- Here at Tacofancy, we're writing object-oriented taco recipes — each part of a taco is its own taco object that can be combined (or re-combined) into full tacos.
- That means that to create a full taco recipe, you will actually create a few different taco objects, like a base layer, some mixins, a condiment or two, and even a seasoning, and then combine them in the full taco recipe.
- A great example of this is the Pulled Pork, Chard, and Pickled Onion Tacos, which were assembled entirely from taco objects (in this case, two base layers and one condiment).
- Please write your recipes in markdown
- Please name your files with underscores_in_place_of_spaces so that links remain readable and aren't%20full%20of%20bullshit.
- Give your files the .md extension.
- Once you have created all your various taco objects (even if it's just one) update the index so that it gets listed. While we do have people checking every now and then, you can help keep the index up-to-date by updating your stuff as part of your pull request.
- Submit a pull request.
- We'll check it over, offer any suggestions if necessary (never about deliciousness, but possibly about formatting or because you forgot to update the index or something), and will then merge into master.
- You are wonderful.