Anything Software Quality related goes here: Quality-Analysis(QA), Test-Driven-Development (TDD), Behaviour-Driven-Development (BDD), Documentation Driven Development (DDD), Unit testing, et al.
- Black Box Testing
- Debugging
- Documentation Driven Development
- Regression Testing
- Digger.jl :: Digger is a fuzz tester designed to fish bugs out of Dagger.jl
- Fuzz.jl :: A naive fuzzer that can generate bugs.
- DebuggingUtilities.jl :: Simple utilities for debugging julia code.
- RR.jl :: Julia interface to mozilla's
. - Suppressor.jl :: Julia macros for suppressing output (STDOUT), warnings (STDERR) or both streams at the same time.
- TimerOutputs.jl :: Formatted output of timed sections in julia.
- DocStringExtensions.jl :: Extensions for Julia's docsystem.
- Documenter.jl :: A documentation generator for Julia.
- Tuxedo.jl :: Dressing up your algorithms with documentation-driven development.
- Making nice documentation for a Julia Package.
- Log4jl.jl :: A comprehensive and flexible logging framework for Julia programs.
- Logging.jl :: The Logging module.
- LogMover.jl
- Lumberjack.jl :: A logging library by Westley Hennigh.
- Stage.jl :: has stage macros, checkpoints and loggers for Julia.
- VisualRegressionTests.jl Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries.
Static Program Analysis
- Lint.jl :: A lint tool to hunt for imperfections and dodgy structures that could be improved for Julia code.
- Quantity.jl :: Numbers with units.
- StackTraces.jl :: Intuitive, useful stack traces for Julia.
- BaseTestDeprecated.jl :: Provides the
functionality removed inJulia v0.5
. - CoverageBase.jl :: Measuring internal test coverage of the Julia programming language.
- Coverage.jl :: Take the Julia test coverage results and bundle them up in JSON - it processes a .jl file and its matching .cov file, tracking your Julia packages for test coverage and works with Coveralls, which integrates with TravisCI.
- Debug.jl :: Prototype interactive debugger for Julia.
- FactCheck.jl :: Midje-like testing framework written for Julia.
- Fixtures.jl :: provides fixtures, mocks, matchers and patching to improve your tests with Julia.
- Jig.jl :: Testing framework for Julia.
- JLTest :: A unittest framework for Julia (inspired by Python's unittest).
- JulieTest.jl :: A Julia testing framework inspired by javascript's Mocha. See the Wiki
- microcoverage :: This module computes code coverage for a Julia program at a more fine-grained level than the built-in coverage feature. Specifically, it provides coverage counts for each branch of the ||, && and ?: operators where they occur. It also counts the number of invocations to statement-functions.
- Mocking.jl : Allows temporary overwriting of Julia methods for testing purposes.
- PackageTesting.jl :: A standard for testing Julia packages.
- RunTests.jl :: A test running framework for Julia that extends Base.Test
- Saute.jl :: is another testing framework for Julia.
- testfast.jl :: Automatically finds test files and runs them.
- UnitTest.jl :: Another unit-testing library for Julia, that provides nose test style output to the command line and is capable of producing an junit compatible xml result file.