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ClientScript is a feature of EssentialClient what allows you to write scripts for the client directly into Minecraft. It extends Arucas which is an interpreted language, with very similar syntax to Java using Java as it's host language, Arucas, has the core functionality of a programming language and ClientScript adds all the Minecraft functions.
The main purpose of ClientScript is to create modifications and player automation without having to make a mod.
You must have EssentialClient installed, then after you have booted the game, you can navigate to the Essential Client Menu. Once you have opened this menu there will be an option to open Client Script Options, this will open up a config screen where you can manage your ClientScripts. You can create a new script (top left), and click 'Open Script' to open it, this will open a prompt asking you what program to open the file with, open it with any text editor (IntelliJ has a Highlighter for the language, you can find that here). ClientScripts are stored in .minecraft/config/EssentialClient/Scripts
In game, you can navigate to controls and bind Client Script Start Selected
and Client Script Stop Selected
to some keybinds. This will allow you to start and stop your selected scripts. You can select a script by navigating to the Client Script Options screen and ticking the checkbox. You can also start and stop scripts from here.
If you don't want to make your own scripts that's fine, there are people who have already written scripts and who are sharing them. You will be able to find these on my discord server, and also on the clientscript GitHub page. You can download scripts directly in-game by using the /clientscript download
To see what's avaiable in this language please visit the Arucas Wiki, this contains all the information you need about the base language.
ClientScript then adds ontop of this language more classes and functions that allow you to control Minecraft. The information about what ClientScript adds is listed below...
ClientScript adds some new value types for use in Minecraft.
- The general MinecraftClient instance
- The world that is/was loaded in Minecraft
- An entity in Minecraft
- A living entity in Minecraft
- Other players in the game
- The main player (you)
- A position in the world (x, y, z)
- A material, all the item/block types
- A block in Minecraft
- An item in Minecraft
- A recipe in Minecraft
- A villager trade in Minecraft
- Strings that can be formatted for Minecraft
- A screen instance
- A villager screen instance
- A fake inventory screen instance
- A builder that allows you to create commands
- Boxes that can be rendered in Minecraft
- Events that can be registered in Minecraft
- A json element
These are functions that can be called without a class or value.
- This stops the script from terminating when it finishes executing
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed, and it's a singleton (there is only one instance), and is used to do general things with the client.
- This gets the MinecraftClient
- Returns - MinecraftClient: the Minecraft Client
- Example:
This will be used for examples:
client = MinecraftClient.getClient();
- This gets the current player on the client
- Returns - Player: the main player
- Example:
- This gets the current world that the client is in
- Returns - World: the current world
- Example:
- This allows you to register your own command in the game
- Parameters - CommandBuilder: the command builder
- Throws:
"Expected a literal command builder as root"
- Example:
commandBuilder = CommandBuilder.literal("example");
- This allows you to simulate a key press inside of Minecraft, this will only press the key down
- Parameter - String: the key you want to press
- Throws:
"Tried to press unknown key"
- Example:
- This allows you to simulate a key release inside Minecraft, this is useful for keys that only work on release. For example:
- Parameter - String: the key you want to press
- Throws:
"Tried to press unknown key"
- Example:
- This allows you to simulate a key being held inside Minecraft, this will press, and release the key
- Parameters - String, Number: the key you want to hold, the number of milliseconds you want it held for
- Throws:
"Tried to press unknown key"
- Example:
client.holdKey("w", 2000);
- This allows you to take a screenshot of the game
- Example:
- This allows you to play a sound around the player
- Parameters - String, Number, Number: the name of the sound you want to play (list of sounds here, click [show] for Java edition values, all valid sounds are in the far left column), the volume of the sound, the pitch of the sound
- Throws:
"Invalid identifier name"
- Example:
client.playSound("entity.lightning_bolt.thunder", 1, 1);
- This allows you to clear the chat hud
- Example:
- This returns the latest chat message
- Returns - String: the latest chat message
- Example:
"<senseiwells> o/"
- Example:
- Example:
- Determines whether the players is in a singleplayer world
- Returns - Boolean: whether the player is in singleplayer
- Example:
- This gets the current connected server's name that is set in the multiplayer screen
- Returns - String: the server name
- Example:
"Minecraft Server"
- Example:
- Throws:
"Failed to get server name"
- Example:
- This gets your current ping to the server
- Returns - Number: your ping in ms
- Example:
- This gets the script path, where all other scripts are stored.
- Returns - String: the path of all scripts
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This sets the value of an EssentialClient Rule
- Parameters - String, Value: the name of the rule you want to set, the value you want to set it to
- Throws:
"Invalid ClientRule name"
and"Cannot set that value"
- Example:
client.setEssentialClientRule("highlightLavaSources", false); // Can also do "false"
client.setEssentialClientRule("customClientCape", "Minecon 2011");
- This resets the value of an EssentialClient Rule
- Parameter - String: the name of the rule you want to reset
- Throws:
"Invalid ClientRule name"
- Example:
- This gets the value of an EssentialClient Rule
- Parameter - String: the name of the rule you want to get the value of
- Returns - String: the value currently set to that rule
- Throws:
"Invalid ClientRule name"
- Example:
- This gets a list of all mod ids of the mods currently installed
- Returns - List: a list of mod ids as strings
- Example:
- This renders an item in front of the player using the totem of undying animation
- Parameter - ItemStack: the item you want to render
- Example:
- This returns the current ItemStack that is held by the cursor
- Returns - ItemStack: the cursor ItemStack
- Example:
- This sets the cursor stack to an ItemStack, this will only work in FakeScreen instances
- Parameter - ItemStack: the item you want to set the cursor to hold
- Example:
- This gets the current render distance you have set
- Returns - Number: the render distance
- Example:
- This sets current render distance on the client
- Parameter - Number: the render distance you want to set
- Example:
- This removes all
codes from the string - Parameter - String: the string you want to string
- Returns - String: the stripped string
- Example:
- This runs a function on the main Minecraft thread
- Parameter - FunctionValue: the function you want to run on the main thread
- Example:
client.runOnMainThread(fun() {
print("this is running on the main thread");
- This ticks the MinecraftClient, this is useful if you are running something demanding on the main thread but still want to tick the client
- Example:
- This gets the current Minecraft version you are playing on
- Returns - String: the Minecraft Version
- Example:
This class can be constructed and consists of 3 values, x, y, and z.
- This creates a new Pos with x, y, and z
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position
- Returns - Pos: the newly constructed Pos value
This will be used for all examples:
pos = new Pos(0, 0, 0);
- This gets the x position of the position value
- Returns - Number: the x position
- Example:
- This gets the y position of the position value
- Returns - Number: the y position
- Example:
- This gets the z position of the position value
- Returns - Number: the z position
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed but has a static method to convert a string to an instance of an Entity.
