Use our Docker-images with postgres and plv8. It's free! Images based on Debian and Alpine are available.
docker pull sibedge/postgres-plv8
Pay attention, that BigInt is not serializable in v8 and by default in plv8 v3.0.0 and higher BigInt numbers are converted into string(!). But if you need BigInt as numbers support, use this image with Postgres and specific version of plv8:
docker pull sibedge/postgres-plv8-bigint
- Alexey Fadeev, sibedge, Tomsk, Russia
This build of PLV8 extension for PostgreSQL requires Linux with PostgreSQL 13.
Typical installation procedure may look like this:
$ git clone
$ cd plv8-build
$ sudo make install
You can run PostgreSQL 13 with plv8 in Docker.
$ git clone
$ cd plv8-build/docker
$ git checkout pg13-2.3.15
$ docker build -t pg13-plv8-2
$ docker run -it -d --name pg13-plv8-2 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432/tcp pg13-plv8-2
Create extension script should be executed at first. Please be aware that superuser or database owner privileges are needed
Then you can perform SQL query (allowed to any user)
DO $$
plv8.elog(NOTICE, 'Hello world!');
$$ LANGUAGE plv8;