In a large system without any overarching principle that allows elements to be interpreted in terms of their role in patterns that span the whole design, developers cannot see the forest for the trees. We need to be able to understand the role of an individual part in the whole without delving into the details of the whole.
A “large-scale structure” is a language that lets you discuss and understand the system in broad strokes. A set of high-level concepts or rules, or both, establishes a pattern of design for an entire system. This organizing principle can guide design as well as aid understanding. It helps coordinate independent work because there is a shared concept of the big picture: how the roles of various parts shape the whole.
Devise a pattern of rules or roles and relationships that will span the entire system and that allows some understanding of each part’s place in the whole—even without detailed knowledge of the part’s responsibility.
Page 47 of the DDD reference. Remixed under CC BY 4.0.