- This converts an EntityId string into an entity instance
- Returns - Entity: the entity of the id
- Example:
This will be used for all examples:
entity = Entity.of("item_frame");
- This returns whether the entity is sneaking
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is sneakng
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is sprinting
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is sprinting
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is falling
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is falling
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is on the ground
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is on the ground
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is touching water
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is touching water
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is touching water or rain
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is touching water or rain
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is submerged in water
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is submerged in water
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is in lava
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is in lava
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity is on fire
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entitiy is on fire
- Example:
- This gets the block that the entity is currently looking at
- Returns - Block: the block the entity is looking at
- Example:
- This gets the block that the entity is currently looking at
- Parameter - Number: the max distance you want to get the block
- Returns - Block: the block the entity is looking at
- Example:
- This gets the position that the entity is looking at,
- Parameter - Number: the max distance you want to get the pos
- Returns - Pos: position containing the x, y, and z
- Example:
pos = entity.getLookingAtPos(10);
- This gets the entityId of the entity
- Returns - Number: the entityId
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current x position
- Returns - Number: the x position
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current y position
- Returns - Number: the y position
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current z position
- Returns - Number: the z position
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current yaw
- Returns - Number: the yaw
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current pitch
- Returns - Number: the pitch
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current dimension
- Returns - String: the dimension
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Example:
- This gets the entity's current biome (a list of all the biome ids can be found here)
- Returns - String: the biome
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Example:
- This gets the entity's type as a string representation, you can find all entityNames on Joa's Entity Property Encyclopedia
- Returns - String: the entity type
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Example:
- This gets the entity's age
- Returns - Number: the entities age
- Example:
- This gets the entity's custom name if it has one
- Returns - String / Null: the entities custom name, null if it has none
- Example:
- This gets the entity's Uuid
- Returns - String: the entities Uuid
- Example:
- This gets the entity's distance to another entity
- Returns - Number: the distance between the two entities
- Example:
world = client.getWorld();
player = client.getPlayer();
otherPlayer = world.getClosestPlayerEntity(player);
distance = player.getDistanceTo(otherPlayer);
- This gets the entity's squared distance to another entity
- Parameter - Entity: another entity
- Returns - Number: the squared distance between the two entities
- Example:
world = client.getWorld();
player = client.getPlayer();
otherPlayer = world.getClosestPlayerEntity(player);
squaredDistance = player.getSquaredDistanceTo(otherPlayer);
- This sets the entity to glowing, giving it the glowing effect on the client
- Parameter - Boolean: whether you want to disable/enable the glow effect
- Example:
- This gets the entity's Nbt data as a Map
- Returns - Map: the entity's Nbt as a map
- Example:
- This gets the entity's translated name and is properly formatted
- Returns - String: the entity's translated name
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the max and min positions of the entities hitbox
- Returns - List: a list of two positions, first will be the min second will be the max
- Example:
- This returns whether the entity collides with a block at a position
- Parameters - Pos, Block: the position of the block, the block
- Returns - Boolean: whether it collides
- Example:
entity,collidesWith(new Pos(0, 100, 0), Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK.asBlock());
This class cannot be constructed but you can get an instance of a living entity through Entity.of()
, with entities that are living.
extends Entity
, so it inherits all methods from Entity
This will be used for all examples:
entity = Entity.of("pig");
- This gets the LivingEntity's status effects, you can find a list of all the ids of status effects here
- Returns - List: a list of all the status effects as strings, list can contain Null
- Example:
["regeneration", "resistance", "fire_resistance"]
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the LivingEntity's current health
- Returns - Number: the health of the entity
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Example:
- This checks whether the LivingEntity is fly falling (gliding with an elytra)
- Returns - Boolean: whether the entity is fly falling
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed.
extends LivingEntity
, so it inherits all methods from LivingEntity
, and Entity
This will be used for all examples:
player = Player.get();
// I am using the main player here but these functions work for otherPlayers too
- This gets the player's current slot
- Returns - Number: the current slot number
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the player's current held item
- Returns - ItemStack: the ItemStack the player is holding in their main hand
- Example:
- This checks whether the player's inventory is full
- Returns - Boolean: whether the player's inventory is full
- Example:
- This gets the player's name
- Returns - String: the player's name
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the player's current gamemode
- Returns - String: the gamemode
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Example:
- This gets the total number of slots in the player's screen
- Returns - Number: the total number of slots
- Example:
- This gets an item for a slot in the player's current inventory (including other inventories)
- Parameter - Number: the slot number you want to find the item for
- Returns - ItemStack: the item in that slot
- Throws:
"That slot is out of bounds"
- Example:
- This gets an item for a slot in the player's inventory (excluding other inventories)
- Parameter - Number: the slot number you want to find the item for
- Returns - ItemStack: the item in that slot
- Throws:
"That slot is out of bounds"
- Example:
- This gets a slot for an item in the player's inventory
- Parameter - ItemStack: the ItemStack you want to search for
- Returns - Number / Null: the slot of that ItemStack, returns null if it cannot find a slot
- Example:
- This gets a list of all the slots for an item in the player's inventory
- Parameter - ItemStack: the ItemStack you want to search for
- Returns - List: a list with all the slots of that ItemStack
- Example:
- This gets a map of all the player's abilities
- Returns - Map: a map of the abilities
- Example:
{"invulnerable" : false, "canFly" : false, "canBreakBlocks" : true, "isCreative" : false, "walkSpeed" : 1.0, "flySpeed" : 1.2}
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the amount of levels the player has
- Returns - Number: the amount of levels
- Example:
- This gets the current hunger level of the player
- Returns - Number: the amount of hunger the player has
- Example:
- This gets the current saturation level of the player
- Returns - Number: the amount of saturation the player has
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed and this object refers to the main player.
