Ten Levels:
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10
F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
F0 = 0
F1 = 1
Points are based on Fibonacci Numbers:
1 > 3 > 5 > 8 > 13 > 21 > 34 > 55 > 89 > 144
- Numbers
were removed from Original Sequence:F(2)
: Additional Number1
were Removed due to Conflicting with 1st Step(AkaF(1)
: Number2
were Removed due to Closeness to Siblings
- It's a Complete Sequence which means Points can be Merged Disgustingly to Construct New Points.
- Has Same Natural Meaning for Complexity Increase of Points for Tasks: Each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two, which Means every Task with Higher Point is Complex as Two Tasks with Previous Points!
Included Factors:
- Complexity
- Unknowns
- Effort
Non-Included Factors:
- Time
- Assignee
: Number8
is the Common/Middle Point:- Everyone in a Cross-Functional Team can Do this!
- Other Tasks Points are Calculated Compared to this Point.
- Code
- Does it Compile?
- Can you spot any runtime errors just by looking at code?
- Is the feature/bugfix complete?
- Is this a good solution?
- Does it introduce any security holes?
- Is the code efficent?
- Is it logically correct?
- How does it affect the rest of the system?
- Is it within scope?
- Are there any code style issues?
- Is the code readable?
- Does it have good and enough documentation?
- Automated testing
- Does it need tests?
- Does it have tests?
- Are tests logically correct?
- Are tests simple, easy to read and debug?
- Are tests testing the right thing?
- Are tests testing the edge cases?
- Manual testing
- Can you run the code?
- Can you follow through several test scenarios?
- Is the rest of the system looking/working fine?
- Can you break it?