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UILabs is an API for Spigot plugins, enabling efficient and safe custom inventory GUIs in Minecraft.

Why UILabs?

  • Efficient: UILabs is designed to be resource efficient, with minimal impact on server performance.
  • Safe: UILabs handles all interactions with the GUI ─ you don't have to worry about players messing with your GUIs.
  • Easy to Use: Creating GUIs with UILabs is simple and intuitive, with a clean and easy-to-understand API.
  • Lightweight: No need to include a bunch of dependencies in your plugin, UILabs is a standalone API.
  • Open Source: UILabs is completely open source, so you can contribute to the project and help make it better.
  • Customizable: Customize your GUIs with to your liking, using UILabs' built-in components and utilities.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To get use UILabs in your plugin, add it as a dependency in your project.


    <name>Pixel Services</name>


repositories {
    maven {
        name = "pixelServicesSnapshots"
        url = uri("")

dependencies {
    implementation "dev.siea.uilabs:UILabs:0.3.8-SNAPSHOT"

Creating a GUI

To create a GUI with UILabs, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize UILabs: Create an instance of UILabs in your plugin's main class. (Or wherever you want to use UILabs)

    public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
        private UILabs uilabs;
        public void onEnable() {
            uilabs = new UILabs(this);
  2. Create a GUI: Use the UILabs#create method to create a DefaultInventoryGui instance. You can specify the title as well as the size(height, width) of the GUI.

    DefaultInventoryGui gui = uilabs.create("MyGUI", 6, 9);

    Yes, it's that simple! You now have a GUI instance that you can use to add Elements and show to players.

  3. Add Components: UILabs provides a variety of Elements, that you can add to your GUI. Here's an example of adding a Button Element to the GUI:

    Button button = new Button(Material.EMERALD_BLOCK, ChatColor.GREEN + "Click me!") {
        public void onButtonPressed(InventoryClickEvent e) {
            e.getWhoClicked().sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Button clicked! :D");
  4. Show the GUI: To show the GUI to a player, use the UILabs#view method:


    That's it! You've successfully created a fully functional GUI using UILabs.


UILabs provides a variety of Elements that you can use to create your GUIs. Here's a list of some of the Elements that UILabs provides:

  • ItemElement: The most basic element, that represents an item in the GUI. (Almost) All other elements extend this class.
  • Button: A simple button that can be clicked by players to perform an action.
  • CheckBox: A checkbox that players can toggle on and off.
  • Carousel: A carousel that loops through a list of ItemElements at a specified interval.