- After being archived for 2 years, the project has been reactivated.
- Updated all dependencies and development tools to their latest versions to ensure compatibility and security.
- Addressed potential vulnerabilities by upgrading outdated dependencies.
- Additional changes and improvements will follow soon.
- Project contribution guidelines, pull request template, to enable easier contribution.
- Setup ESlint and commitlint to enforce coding standards and conventional commits.
- Updated several dependency packages to their latest versions.
- Bug in PWA resources filename character.
- Support for Ionic 4 PWA resource generation.
- Support for SVG file format
- New resource image sizes - 'icon-1024.png', name: 'icon-20.png', 'icon-44@2x.png', 'Default-Portrait-iphonex.png', 'Default-Landscape-iphonex.png'
- 'configPath' CLI option to use custom configs.
- New image processing library - Sharp image processor.
- Image resize behaviour changed to 'cover' instead of 'crop'.
Updated all packages to the latest stable version, including several with critical vulnerabilities.