The following example parses hex-colors. It supports the 3- and 4-shorthand as well as the written out 4 and 8 character long version.
entry {
<hex> = [(\d, a - f)]
<hex-pair> = [<hex> <hex>]
default [object:
def r = [<hex-pair>]
def g = [<hex-pair>]
def b = [<hex-pair>]
def a = [<hex-pair>]?
] | [
def r = [<hex>]
def g = [<hex>]
def b = [<hex>]
def a = [<hex>]?
The definition will return an object with r
, g
, b
and an optional alpha-value (a
Input | Output |
parse('#b5d') |
{r: 'b', b: '5', g: 'd', a: null} |
parse('#cf5c') |
{r: 'c', b: 'f', g: '5', a: 'c'} |
parse('#4eaecc') |
{r: '4e', b: 'ae', g: 'cc', a: null} |
parse('#328fffcc') |
{r: '32', b: '8f', g: 'ff', a: 'cc'} |
Input | Output |
parse('fff') |
null (missing # prefix) |
parse('#c2') |
null (invalid length) |
parse('#c2g') |
null (invalid characters) |