- This gets the main player
- Returns - Player: the main player
- Example:
extends OtherPlayer
, so it inherits all methods from OtherPlayer
, LivingEntity
, and Entity
This will be used for all examples:
client = MinecraftClient.getClient();
player = Player.get();
- This allows you to make your player use
- Parameter - String: this must be one of three: "hold", "stop", or "once"
- Throws:
"Must pass "hold", "stop" or "once" into use()"
- Example:
- This allows you to make your player attack
- Parameter - String: this must be one of three: "hold", "stop", or "once"
- Throws:
"Must pass "hold", "stop" or "once" into use()"
- Example:
- This will make the player jump if they are on the ground
- Example:
- This allows you to set the slot number your player is holding
- Parameter - Number: number must be between 0 - 8
- Throws:
"Number must be between 0 - 8"
- Example:
- This allows you to make your player send a message in chat, this includes commands
- Parameter - Value: any value you want the player to say
- Examples:
,player.say("/gamemode creative");
- This allows you to send a message to your player, only they will see this
- Parameter - Value: any value you want to message the player, if you pass in Text it will be formatted
- Example:
- This allows you to set the current message displaying on the action bar
- Parameter - Value: any value you want to message the player, if you pass in Text it will be formatted
- Example:
- This allows you to show a title and a subtitle to the player
- Parameter - Value / Null, Value / Null: any value you want to display to the player, pass null if you don't want to diplay one of them, if you pass in Text it will be formatted
- Example:
Player.showTitle("WOW", "subtitle");
- This opens the player's inventory screen
- Example:
- This opens a screen for the player
- Parameter - Screen: any screen that isn't handled server side
- Throws:
"Opening handled screens is unsafe"
- Example:
fakeScreen = client.createFakeScreen("fake", 1);
- This closes the player's current screen and returns them to the game
- Example:
- This allows you to set whether your player is holding the walk key or not
- Parameter - Boolean: whether you want them to walk
- Example:
- This allows you to set whether your player is holding the sneak key or not
- Parameter - Boolean: whether you want them to sneak
- Example:
- This allows you to set whether your player is holding the sprinting key or not
- Parameter - Boolean: whether you want them to sprint
- Example:
- This allows you to drop the item(s) you are currently holding in your main hand
- Parameter - Boolean: whether you want to drop the whole stack
- Example:
- This allows you to drop all of a select item type from your inventory
- Parameter - ItemStack: the ItemStack you want to drop
- Example:
- This returns the predicted current swappable hotbar slot
- Returns - Number: the predicted slot
- Example:
- This allows you to swap 2 slots with one another
- Parameters - Number, Number: slot number, another slot number
- Throws
"That slot is out of bounds"
- Example:
player.swapSlots(13, 46);
- This allows you to swap a slot in the player's inventory with your hotbar
- Parameter - Number: the slot you want to swap
- Throws:
"That slot is out of bound"
- Example:
- This allows you to shift click a slot
- Parameters - Number: a slot number
- Throws
"That slot is out of bounds"
- Example:
- This allows you to click a slot with either right or left click and a slot action
- Parameters - Number, String, String: the slot number, either 'left' or 'right' click, the type of action, 'click', 'shift_click', 'swap', 'middle_click', 'throw', 'drag', 'double_click'.
- Throws:
"Invalid clickData must be \"left\" or \"right\""
,"Invalid slotActionType, see Wiki"
, or"That slot is out of bounds"
- Example:
player.clickSlot(9, "left", "double_click");
- This gets the current screen the player is in
- Returns - Screen / Null: the screen that the player is in, if the player is not in a screen, returns Null
- Example:
- This allows you to drop the items in a slot
- Parameter - Number: a slot number
- Example:
- This swaps the player's main and off hand
- Example:
- This players the player's hand swinging animation
- Parameter - Boolean: whether the swing should be the offhand
- Example:
- This allows you to manipulate where your player is looking
- Parameters - Number, Number: the yaw (between -180 - 180), and the pitch (between -90 - 90)
- Example:
player.look(-76.2, 80.1);
- This makes your player look towards a block position
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, and z position
- Example:
player.lookAtPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- This makes your player look towards a block position
- Parameters - Pos: the position value
- Example:
player.lookAtPos(new Pos(0, 0, 0);
- This makes the player 'fake' look in a direction, this can be used to place blocks in unusual orientations without moving the camera.
- Paramters - Number, Number, String, Number: yaw, pitch, direction (north, south, etc...), duration in ticks
- Example:
player.fakeLook(0, 0, "up", 100);
- This allows you to craft a recipe, this can be 2x2 or 3x3
- Parameter - List: a list of ItemStacks making up the recipe you want to craft (must include air)
- Throws:
"Recipe must either be 3x3 or 2x2"
or"The recipe must only include items"
or"You must be in a crafting table to craft a 3x3"
- Example:
oakItem = Material.OAK_PLANKS.asItemStack();
airItem = Material.AIR.asItemStack();
oakItem, oakItem, oakItem,
oakItem, airItem, oakItem,
oakItem, oakItem, oakItem
// Chest crafting recipe
- This allows you to craft a predefined recipe.
- Parameter - Recipe: a recipe
- Throws:
"Must be in a crafting GUI"
- Example:
- This allows you to use the stonecutter
- Parameters - ItemStack, ItemStack: the item you want to input, the item you want to output
- Returns - Boolean: returns false if the player doesn't have the inputItem, returns true if crafting was successful
- Throws:
"Not in stonecutter gui"
or"Recipe does not exist"
- Example:
player.stonecutter(Material.STONE.asItemstack(), Material.STONE_BRICKS.asItemStack());
- This allows you to combine two items in an anvil
- Parameters - Function, Function: a function determining whether the first ItemStack meets a criteria, function determining whether the second ItemStack meets a criteria
- Returns - Boolean / Number: whether the anvilling was successful, if the player doesn't have enough levels it will return the cost of the anvilling
- Throws:
Not in anvil gui"
or""Invalid function parameter""
- Example:
// Enchant a pickaxe with mending
// Predicate for pick
fun(item) {
// We want a netherite pickaxe without mending
if (item.getItemId() == "netherite_pickaxe") {
hasMending = item.getEnchantments().getKeys().contains("mending");
return !hasMending;
return false;
// Predicate for book
fun(item) {
// We want a book with mending
if (item.getItemId() == "enchanted_book") {
hasMending = item.getEnchantments().getKeys().contains("mending");
return hasMending;
return false;
- This allows you to name an item in an anvil
- Parameters - String, Function: the name you want to name it to, function determining whether the ItemStack meets a criteria
- Returns - Boolean / Number: whether the anvilling was successful, if the player doesn't have enough levels it will return the cost of the anvilling
- Throws:
"Not in anvil gui"
or"Invalid function parameter"
- Example:
// Rename any shulker box
player.anvilRename("Rocket Box",
fun(item) {
isShulker = item.getItemId().containsString("shulker_box"));
return isShulker;
- This forces the player to leave the world
- Parameter - String: the message you display on the disconnect screen
- Example:
player.logout("You've been lazy!")
- This lets you to teleport to any entity as long as you are in spectator mode
- Parameter - Entity: the entity you want to teleport to, this must be an actual entity on the server
- Example:
firstEntity = client.getWorld().getAllEntities().get(0);
- This allows a player to interact with an entity without have to click on the entity
- Parameter - Entity: the entity you want to interact with
- Example:
allEntities = client.getWorld().getAllEntities();
foreach (entity : allEntities) {
if (entity.getId() == "villager" && player.getSquaredDistanceTo(entity) < 5) {
- This makes a player attack an entity without having to be looking at or clicking on the entity
- Parameter - Entity: the entity you want to attack
- Example:
allEntities = client.getWorld().getAllEntities();
foreach (entity : allEntities) {
if (entity.getId() == "villager" && player.getSquaredDistanceTo(entity) < 5) {
- This gets the entity that the player is currently looking at
- Returns - Entity / Null: the entity that the player is currently looking at, can be Null if there is no Entity
- Example:
- This allows you to interact with a block at a position and direction
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number, String: x position, y position, z position, and direction (north, south, etc...)
