- Turing.jl :: Probabilistic programming in Julia.
- IniFile.jl :: Reading and writing Windows-style INI files.
- JLD.jl :: HDF5 interface for the Julia language to save and load julia variables while preserving native types.
- JSON.jl :: JSON parsing and printing.
Packages and resources that support various programming styles, Software Architecture and CS paradigms.
- BitRegs.jl :: Julia package for bit and register operations.
- ChainMap.jl :: Combine chaining and mapping.
- InterVal.jl :: Intervals are inter-values, an interval is its values and their intra-values.
- LilKanren.jl :: A collection of Kanren implementations in Julia. miniKanren is an embedded Domain Specific Language for logic programming.
- Programming Language Theory :: Mathematics, Compilers, Functional Programming, and other papers.
- Hooking.jl :: Function entry hooking for julia and c functions.
- StatefulIterators.jl :: A stream-like wrapper around iterable objects.
- julia-pattern-dispatch :: Support for method dispatch in Julia based on pattern matching.
- FunctionalUtils.jl :: Functional Julia – based on fogus/lemonad.
- Glob.jl :: Posix-compliant file name pattern matching.
- Lazy.jl :: Functional programming for Julia.
- diy-lisp-julia :: A julia version of diy-lisp.
- FunctionalData.jl :: Functional, efficient data manipulation framework.
- LispREPL.jl :: REPL for
. - LispSyntax.jl :: lisp-like language in julia.
- Monads.jl :: Monadic expressions and sequences for Julia.
- PatternDispatch.jl :: Method dispatch based on pattern matching for Julia.
- Pipe.jl :: Improved function piping in Julia.
- Evolution.jl :: Evolutionary Computation in Julia.
- GrammaticalEvolution :: An evolutionary technique that is similar to Genetic Programming (GP). However, unlike GP, it doesn't suffer the same problems with fixing damaged trees. Instead, it uses a grammar that is combined with a genome of integers. The genome is used to select which branch to follow for or-rules.
- RegexVar.jl :: A macro to fill variables straight from the string.
- Reexport.jl :: Julia macro for re-exporting one module from another.
- MacroUtils.jl :: Collection of Julia macros.
- MetaMerge.jl :: Merge functions with identical names from distinct modules.
- TimeIt.jl :: Timeit macro for Julia.
- Unroll.jl :: A julia macro for unrolling conditional
loops. - UTime.jl :: Universal Time using local system timezone.
- The Design Impact of Multiple Dispatch presented by StefanKarpinski at Strange Loop on 19-Sep-2013.
- What are the advantages of multiple dispatch in Julia?
- OCCA.jl :: Julia interface into OCCA2 by @tcew, an extensible multi-threading programming API written in C++.
- TiledIteration.jl :: Julia package to facilitate writing mulithreaded, multidimensional, cache-efficient code.
Libs for memory management (malloc), bounds checking, literals and other base program analysis options.
- CallGraphs.jl :: A package for analyzing source-code callgraphs, particularly of Julia's
directory. The main motivation for this package was to aid in finding all functions that might trigger garbage collection by directly or indirectly callingjl_gc_collect
; however, the package has broader uses. - dataflow.jl :: Introduction to dataflow analysis using julia.
- ExpressionPatterns.jl :: Match, Destructure and Dispatch on expressions.
- LRUCache.jl :: An implementation of a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache.
- PAPI.jl :: Julia bindings to the Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI).
- Reactive.jl :: A package for reactive programming in Julia.
- Spock.jl :: An interface to Apache Spark for the Julia language.
- Official Julia style guide.
- Style.jl :: Style guidelines for Julia programming.