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87 lines (57 loc) · 2.67 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (57 loc) · 2.67 KB


A plugin to open file from file paths printed in sibling tmux pane.


In my code flow, I open nvim in one tmux pand and in another I run compiler on watch. And as I code, it outputs any error/warning in the pane which contains exact location of error ex. src/Main.purs:29:1. Unlike Vscode I can't directly click on the path and open it in vim. So I created this plugin, which basically greps all the file path printed on sibling panes and populates them in fzf window. And then I can decide and jump to that location easily without moving out of nvim.

With Fzf.vim


With Telescope.nvim


Demo video



This plugin is dependent on following


Use your favorite plugin manager.

Using vim-plug:

Plug 'shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim'

Using vundle:

Plugin 'shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim'

Using neobundle:

NeoBundle 'shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim'

With pathogen.vim, just clone this repository inside ~/.vim/bundle:


Plugin exposes two commands TmuxJumpFile & TmuxJumpFirst

  • TmuxJumpFile will list files paths in fzf window
  • TmuxJumpFirst will jump to the first instance of the file (from bottom)
  • These command also take string as a param, which will be used to filter only the required files and then populate/jump location

Map a keybinding to trigger plugin

nnoremap <leader>ft :TmuxJumpFile<CR>
nnoremap <leader>; :TmuxJumpFirst<CR>

for Specific FileType, you can update keybinding using below command. So, when you're in purescript buffer, it'll only look for paths which contain purs string

autocmd FileType purescript nnoremap <leader>ft :TmuxJumpFile purs<CR>
autocmd FileType purescript nnoremap <leader>; :TmuxJumpFirst purs<CR>

Plugin by default uses fzf for listing files in window. However it supports Telescope.nvim too, which can be enabled by setting below variable in vimrc

let g:tmuxjump_telescope = v:true

Plugin by default capture sibling panes with However it supports custom script too, which can configured by setting below variable in vimrc

let g:tmuxjump_custom_capture = "/path/my_custom_script"