Docker EE supports Kubernetes and Docker Swarm running on the same cluster. Networking in Kubernetes has similar features to Docker Swarm - containers in pods an reach each other by DNS name, and Kubernetes can load-balance incoming requests across pods.
Kubernetes has one useful networking feature which Docker Swarm does not have - networking policies. Policies let you restrict traffic between containers in a way which is transparent to the application inside the container. In this section you'll learn how to use networking policies.
Docker EE uses Tigera's Project Calico for networking in Kubernetes - it's all configured for you when you deploy a Docker EE cluster. Calico implements Kubernete's NetworkPolicy resources, allowing you to configure ingress
and egress
rules for pod traffic:
policies define which network sources are allowed to send traffic into a pod. These are useful for restricting service access to specific consumers;egress
policies define which network targets a pod is allowed to send traffic to. These are useful for isolating services so they can only connect to specific components, and for blocking traffic leaving the cluster to external Internet addresses.
For further information on the version of Project Calico that is included with Docker EE, you can consult the Project Calico v3.0 documentation site.
The demo for this part of the workshop is a distributed application with multiple components. Version 1 of the app has a legacy backend service, which is fronted by a facade. There's a client application which talks to the facade to use backend services:
Version 2 of the app introduces a payment service. The service isn't directly accessible - only via a queue. Backend services can publish request messages to the queue, and the payments service can process them and publish response messages to the queue:
The app has been badly configured though, so every service is trying to use every other service. We'll use network policies enforced by Calico to make sure traffic flows where it should.
You can use kubectl
to manage Kubernetes on Docker EE, as well as
using UCP. Start by setting up kubectl to use the client bundle to
aunthenticate to our Kubernetes master node on manager1.
We will setup 'kubectl' on the manager1 instance. To do so, run the following commands in the shell on manager1
controller="$(curl -sS https://${PWD_HOST_FQDN}/sessions/${SESSION_ID} | jq -r '.instances[] | select(.hostname == "manager1") | .proxy_host').direct.${PWD_HOST_FQDN}"
AUTHTOKEN=$(curl -sk -d '{"username":"admin","password":"'$password'"}' https://$controller/auth/# | jq -r .auth_token)
mkdir kube-bundle; cd kube-bundle
curl -sk -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" https://$controller/api/clientbundle -o
cd ..
Next clone the docker-networking-workshop
repo and navigate to the kubernetes
directory on the manager1 node:
git clone
cd ./docker-networking-workshop/kubernetes
Now deploy version 1 of the application:
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/
Browse to UCP and check out the Load Balancers in the Kubernetes
namespace. This will allow you to visualize the traffic flows occurring between the micro-services in the application. To do so, please follow these instructions.
- Go to the main console for Play with Docker and select the UCP button and log in.
- In the UCP screen, select Kubernetes and change your namespace context
to the
- Finally, find and click on the
loadbalancer and a new web browser tab/window should open showing the real-time application data flows.
If it all worked, you should now see something that looks like the image below
This isn't good. The frontend is communicating directly with the backend, as well as with the facade, and the facade and backend are communicating with the frontend. We can fix that with ingress policies.
To start with you'll deploy a blanket ingress policy which restricts all traffic to all pods. When this is enforced, pods will only be able to communicate if they have an ingress policy which specifies explicit access, overriding the default policy.
Deny all ingress for app namespaces by deploying default-deny.yaml, which sets up a network policy in each namespace with these rules:
- for any pod in the namspace
- restrict ingress traffic to an empty list - i.e. allow no ingress traffic
kubectl apply -f ./policies/ingress/default-deny.yaml
Refresh your management UI and after a few seconds you'll see a blank screen. The UI component can't even access the application pods to see where traffic is flowing!
The first thing is to allow ingress traffic from the management UI, so you can see what's happening. allow-management-ui.yaml sets up a policy in each namespace with these rules:
- for any pod in the namspace
- allow ingress traffic from any pod in a namespace which matches the label
Deploy the policy to set up the UI:
kubectl apply -f ./policies/ingress/allow-management-ui.yaml
Note that the YAML file applies the same network policy to all the application namespaces.
Now in the management UI you can see all the app components, but they're still isolated so there's no traffic between them:
We'll set up the correct access by applying new ingress rules, specifying where we want traffic to go. backend-policy.yaml has rules to allow the facade to access the backend:
- in the namespace
- for any pods matching the label
kubectl apply -f ./policies/ingress/backend-policy.yaml
Refresh the management UI and you'll see traffic is no flowing from the facade to the backend, but the client is still isolated:
Next facade-policy.yaml allows the client to access the facade:
kubectl apply -f ./policies/ingress/facade-policy.yaml
In the management UI you'll see that traffic is now flowing where we want it to go, and we are enforcing the correct data flow at the orchestration layer:
It's important to realise that these are the same pods you deployed at the start, and they are still trying to send traffic everywhere. The application hasn't been fixed, but the traffic is under control with ingress policies.
Version 2 of the app deploys the payment service running in the pci
namespace, and the message queue running in the infrastructure
Deploy new version of the management UI and you'll see those components in the stack:
kubectl apply -f ./management-ui-v2.yaml
The queue and payments service are isolated because of the default ingress policies, blocking all non-whitelisted traffic:
We want some extra security around the payments service, because it needs PCI compliance. You can add a default egress policy which denies any non-whitelisted traffic.
pci-policy.yaml enforces these rules:
- for any pods in the
namespace - block all
traffic to any destination - except on port
, which is explicitly permitted.
Apply that policy and you'll see the management UI doesn't change, because the payments service is already isolated by ingress rules:
kubectl apply -f ./policies/egress/pci-policy.yaml
You typically need to allow egress traffic on port 53 for DNS - without that, pods cannot resolve DNS names to enforce other policies.
Now you can add an ingress policy which explicitly allows traffic to the queue. queue-policy.yaml does this:
- in the namespace
- for pods matching the label
- allow ingress on TCP port 5000
- from any pod in a namespace matching the label
Both the pci
and backend
namespaces specify that label, so when you deploy the policy it will allow apps to publish messages to the queue:
kubectl apply -f ./policies/ingress/queue-policy.yaml
This works for the backend
and facade
services, which can now publish messages. The payments
service still can't send traffic - the ingress rule for the target destination allows it, but the egress rule from the source blocks it:
The final step is to allow egress from the payments
service to the queue. payments-policy.yaml allows this:
- in the
namespace - for pods matching the label
- allow egress on any port
- to any pod in a namespace matching the label
Deploy the final policy to complete configuration of the app:
kubectl apply -f ./policies/egress/payments-policy.yaml
Now all the traffic is flowing as required, controlled by network policies:
The default ingress rules prevent the application services receiving traffic from any new services without being explicitly allowed.
The default egress rule prevents any app which requires PCI compliance from sending traffic to any destination except infrastructure pods.
Delete all the app namspaces:
kubectl delete ns frontend
kubectl delete ns backend
kubectl delete ns pci
kubectl delete ns infrastructure
kubectl delete ns management-ui
We hope you enjoyed both the Swarm and Kubernetes networking labs with Docker EE. If you have any enhancements to the workshop please file an issue or initiate a pull request and we'll take a look! Enjoy the rest of DockerCon 2018!