- Example:
player.interactBlock(0, 100, 0, "down");
- This allows you to interact with a block at a position and drection
- Parameters - Pos, String: position, and direction (north, south, etc...)
- Example:
player.interactBlock(new Pos(0, 100, 0), "down");
- This allows you to interact with a block at a position and drection
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number, String, Number, Number, Number, Boolean: x position, y position, z position, and direction (north, south, etc...), block x position, block y position, block z position, whether you are inside the block
- Example:
player.interactBlock(0, 100, 0, "down", 0, 100, 0, false);
- This allows you to interact with a block at a position and drection
- Parameters - Pos, String, Pos, Boolean: position, and direction (north, south, etc...), block position, whether you are inside the block
- Example:
pos = new Pos(0, 100, 0);
player.interactBlock(pos, "down", pos, false);`
- This allows you to attack a block at a position and direction
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number, String: x position, y position, z position, and direction (north, south, etc...)
- Example:
player.attackBlock(0, 100, 0, "down");
- This allows you to attack a block at a position and drection
- Parameters - Pos, String: position, and direction (north, south, etc...)
- Example:
player.attackBlock(new Pos(0, 100, 0), "down");
- This allows you to update your block breaking progress at a position
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position
- Example:
player.updateBreakingBlock(0, 100, 0, "down");
- This allows you to update your block breaking progress at a position
- Parameters - Pos: position of the block
- Example:
player.updateBreakingBlock(new Pos(0, 100, 0), "down");
- This calculates the speed at which the player would break a block with their current hand
- Paratmeter - Block: the block you want to get the breaking speed for
- Example:
This class can be constructed.
- This creates a new instance of a FakeEntity which allows you to spawn in a fake entity on the client.
- Parameters - Entity, World: the entity (type) that you want to spawn, the current world
- Throws:
"Entity could not be created"
- Example:
new FakeEntity(Entity.of("pig"), MinecraftClient.getClient().getWorld());
- Extra Info:
- You cannot create fake players...
This will be used for all examples:
client = MinecraftClient.getClient();
fakeEntity = new FakeEntity(Entity.of("pig"), client.getWorld());
- This is the entity that is being faked
- Value Type: Entity
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This is the world of the entity
- Value Type: World
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This is the position of the entity
- Value Type: Pos
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This is the body yaw of the entity
- Value Type: Number
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This is the yaw of the entity
- Value Type: Number
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This is the pitch of the entity
- Value Type: Number
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This sets the current world for the entity
- Parameter - World: the world you want to set
- Example:
- This sets the entity's position interpolating the movement (moving in steps)
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position, the number of interpolation steps
- Example:
fakeEntity.setPos(0, 100, 0, 5);
- This sets the entity's position interpolating the movement (moving in steps)
- Parameters - Pos, Number: the position, the number of interpolation steps
- Example:
fakeEntity.setPos(new Pos(0, 100, 0), 5);
- This sets the entity's position with no interpolation
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position
- Example:
fakeEntity.setPos(0, 100, 0);
- This sets the entity's position with no interpolation
- Parameter - Pos: the position
- Example:
fakeEntity.setPos(new Pos(0, 100, 0));
- This sets the entity's head yaw with interpolation
- Parameters - Number, Number: the yaw, the number of interpolation steps
- Example:
fakeEntity.setYaw(100, 3);
- This sets the entity's head yaw with no interpolation
- Parameter - Number: the yaw
- Example:
- This sets the entity's body yaw with interpolation
- Parameters - Number, Number: the yaw, the number of interpolation steps
- Example:
fakeEntity.setBodyYaw(100, 3);
- This sets the entity's body yaw with no interpolation
- Parameter - Number: the yaw
- Example:
- This sets the entity's pitch with interpolation
- Parameters - Number, Number: the pitch, the number of interpolation steps
- Example:
fakeEntity.setPitch(100, 3);
- This sets the entity's pitch with no interpolation
- Parameter - Number: the pitch
- Example:
- This sets the entity's pos, yaw, and pitch with interpolation
- Parameter - Pos, Number, Number, Number: the position, the yaw, the pitch, and the number of interpolation steps
- Example:
fakeEntity(new Pos(0, 100, 0), 0, 0, 4);
- This sets the entity's pos, yaw, and pitch without interpolation
- Parameter - Pos, Number, Number: the position, the yaw, the pitch
- Example:
fakeEntity(new Pos(0, 100, 0), 0, 0);
- This spawns the entity into it's world
- Example:
- This removes the entity from it's world
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed.
- This is the suggested way to write commands as it is easier in general for people to read and understand, this parses a map into a command.
- Parameter - Map: the command map
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the command from the map
- Example:
effectCommandMap = {
"name" : "effect",
"subcommands" : {
"give" : {
"<targets> <effect>" : {
"" : fun(target, effect) {
// do something
"<seconds>" : {
"" : fun(target, effect, second) {
// do something
"<amplifier>" : {
"" : fun(target, effect, second, amplifier) {
// do something
"<hideParticle>" : {
"" : fun(target, effect, second, amplifier, hideParticle) {
// do something
"clear" : {
"" : fun() {
// do something
"<targets>" : {
"" : fun(target) {
// do something
"<effect>" : {
"" : fun(target, effect) {
// do something
"arguments" : {
"targets" : { "type" : "Entity" },
"effect" : { "type" : "Effect", "suggests" : ["effect1", "effect2"] },
"seconds" : { "type" : "Integer", "min" : 0, "max" : 1000000 },
"amplifier" : { "type" : "Integer", "min" : 0, "max" : 255 },
"hideParticle" : { "type" : "Boolean" }
effectCommand = CommandBuilder.fromMap(effectCommandMap);
- Extra info:
- This way of making a command makes it possible to have a tree and have proper argument types. In the first map you must include
with a string value representing the name of the command, and it must also include"subcommands"
, both with a key of a map. - The subcommands map can contain branches for the command tree, this is made by having a string as a key, you can have multiple subcommands in a single string as long as they are separated by a
"sub1 sub2 sub3"
, this then has a value of a map which can contain an empty string as a key which must have a function as the value which will be the function that gets executed then the command is run. - Functions must contain the right amount of parameters that correspond to the command, the arguments of the command will be passed into the function.
- You are able to create arguments by surrounding the string in
, for example:<arg1>
, the name inside the<>
must be defined in the"arguments"
map in the root map, the name would be the key and the value must contain a map of the attributes of the argument. This map must contain"type"
with the value of a string which is parsed as the argument type (see below for all argument types), and it can contain"suggests"
which must have a list as its value. All the things inside the list will be suggests to the player when they type the command with the argument. - Argument Types:
- this suggests to the main player all names of those online -
- this can take any String without spaces -
- this can take any String including those with spaces, slashes, etc. -
- this can only take double values (decimal values), this can also have a"min"
attribute in the argument map -
- this can only take integer values (whole numbers), this can also have a"min"
attribute in the argument map -
- this can only take eithertrue
- this suggests ItemStacks and can only take an ItemStack values -
- this suggests Blocks and can only take Block values -
- this suggests entities and can only take Entity values -
- this suggests block pos and can ony take Pos values -
- this suggests pos and can only take Pos values -
- this suggests effects and can only take effect values (converted to string) -
- this suggests particles and can only take particle values (converted to string) -
- this suggests all recipe ids and can only take recipe ids -
- this suggests all entity ids and can only take entity ids -
- this suggests all enchantment ids and can only take enchantment ids
- If you have an unknown argument type it will throw an error.
