Here's a trick I've been using to compare the rows in a table before and after I perform an operation against it. It works well for a few hundred (and maybe a few thousand) rows.
First, get hold of a copy of the primary keys (or some other unique column) in the existing table, as JSON.
select json_group_array(id) from mytable
This will return a JSON string, which you can copy and paste somewhere.
I ran it against my repos table here to select repo names, like this:
select json_group_array(full_name) from repos
Here's the result of that query as a very long string:
Now, run the update operation - or maybe you have another table somewhere else you want to compare with, which will work fine too.
To run the comparison, construct the following query:
select id from mytable where id not in (
select value from json_each(:previous_value)
Paste the JSON string (wrapped in single quotes) into the :previous_value parameter.
Here's what select value from json_each('["a","b","c"]')
value |
a |
b |
c |
You can use this table in a sub-select, to return rows that now exist which did not exist before.
Try my huge query here - the SQL I ran is this:
full_name not in (