Simplest way to manage symlinks from the nix store to your home directory. Written in under 100 lines of code.
home-manager breaks stuff constantly, it's unreliable.
My main focus is helping you manage your home directory, not to provide poorly written parsers for each and every configuration file.
If it's possible to wrap your configs with wrapper-manager, then do it,
That's it. Nothing less, nothing more.
imports = [ inputs.homix.nixosModules.default ];
users.users.yourname = {
homix = true;
homix.".config/git/config".source = ./git-config;
# It also works with directories
homix.".config/nvim".source = ./nvim-config;
homix.".config/anything".text = ''
Yeah, you can also do that
Multi-user support could be useful for some users, but it overcomplicates stuff needlessly. I have never seen a single NixOS user using more than one user account.
It overrides them. Simple as.