- This way of making a command makes it possible to have a tree and have proper argument types. In the first map you must include
This class can be constructed and is responsible for registering GameEvents.
- This will try to cancel an event if called inside of an event. Not every event can be cancelled, again check the Script Event wiki page for more information
- Throws:
"Cannot cancel event outside of a cancellable event"
- Example:
new GameEvent("onAttack", fun() {
// This prevents you from attacking in-game
}, true);
- Extra Info:
- The event you use this function is must be cancellable for this to work.
- This unregisters all GameEvents from being called.
- Example:
- This creates a new instance of a GameEvent which will run on an event that happens in-game. This is determined by the name see the Script Event wiki page for all the events.
- Parameters - String, Function, Boolean: the name of the event, the function you want to run on the event, whether the event should be cancellable (able stop the event from running)
- Throws:
"No such event '...'"
- Example:
new GameEvent("onUse", fun() {
print("You tried to use something!");
}, true);
- Extra Info:
- If the event is cancellable the event will run on the main game thread, for example, if you call
it will pause the whole game.
- If the event is cancellable the event will run on the main game thread, for example, if you call
- This creates a new instance of a GameEvent which will run on an event that happens in-game. This is determined by the name see the Script Event wiki page for all the events. This sets the event to not be cancellable.
- Parameters - String, Function: the name of the event, the function you want to run on the event
- Throws:
"No such event '...'"
- Example:
new GameEvent("onUse", fun() {
print("You tried to use something!");
}, false);
This will be used for all examples:
attackEvent = new GameEvent("onAttack", fun() {
print("You attacked!");
}, true);
- This registers your game event so it will actually be called when the event happens.
- Example:
- This checks if the current GameEvent instance is registered to be called.
- Returns - Boolean: whether the event is registered
- Example:
- This removes the GameEvent from being registered and being called.
- Returns - Boolean: whether the game was registered
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed.
This will be used for all examples:
client = MinecraftClient.getClient();
world = client.getWorld();
- This gets the Block in a World at set coordinates
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position
- Returns - Block: the block at that position
- Example:
world.getBlockAt(0, 100, 0);
- This gets the Block in a World at set coordinates
- Parameters - Pos: the position you want to get the block from
- Returns - Block: the block at that position
- Example:
world.getBlockAt(new Pos(0, 100, 0));
- This gets all of the Entities in a World
- Returns - List: a list of all the Entities in a World
- Example:
- This gets an Entity from an entityId
- Parameter - Number: an entityId
- Returns - Entity / Null: the Entity from the entityId, if no entity exists under that Id then it returns Null
- Example:
- This gets a OtherPlayer from their username
- Parameter - String: the player's username
- Returns - OtherPlayer / Null: the OtherPlayer under the playerName, if the OtherPlayer doesn't exist then it will return Null
- Example:
- This will get all OtherPlayers in the world
- Returns - List: a list of all OtherPlayers
- Example:
- This will get the closest player to another entity in the world
- Parameters - Entity, Number: the entity you want to check from, the max distance you want to check (in blocks)
- Returns - OtherPlayer / Player / Null: it will get the closest player, if it's the main player it will return Player, if there are no players it can return Null
- Example:
world.getClosestPlayer(client.getPlayer(), 20);
- This will get the dimension name of the world
- Returns - String: the dimension name
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This will check whether it is raining in the world
- Returns - Boolean: whether it is raining
- Example:
- This will check whether it is thundering in the world
- Returns - Boolean: whether it is thundering
- Example:
- This will get the time of day, info on the time of day here
- Returns - Number: the time of day (0 - 23999)
- Example:
- This will render a partilce in the world, you can find a list of all the particle ids here
- Parameters - String, Number, Number, Number: the name of the particle, x position, y position, z position
- Throws:
"Particle Invalid"
or"Invalid identifier name"
- Example:
world.renderParticle("end_rod", 0, 100, 0);
- This will render a partilce in the world, you can find a list of all the particle ids here
- Parameters - String, Pos: the name of the particle, the position of the particle
- Throws:
"Particle Invalid"
or"Invalid identifier name"
- Example:
world.renderParticle("end_rod", new Pos(0, 100, 0));
- This will render a partilce in the world, you can find a list of all the particle ids here
- Parameters - String, Pos, Number, Number, Number: the name of the particle, the position of the particle, x velocity, y velocity, z velocity
- Throws:
"Particle Invalid"
or"Invalid identifier name"
- Example:
world.renderParticle("end_rod", new Pos(0, 100, 0), 100, 0, 20);
- This function is deprecated, this is a dangerous function be careful with how you use it...
- This sets a ghost block in the world
- Parameters - Block, Number, Number, Number: the block you want to set, x position, y position, z position
- Example:
world.setGhostBlock(Material.BEDROCK.asBlock(), 0, 100, 0);
- This function is deprecated, this is a dangerous function be careful with how you use it...
- This sets a ghost block in the world
- Parameters - Block, Pos: the block you want to set, the position
- Example:
world.setGhostBlock(Material.BEDROCK.asBlock(), new Pos(0, 100, 0));
- Returns whether the block at a position is air
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is air
- Example:
world.isAir(0, 100, 0);
- Returns whether the block at a position is air
- Parameters - Pos: the position
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is air
- Example:
world.isAir(new Pos(0, 100, 0));
- Gets the emitted restone power at a position and direction
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number, String: x position, y position, z position, the direction as a string ("north", "south", etc...)
- Returns - Number: the emitted redstone power level
- Example:
world.getEmittedRedstonePower(0, 100, 0, "up");
- Gets the emitted restone power at a position and direction
- Parameters - Pos, String: the position, the direction as a string ("north", "south", etc...)
- Returns - Number: the emitted redstone power level
- Example:
world.getEmittedRedstonePower(new Pos(0, 100, 0), "up");
- This gets the current light level at a position
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x position, y position, z position
- Returns - Number: the light level
- Example:
world.getLight(0, 100, 0);
- This gets the current light level at a position
- Parameters - Pos: the position
- Returns - Number: the light level
- Example:
world.getLight(new Pos(0, 100, 0));
This class cannot be constructed but you are able to create instances of it by using it's static member of
- The material class has many static members... too many to actually list here, but every single material is a static member. All the static members are the id's of the materials but capitalised. These can then be used to create blocks or items, and compare them without having to use strings.
