This role creates fully automated computing instances (virtual machines).
Modes of operation:
- full manual mode (no IPAM, all vars need to be provided)
compute_instance_ipam_provider: manual
- provide specs of instance, but query IPAM (like netbox as source of truth for network/prefix-details like gateway, vlan, bridge):
compute_instance_ipam_provider: netbox
supported virtualization plattforms:
- proxmox (no matter if on-premise or co-location, single-server or cluster)
cloud-init (datasource: config-drive, other will follow, maybe nocloud
- support boot-parameters for grub
- network config (+ DNS) depending on choice of the distribution cloud-image (ifupdown/netplan/networkmanager)
- injecting pubkeys before network is even up
- executing commands
- update packages, reboot ... and so on
networking (IPv4 AND/OR IPv6)
- manual values (no IPAM)
- or next available IP from given prefix (via query of IPAM solution like netbox)
- or disabled (when v4 or v6 is not needed)
DNS-entries, currently implemented:
- hetzner
- inwx
- [playbook-compute-instance-manual.yml](playbook-compute-instance-manual.yml
- playbook-compute-instance-netbox.yml
- playbook-create-cloud-init-template.yml
Required/most important vars:
- hostname (FQDN) ->
compute_instance_hostname: "FQDN"
- distribution (values: debian, ubuntu, centos) ->
compute_instance_distribution: "debian"
- name of the template-VM to clone from (cloud image) ->
compute_instance_cloudinit_image: "template-cloudinit-deb12-latest"
- memory (max.) for VM (in MB), example with 2G ->
compute_instance_memory_max: 2048
- number of CPU cores (example: 2vcpu) ->
compute_instance_cores: 2
- disk size in GB (example: 20G) ->
compute_instance_disksize: 20
- name of target storage (proxmox usually has local" or "local-zfs) ->
compute_instance_storage: "local-zfs"
- network/IP for new instance:
- no IPAM:
compute_instance_ipam_provider: manual
(see: playbook-compute-instance-manual.yml)- IPv4 (CIDR-notation):
ORcompute_instance_ip_v4: "no"
- IPv6 (CIDR-notation):
compute_instance_ip_v6: 1:2:3:4::abc/64
- Gateway IPv4:
ORcompute_instance_ip_v6: "no"
- Gateway IPv6:
compute_instance_gateway_v6: 1:2:3:4::1
- Name of the interface/bridge your instance will connected to:
compute_instance_bridge: vmbr0
- IPv4 (CIDR-notation):
- IPAM netbox:
compute_instance_ipam_provider: netbox
(see: playbook-compute-instance-netbox.yml)- IPv4 same options as "no IPAM", additional option: name of network (example:
compute_instance_ip_v4: "home_network_v4"
(IPAM will choose next free IP from that prefix) - IPv6 same options as "no IPAM", additional option. example:
compute_instance_ip_v6: "home_network_v6"
- IPv4 same options as "no IPAM", additional option: name of network (example:
- no IPAM:
- IPAM solution (valid choices: netbox:
compute_instance_ipam_provider: netbox
- Virtualization plattform, valid choices: proxmox:
compute_instance_virtualization_provider: proxmox
- DNS, enable creation of DNS records:
compute_instance_dns_create_records_enable: true
- dns provider (valid choices: hetzner, inwx) ->
compute_instance_dns_provider: hetzner
- dns provider (valid choices: hetzner, inwx) ->
- storage:
- proxmox:
- proxmox_snippet_storage:
- proxmox_snippet_dir:
- compute_instance_storage:
- proxmox_snippet_storage:
- proxmox:
more vars in defaults/main.yml
on controller:
- ansible-galaxy collection install community.general inwx.collection community.dns
on target:
- pip3 install netaddr proxmoxer pynetbox
on virtualization host:
- VM-template on proxmox with name of var "compute_instance_cloudinit_image".
role is able to install requirements on target.
Stefan Schwarz