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h1:iMxwQPj2cuKRyaIZ985zxClkcdTtT5VpXYf4PTJc0Ek= gopkg.in/src-d/go-billy.v4 v4.0.1/go.mod h1:ZHSF0JP+7oD97194otDUCD7Ofbk63+xFcfWP5bT6h+Q= gopkg.in/src-d/go-git-fixtures.v3 v3.1.1 h1:XWW/s5W18RaJpmo1l0IYGqXKuJITWRFuA45iOf1dKJs= diff --git a/internal/policy/commit/blacklist.go b/internal/policy/commit/blacklist.go deleted file mode 100644 index 56e11495..00000000 --- a/internal/policy/commit/blacklist.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ - -package commit - -// BlackList is the set of black listed imperative verbs. -var BlackList = []string{ - "a", - "an", - "the", - "action", - "always", - "api", - "base", - "basic", - "business", - "calculation", - "callback", - "collection", - "common", - "constructor", - "convenience", - "convenient", - "current", - "currently", - "custom", - "data", - "data", - "default", - "deprecated", - "description", - "dict", - "dictionary", - "does", - "dummy", - "example", - "factory", - "false", - "final", - "formula", - "function", - "generic", - "handler", - "handler", - "helper", - "here", - "hook", - "implementation", - "importantly", - "internal", - "it", - "main", - "method", - "module", - "new", - "number", - "optional", - "package", - "placeholder", - "reference", - "result", - "same", - "schema", - "setup", - "should", - "simple", - "some", - "special", - "sql", - "standard", - "static", - "string", - "subclasses", - "that", - "these", - "this", - "true", - "unique", - "unit", - "utility", - "what", - "wrapper", -} diff --git a/internal/policy/commit/commit.go b/internal/policy/commit/commit.go index e3d641d5..3e855987 100644 --- a/internal/policy/commit/commit.go +++ b/internal/policy/commit/commit.go @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import ( "github.com/autonomy/conform/internal/git" "github.com/autonomy/conform/internal/policy" - "github.com/kljensen/snowball" "github.com/pkg/errors" + prose "gopkg.in/jdkato/prose.v2" ) // Commit implements the policy.Policy interface and enforces commit @@ -159,23 +159,21 @@ func ValidateGPGSign(report *policy.Report, g *git.Git) { // ValidateImperative checks the commit message for a GPG signature. func ValidateImperative(report *policy.Report, word string) { - word = strings.ToLower(word) - for _, good := range WhiteList { - stemmed, err := snowball.Stem(good, "english", true) - if err != nil { - report.Errors = append(report.Errors, errors.Errorf("Error checking for imperative mood: %v", err)) - } - if word == stemmed { - return - } + doc, err := prose.NewDocument("I " + word) + if err != nil { + report.Errors = append(report.Errors, errors.Errorf("Failed to create document: %v", err)) } - for _, bad := range BlackList { - if word == bad { - report.Errors = append(report.Errors, errors.Errorf("Use of blacklisted imperative verb: %s", word)) - return + if len(doc.Tokens()) != 2 { + report.Errors = append(report.Errors, errors.Errorf("Expected 2 tokens, got %d", len(doc.Tokens()))) + return + } + tokens := doc.Tokens() + tok := tokens[1] + for _, tag := range []string{"VBD", "VBG", "VBZ"} { + if tok.Tag == tag { + report.Errors = append(report.Errors, errors.Errorf("First word of commit must be an imperative verb: %q", word)) } } - report.Errors = append(report.Errors, errors.Errorf("Commit does not have imperative mood")) } // ValidateType returns the commit type. diff --git a/internal/policy/commit/whitelist.go b/internal/policy/commit/whitelist.go deleted file mode 100644 index 20da538d..00000000 --- a/internal/policy/commit/whitelist.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ - -package commit - -// WhiteList is the set of whitelisted imperative verbs. -var WhiteList = []string{ - "accept", - "access", - "add", - "adjust", - "aggregate", - "allow", - "append", - "apply", - "archive", - "assert", - "assign", - "attempt", - "authenticate", - "authorize", - "break", - "build", - "cache", - "calculate", - "call", - "cancel", - "capture", - "change", - "check", - "clean", - "clear", - "close", - "collect", - "combine", - "commit", - "compare", - "compute", - "configure", - "confirm", - "connect", - "construct", - "control", - "convert", - "copy", - "count", - "create", - "customize", - "declare", - "decode", - "decorate", - "define", - "delegate", - "delete", - "deprecate", - "derive", - "describe", - "detect", - "determine", - "display", - "download", - "drop", - "dump", - "emit", - "empty", - "enable", - "encapsulate", - "encode", - "end", - "ensure", - "enumerate", - "establish", - "evaluate", - "examine", - "execute", - "exit", - "expand", - "expect", - "export", - "extend", - "extract", - "feed", - "fetch", - "fill", - "filter", - "finalize", - "find", - "fire", - "fix", - "flag", - "force", - "format", - "forward", - "generate", - "get", - "give", - "go", - "group", - "handle", - "help", - "hold", - "identify", - "implement", - "import", - "indicate", - "init", - "initalise", - "initialise", - "initialize", - "input", - "insert", - "instantiate", - "intercept", - "invoke", - "iterate", - "join", - "keep", - "launch", - "list", - "listen", - "load", - "log", - "look", - "make", - "manage", - "manipulate", - "map", - "mark", - "match", - "merge", - "mock", - "modify", - "monitor", - "move", - "normalize", - "note", - "obtain", - "open", - "output", - "override", - "overwrite", - "pad", - "parse", - "partial", - "pass", - "perform", - "persist", - "pick", - "plot", - "poll", - "populate", - "post", - "prepare", - "print", - "process", - "produce", - "provide", - "publish", - "pull", - "put", - "query", - "raise", - "read", - "record", - "refer", - "refresh", - "register", - "reload", - "remove", - "rename", - "render", - "replace", - "reply", - "report", - "represent", - "request", - "require", - "reset", - "resolve", - "retrieve", - "return", - "roll", - "rollback", - "round", - "run", - "sample", - "save", - "scan", - "search", - "select", - "send", - "serialise", - "serialize", - "serve", - "set", - "show", - "simulate", - "source", - "specify", - "split", - "start", - "step", - "stop", - "store", - "strip", - "submit", - "subscribe", - "sum", - "swap", - "sync", - "synchronise", - "synchronize", - "take", - "tear", - "test", - "time", - "transform", - "translate", - "transmit", - "truncate", - "try", - "turn", - "tweak", - "update", - "upload", - "use", - "validate", - "verify", - "view", - "wait", - "walk", - "wrap", - "write", - "yield", -}