- Value Type - Material
- Assignable: false
- Examples:
- This member is a list that contains all materials in the game
- Value Type - List: containing materials
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This converts a string into a material type if it's valid
- Parameter - String: the name of the material
- Returns - Material: the material representation of that string
- Example:
- This gets the material id (name) of the Material, you can find all material names on Joa's Item Property Encyclopedia, this is the same as ItemStack ids.
- Returns - String: the id of the Material
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the ItemStack of the material
- Returns - ItemStack: the itemstack with that material
- Example:
- This gets the Block of the material
- Returns - Block : the block with that material
- Example:
- This gets the translated name of the Material
- Returns - String: the translated name
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed but does have a static method to convert materials to ItemStacks
- This gets an ItemStack from a Material, alternatively you can use
- Parameter - Material: the material of the ItemStack
- Returns - ItemStack: the new ItemStack
- Example:
This will be used for all examples:
client = MinecraftClient.getClient();
itemStack = ItemStack.of(Material.GRASS_BLOCK);
- This gets the material of the ItemStack
- Returns - Material: the material of the ItemStack
- Example:
- This gets the item id (name) of the ItemStack, you can find all itemNames on Joa's Item Property Encyclopedia
- Returns - String: the id of the ItemStack
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the number of items in the stack
- Returns - Number: the amount of items in the stack
- Example:
- This gets the durability of the ItemStack
- Returns - Number: the durability, this will return 0 if it doesn't have durability
- Example:
- This gets the maximum possible durability for that ItemStack
- Returns - Number: the max durability
- Example:
- This gets the enchantments of an ItemStack, you can find a list of all the ids of enchantments here
- Returns - Map: a map of the enchantments and there levels (String : Number), will return an empty map if there are no enchantments
- Example:
{"mending" : 1, "unbreaking" : 2}
- Example:
- Example:
- This checks if the item is a block item (can be placed as a block)
- Returns - Boolean: whether it is a block item
- Example:
- This gets the Block from an ItemStack
- Returns - Block: the block of the ItemStack
- Throws:
"Item cannot be converted to block"
- Example:
- This checks whether the ItemStack is stackable
- Returns - Boolean: whether it's stackable
- Example:
- This gets the maximum stack count that ItemStack can hold
- Returns - Number: the max count
- Example:
- This gets the custom name for the ItemStack
- Returns - String: the custom name
- Example:
- This checks whether the NBT tags of an ItemStack is equal to another
- Parameter - ItemStack: the ItemStack you want to compare
- Returns - Boolean: whether the NBT is equal
- Example:
- This will get a map of the Nbt of the item
- Returns - Map: a map of all the item Nbt
- Example:
{"BlockEntityTag" : {"Items" : [ {"Slot" : 0, "id" : "minecraft:spruce_planks", "Count" : 64} ] } }
- Example:
- Example:
- This gets the translated name of the ItemStack
- Returns - String: the translated name
- Example:
- This gets the mining speed multiplier of the item on the block
- Parameter - Block: the block you want to get the mining speed multiplier of
- Returns - Number: the multiplier number
- Example:
- This allows you to set a custom name for an ItemStack
- Parameter - String / Text: the string you want to set the name as, or the text which allows you to format it
- Returns - ItemStack: the ItemStack but with the custom name
- Example:
itemStack.setItemLore("Custom Name!");
- This allows you to set lore for an ItemStack
- Parameter - List: a list of text you want to add, each index in the list will be a new line in the lore
- Returns - ItemStack: the ItemStack but with the lore
- Throws:
"List must contain only Text"
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed but you are able to create instances of it by using it's static member of
- The material class has many static members... too many to actually list here, but every single recipe is a static member. All the static members are the id's of the recipes but capitalised.
- Value Type - Recipe
- Assignable: false
- Examples:
- This member is a list that contains all recipes in the game
- Value Type - List: containing recipes
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This converts a string into a material type if it's valid
- Parameter - String: the recipe id
- Returns - Recipe: the recipe with that id
- Example:
- This gets the id of the recipe
- Returns - String: the recipe id
- Example:
- This gets the crafting type of the recipe
- Returns - String: the crafting type
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Example:
- This gets the outputted ItemStack from the recipe
- Returns - ItemStack: the outputted item
- Example:
- This gets a list of list of ItemStacks being the ingredients of a recipe
- Returns - List: the list contains a lists of ItemStacks
- Example:
// This would be an example of the list so you can visualise it
// The lists inside of the list contain all posible items that could go in that slot
// In the case of a chest it's every type of wood plank:
[OAK_PLANK...], [AIR], [OAK_PLANK...],
This class cannot be constructed but does have a static method to convert materials to Blocks.
- This gets an Blockfrom a Material, alternatively you can use
- Parameter - Material: the material of the Block
- Returns - Block: the new Block
- Throws:
"Material cannot be converted to block"
- Example:
This will be used for all examples:
block = Block.of(Material.GRASS_BLOCK);
- This gets the block id (name) of the Block
- Returns - String: the id of the Block
- Example:
- Example:
- Example:
- This checks whether the block is a block entity
- Returns - Boolean: whether it is a block entity
- Example:
- This checks if the block is transparent
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is transparent
- Example:
- This gets the ItemStack representation of the block
- Returns - ItemStack: the ItemStack representation of the block
- Example:
- This gets the Blocks blast resistance
- Returns - Number: the blast resistance of the block
- Example:
- This gets the block properties of the Block, you can find a list of all block properties here
- Returns - Map: map of properties, empty map if there are no properties
- Example:
{"waterlogged" : true, "age" : 25, "type" : "double"}
- Example:
- Example:
- This will return whether the block has a block position or not
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block has a position
- Example:
- This will get the position of the block
- Returns - Pos / Null: the position of the block, Null if it doesn't have a position
- Example:
- This will get the x position of the block
- Returns - Number / Null: the x position of the block, Null if it doesn't have a position
- Example:
- This will get the y position of the block
- Returns - Number / Null: the y position of the block, Null if it doesn't have a position
- Example:
- This will get the z position of the block
- Returns - Number / Null: the z position of the block, Null if it doesn't have a position
- Example:
- This gets the translated name of the block
- Returns - String: the translated name
- Example:
- This returns whether the block is solid
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is solid
- Throws:
"Block does not have position"
- Example:
- This rotates the block state 90 degrees clockwise on Y axis
- Returns - Block: the rotated block
- Example:
- This rotates the block state 90 degrees anticlockwise on Y axis
- Returns - Block: the rotated block
- Example:
- This mirrors the block state front to back
- Returns - Block: the mirrored block
- Example:
- This mirrors the block state left to right
- Returns - Block: the mirrored block
- Example:
- This checks whether the block is a fluid block
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is a fluid
- Example:
- This checks whether the block is a fluid source
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is a fluid source
- Example:
- This checks whether the block can be replaced
- Returns - Boolean: whether the block is replaceable
- Example:
- This gets the block's hardness value
- Returns - Number: the block's hardness value
- Example:
- This checks whether the block covers a small square on a side
- Parameter - String: direction ("north", "south", etc...)
