

Our current "Pro" plan comes with 10 users included. Additional users are $5 per user per month.


Users can login two ways:

  1. With the UW IdP (via SAML) by clicking the "Login with SAML" button on the Grafana login page. Most users should use this method.

  2. With accounts by clicking the "Login with" button on the login page. This method should be used only by folks with adminstrative access who have accounts to manage our subscription. It also provides a backup means of access to monitoring data for the dev team if the SAML integration is broken.

Users are matched by email address, so if a user has a email, then they'll be able to login either way.

Contact information, released user attributes, and group-based access control for the UW IdP's registration record of our Grafana instance can be managed via the Service Provider Registry.


Authz happens in two places:

  1. At the UW IdP, we gate access to Grafana via memberships in the uw_gs_bbi_sfs_grafana UW Group. Since Grafana auto-creates new users from SAML logins, this allows us to control who from UW can login. Group membership is managed via UW Groups and the access control is configured via the SP registry.

  2. Within Grafana, we set user roles to control access to creating and modifying dashboards and ad-hoc exploration of metrics and logs. The roles are viewer (default for new users), editor, and admin. These are managed via the Configuration → Users page.

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