- Returns - Boolean: whether it covers a small square
- Throws:
"Block does not have position"
- Example:
- This checks whether the block's side is a full solid square
- Parameter - String: direction ("north", "south", etc...)
- Returns - Boolean: whether it's side is a full solid square
- Throws:
"Block does not have position"
- Example:
- This returns whether a block type can be spawned on by a zombie
- Returns - Boolean: whether it's spawnable
- Throws:
"Block does not have position"
- Example:
- This returns whether a block type can be spawned on by an entity type
- Parameter - Entity: the entity you want to test, can spawn on the block
- Returns - Boolean: whether it's spawnable
- Throws:
"Block does not have position"
- Example:
- This gets the light level that the block emits
- Returns - Number: the light level
- Example:
This class can be constructed and is responsible for rendering boxes on the client.
- This creates a BoxShape with 2 positions
- Parameters - Pos, Pos: position of corner 1, position of corner 2
- Returns - BoxShape: the newly constructed BoxShape
- This creates a BoxShape with 2 positions
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number, Number, Number, Number: x of corner 1, y of corner 1, z of corner 1, x of corner 2, y of corner 2, z of corner 2
- Returns - BoxShape: the newly constructed BoxShape
- This creates a BoxShape with pos at 2 positions (1x1 cube)
- Parameters - Pos: position of box
- Returns - BoxShape: the newly constructed BoxShape
- This creates a BoxShape with x, y, z at 2 positions (1x1 cube)
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: x of box, y of box, z of box
- Returns - BoxShape: the newly constructed BoxShape
This will be used for all examples:
box = new BoxShape(0, 100, 0);
- This is the position of corner 1
- Value Type: Pos
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This is the position of corner 2
- Value Type: Pos
- Assignable: false
- Example:
- This sets the value of position 1
- Parameter - Pos: the new position
- Example:
box.setPos1(new Pos(1, 100, 0));
- This sets the value of position 2
- Parameter - Pos: the new position
- Example:
box.setPos2(new Pos(0, 100, 1));
- This sets the colour of the main faces of the box
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: red value between 0-255, green value between 0-255, blue value between 0-255
- Throws:
"Colours must be between 0 and 255"
- Example:
box.setColour(40, 30, 20);
- Sets the opacity of the main faces of the box
- Parameter - Number: opacity value between 0-255
- Throws:
"Colours must be between 0 and 255"
- Example:
- This sets the colour of the outline of the box
- Parameters - Number, Number, Number: red value between 0-255, green value between 0-255, blue value between 0-255
- Throws:
"Colours must be between 0 and 255"
- Example:
box.setOutlineColour(40, 30, 20);
- Sets the outline width of the outline of the box
- Parameter - Number: the pixel width of the outline
- Example:
- Sets whether the box should render through blocks
- Parameter - Boolean: whether it should render through blocks
- Example:
- Gets the red value of the main faces
- Returns: Number: the red value
- Example:
- Gets the green value of the main faces
- Returns: Number: the green value
- Example:
- Gets the blue value of the main faces
- Returns: Number: the blue value
- Example:
- Gets the opacity value of the main faces
- Returns: Number: the opacity value
- Example:
- Gets the red value of the outline
- Returns: Number: the red value
- Example:
- Gets the green value of the outline
- Returns: Number: the green value
- Example:
- Gets the blue value of the outline
- Returns: Number: the blue value
- Example:
- Gets the pixel width of the outline
- Returns: Number: the pixel width
- Example:
- Gets whether the box should render through blocks
- Returns: Boolean: whether the box should render through blocks
- Example:
- Sets the box for rendering and will be rendered on the client until script stops or
is called - Example:
- Removes the box for rendering
- Returns - Boolean: whether the box was rendering
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed but you can get instances from it's static methods.
- This converts a string into a plain text with that string
- Parameter - String: the string you want to the text to have
- Returns - Text: the text representation of that string
- Example:
Text.of("Example Text");
- This converts a textJson to text
- Parameter - String: a json that represents a text
- Returns - Text: the text of the json
- Example:
This will be used for all examples:
client = getMinecraftClient();
text = client.textFromString("CLICK ME");
- This allows you to format text for Minecraft, list of formatting names can be found here
- Parameter - String: the formatting name, it must be the name of the format
- Returns - Text: the formatted text
- Throws:
"Invalid formatting: ..."
- Example:
- This allows you to style your text with a click event
- Parameters - String, String: the event name, the value associated with the event
- Examples:
"open_url", "https://google.com"
,"open_file", "C:/Users/user/Desktop/thing.txt"
,"run_command", "/gamemode creative"
,"suggest_command", "/gamemode survival"
,"copy_to_clipboard", "This is your clipboard now :)"
- Examples:
- Throws:
"Invalid action: ..."
- Returns - Text: the styled text
- Example:
text.withClickEvent("open_url", "https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ");
- This allows you to append two texts together
- Parameter - Text: a different text you want to append
- Returns - Text: the appended text
- Example:
text.append(client.textFromString(" NOW!"));
This class cannot be constructed
This will be used for all examples:
player = Player.get();
screen = player.getCurrentScreen();
- This gets the Screen's name
- Returns - String: the screen's name, if you are in the creative menu it will return the name of the tab you are on
- Examples:
- Examples:
- Throws:
"Screen was null"
- Example:
- This gets the Screen's title
- Returns - String: the screen's title
- Example:
,"Ender Chest"
- Example:
- Throws:
"Screen was null"
- Example:
The class can be constructed and it extends Screen
so it inherits all of Screen's methods
- This creates a new fake inventory screen instance with a name and set amount of rows between 1-6
- Parameters - String, Number: the title of the screen, the number of rows between 1-6
- Returns - FakeInventoryScreen: the newly constructed instance
This will be used for all examples:
client = getMinecraftClient();
fakeScreen = new FakeInventoryScreen("example", 3);
- This lets you define what happens when the player clicks inside of this gui
- Parameter - Function: the function that you want to happen when the player clicks
- this functions has Parameters - ItemStack, Number, String: the item that was clicked, the slot that was clicked, and the action
- Example:
fakeScreen.onClick(fun(item, slot, action) {
print("Item: %S, Slot: %s, Action: %s".formatted([item, slot, action]);
- This lets you set the ItemStack for a slot in the FakeScreen
- Parameters - Number, ItemStack: the slot number, the item you want to put there
- Example:
customItem = client.itemFromString("oak_planks").setCustomName("Cool");
fakeScreen.setStackForSlot(0, customItem);
- This lets you get the ItemStack that is in a slot
- Paramter - Number: the slot number
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed.
All of these functions can throw: "Currently not in MerchantScreen..."
This will be used for all examples:
player = Player.get();
screen = player.getCurrentScreen();
if (!screen.instanceOf("MerchantScreen")) return;
- This gets a list of all the merchant's trades
- Returns - List: list of Trades
- Example:
- This gets the size of the list of merchant's trades
- Returns - Number: the number of trades
- Example:
- This gets the level of the villager
- Returns - Number: the level of the villager
- Throws:
"Merchant isn't a villager"
- Example:
- This gets the profession of the villager as a string
- Returns - String: the profession of the villager
- Example:
- Example:
- Throws:
"Merchant isn't a villager"
- Example:
- This allows you to trade with a villager at a certain index
- Parameter - Number: the index of the trade you want to trade
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
- This gets the index of an ItemStack in a villagers trade list
- Parameter - ItemStack: the ItemStack that you want the index of
- Returns - Number / Null: the index of the trade, can return null if the villager doesn't have the trade
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
- This gets an ItemStack of an index in a villagers trade list
- Parameter - Number: the index of the trade you want the ItemStack for
- Returns ItemStack: the ItemStack at the index
- Throws:
"That trade is out of bounds"
or"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
- This checks whether a villager has a trade or not
- Parameter - ItemStack: the ItemStack that you want to check
- Returns - Boolean: whether the villager has a trade for that ItemStack
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
or"That trade is out of bounds"
- Example:
- This checks whether a villager's trade is disabled
- Parameter - Number: the index of the trade you want to check
- Returns - Boolean: whether the trade is disabled
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
or"That trade is out of bounds"
- Example:
- This gets the price of the trade at an index
- Parameter - Number: the index of the trade
- Returns - Number: the price of the trade
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
or"That trade is out of bounds"
- Example:
- This selects a trade at an index
- Paramter - Number: the index of the trade
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
- This clears the selected trade
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
- This checks whether a trade is currently selected
- Returns - Boolean: whether a trade is currently selected
- Example:
- This trades the currently selected trade
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
- This trades the currently selected trade and throws the result
- Throws:
"Not in merchant gui"
- Example:
This class cannot be constructed.
This will be used for all examples:
player = Player.get();
screen = player.getCurrentScreen();
if (!screen.instanceOf("MerchantScreen")) return;
trade = screen.getTradeList().get(0);
- This gets the item that the villager is selling
- Returns - ItemStack: the item for sale
- Example:
- This gets the first item that the villager wants to buy
- Returns - ItemStack: the item that the villager wants to buy
- Example:
- This gets the first item that the villager wants to buy with adjusted amount
- Returns - ItemStack: the item that the villager wants to buy with adjusted amount
- Example:
- This gets the second item the villager wants to buy
- Returns - ItemStack: the second item that the villager wants to buy
- Example:
- This gets the max uses the trade can be traded for
- Returns - Number: the max uses
- Example:
- This gets the current amount of times the trade has been used since last reset
- Returns - Number: the number of uses
- Example:
- This gets the spectial price which is used to adjust the first buy item, lower this is the lower the price is
- Returns - Number: the special price
- Example:
- This gets the price multiplier which is used to adjust the first buy item
- Returns - Number: the price multiplier
- Example:
This class cannot be directy constructed, but it does have it's own Json value.
- This converts a string into a Json provided it is formatted correctly
- Parameter - String: the string that you want to parse into a Json
- Returns - Json: the Json parsed form the string
- Throws:
"Json could not be parsed"
- Example:
- This converts a list into a Json, an important thing to note is that any values that are not Numbers, Booleans, Lists, Maps, or Null will use their
member to convert them to a string. - Parameter - List: the list you want to convert
- Returns - Json: the Json from the list
- Example:
Json.fromList(["sensei", "foo", "bar"]);
- This converts a map into a Json, an important thing to note is that any values that are not Numbers, Booleans, Lists, Maps, or Null will use their
member to convert them to a string. - Parameter - Map: the map you want to convert
- Returns - Json: the Json from the map
- Example:
Json.fromMap({"foo" : ["bar", "baz"]});
This will be used for all examples:
json = Json.fromString("{\"foo\": 10, \"baz\": 5}");
- This converts the Json back into a Value
- Returns - String, Number, Boolean, List, Map, Null: the Value parsed from a Json
- Example:
{"foo" : 10, "baz" : 5}
- Example:
- Example:
- This writes the Json to a file
- Parameter - File: the file you want to write to
- Throws:
"There was an error writing the file: ..."
- Example:
json.writeToFile(new File("D:/cool/realDirectory"))
Events are on a separate wiki page, see here
Example Code is on a separate wiki page, see here
These are classes and functions that are kinda unnecessary and complicated (brigadier), but are here for the more advanced scripters who want to use it.
- This creates a CommandBuilder with a literal string name
- Parameter - String: the name of the command/subcommand
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the CommandBuilder with literal name
- Example:
- This creates a CommandBuilder with an argument
- Parameter - String, String: the name of the command/subcommand, the argument type
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the CommandBuilder with argument
- Example:
CommandBuilder.argument("examplearg", "ItemStack");
- This creates a CommandBuilder with an argument
- Parameter - String, String, List: the name of the command/subcommand, the argument type, list of suggested strings for the argument
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the CommandBuilder with argument
- Example:
CommandBuilder.argument("examplearg", "Word". ["suggestion1", "2", "foo"]);
This will be used for all examples:
literal = CommandBuilder.literal("example");
argument = CommandBuilder.argument("argument", "Boolean");
argument2 = CommandBuilder.argument("otherArgument", "Entity");
- This adds a child CommandBuilder to your command builder
- Parameter - CommandBuilder: the sub command builder
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the original command builder
- Example:
- This adds a function to the current command builder
- Parameter - Function: the function you want to run when the command is executed at this builder
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the original command builder
- Example:
literal.executes(fun() { print("example command was run"); });
- This adds a predicate to the command meaning a function that returns either true of false
- Parameter - Function: the predicate of whether the command should be allowed to be used
- Returns - CommandBuilder: the original command builder
- Example:
literal.requires(fun() {
return Player.get().getGamemode() == "creative";
- Effect Command Example:
root = literal("effect");
argument("targets", "PlayerName").then(
argument("effect", "Potion").executes(fun (playerName, potion) {
// give playerName potion
argument("seconds", "Integer").executes(fun (playerName, potion, seconds) {
// give playerName potion for seconds
argument("amplifier", "Integer").executes(fun (playerName, potion, seconds, amplifier) {
// give playerName potion for seconds with amplifier
argument("hideParticles", "Boolean").executes(fun (playerName, potion, seconds, amplifier, hideParticles) {
// give playerName potion for seconds with amplifier and hideParticles
literal("clear").executes(fun () {
// clears own effect
argument("targets", "PlayerName").executes(fun (playerName) {
// clears playerName effect
argument("effect", "Potion").executes(fun (playerName, potion) {
// clears potion from playerName