is a Julia package that provides utilities for working with non-uniform curvilinear grids. The core function takes a grid and transforms it from
defines CurvilinearGrid1D
, CurvilinearGrid2D
, and CurvilinearGrid3D
types. To construct these, you need to provide the discrete coordinates for the mesh.
is a registered Julia package, so installation follows the typical procedure:
using Pkg; Pkg.add("CurvilinearGrids"); using CurvilinearGrids
using CurvilinearGrids
"""Create a spherical grid as a function of (r,θ,ϕ)"""
function sphere_grid(nr, ntheta, nphi)
r0, r1 = (1, 3) # min/max radius
(θ0, θ1) = deg2rad.((35, 180 - 35)) # min/max polar angle
(ϕ0, ϕ1) = deg2rad.((45, 360 - 45)) # min/max azimuthal angle
# Linear spacing in each dimension
# Sometimes (ξ, η, ζ) is used instead of (i, j, k), depending on preference
r(ξ) = r0 + (r1 - r0) * ((ξ - 1) / (nr - 1))
θ(η) = θ0 + (θ1 - θ0) * ((η - 1) / (ntheta - 1))
ϕ(ζ) = ϕ0 + (ϕ1 - ϕ0) * ((ζ - 1) / (nphi - 1))
x = zeros(nr, ntheta, nphi)
y = zeros(nr, ntheta, nphi)
z = zeros(nr, ntheta, nphi)
# simple spherical to cartesian mapping
for idx in CartesianIndices(x)
i,j,k = idx.I
x[idx] = r(i) * sin(θ(j)) * cos(ϕ(k))
y[idx] = r(i) * sin(θ(j)) * sin(ϕ(k))
z[idx] = r(i) * cos(θ(j))
return (x, y, z)
ni, nj, nk = (5, 9, 11) # number of nodes/vertices in each dimension
nhalo = 4 # halo cells needed for stencils (can be set to 0)
# Obtain the x, y, and z coordinate functions
x, y, z = sphere_grid(ni, nj, nk)
# Create the mesh
scheme = :meg6_symmetric # the symmetric scheme is more robust but more costly than :meg6
mesh = CurvilinearGrid3D(x, y, z, scheme)
The API is still a work-in-progress, but for the moment, these functions are exported:
Here idx
can be a Tuple
or CartesianIndex
, and mesh is an AbstractCurvilinearGrid
. Important: The indices provided to these functions are aware of halo regions, so the functions do the offsets for you. Halo cells, or halo regions, are an additional layer of cells around the boundary of the mesh that do not contain geometric information. Halo cells are used to apply boundary conditions in a simple manner and to exchange data between domains (in a domain-decomposed setting, e.g. using MPI). This is by design, since fields attached to the mesh, like density or pressure for example, will have halo regions, and loops through these fields typically have pre-defined limits that constrain the loop to only work in the non-halo cells. If you don't use halo cells, just set nhalo=0
in the constructors.
The index can be a Tuple
, scalar Integer
, or CartesianIndex
coord(mesh, idx)
: Get the$(x,y,z)$ coordinates at indexidx
. This can be 1, 2, or 3D. -
centroid(mesh, idx)
: Get the$(x,y,z)$ coordinates of the cell centroid at cell indexidx
. This can be 1, 2, or 3D.
These functions are primarily used to get the complete set of coordinates for plotting or post-processing. These do not use halo regions, since there geometry is ill-defined here.
Get the: array of coordinates for the entire mesh (typically for writing to a .vtk for example)centroids(mesh)
Get the: array of centroid coordinates for the entire mesh (typically for writing to a.vtk
General purpuse constructors for 1D/2D/3D grids. These need a vector/matrix/array of vertex coordinates and the number of halo cells to pad by.
CurvilinearGrid1D(x::AbstractVector{T}, scheme::Symbol)
CurvilinearGrid2D(x::AbstractMatrix{T}, y::AbstractMatrix{T}, scheme::Symbol)
CurvilinearGrid3D(x::AbstractArray{T,3}, y::AbstractArray{T,3}, z::AbstractArray{T,3}, scheme::Symbol)
The scheme
is currently limited to the following:
: See Chandravamsi et. al (
: For themeg6
scheme with grid metrics computed via a symemtric scheme - See Nonmura et. al (
A few convienence constructors have been added to make it simpler to generate certain types of grids. Use the ?
in the REPL to see the useage.
: A rectlinear grid in 1D/2D/3D -
: A rectlinear grid with cylindrical symmetry -
: A rectlinear grid with spherical symmetry -
: A rectlinear grid with axisymmetry about a given axis -
: Provide (r,θ) coordinates to generate a polar mesh -
: Provide (r,θ) coordinates to generate a polar mesh with axisymmetry -
: : Provide (r,θ,ϕ) coordinates to generate a polar mesh
Grid metrics are required for curvilinear grids. These are stored as members of the CurvilinearGrid
types. There are three primary grid metric types: 1. forward metrics StructArrays
that include the Jacobian J
, metrics $\xi_i, \eta_i, \zeta_i$ for $i={x1}, _{x2}, _{x3}$. For a 3D mesh, for example:
julia> keys(pairs(mesh.edge_metrics))
(:i₊½, :j₊½, :k₊½)
julia> keys(pairs(mesh.edge_metrics.i₊½))
(:ξ̂, :η̂, :ζ̂, :ξ, :η, :ζ)
julia> keys(pairs(mesh.cell_center_metrics))
(:J, :ξ, :η, :ζ, :ξ̂, :η̂, :ζ̂, :x₁, :x₂, :x₃)
Terminology can be somewhat confusing, but the "Jacobian matrix" is the matrix of partial derivatives that describe the forward or inverse transformation, and uses a bold-face
Forward transformation, or CurvilinearGrid
constructors. See the included examples above and in the unit tests.
Inverse transformation
These matrices can be accessed by calling J = jacobian_matrix(mesh, I::CartesianIndex)
. The inverse can be found via inv(J)
. Note that the inverse metrics found this way will not be conservative and may introduce errors into your discretization. This is why the inverse metrics are stored in mesh.metrics
Curvilinear transformations are often used to simulate PDEs like the heat equation or the Euler equations for fluid flow. A vastly simplified example is shown below, where the divergence of the flux (
using CurvilinearGrids: rectlinear_grid
using CartesianDomains: shift
x0, x1 = (-1.0, 1.0)
ncells = 100
scheme = :meg6_symmetric
# rectlinear_grid() is a CurvilinearGrid1D constructor for uniform geometry
mesh = rectlinear_grid(x0, x1, scheme)
ξx = mesh.cell_center_metrics.ξ.x₁
const iaxis = 1
u = rand(size(mesh.iterators.cell.full)...) # solution
qᵢ₊½ = zeros(size(mesh.iterators.cell.full)) # flux of u
∇_dot_q = zeros(size(mesh.iterators.cell.full)) # flux divergence
α = ones(size(mesh.iterators.cell.full)) # diffusivity
# Find the fluxes across the edges
for i in mesh.iterators.cell.domain # only loop through the inner domain (ignore halo region)
ᵢ₊₁ = shift(i, iaxis, +1) # shift is useful for indexing in arbitrary dimensions
αᵢ₊½ = (α[i] + α[ᵢ₊₁]) / 2 # face averaged conductivity
qᵢ₊½[i] = -αᵢ₊½ * (u[ᵢ₊₁] - u[i]) # flux of u across the interface at ᵢ₊½
# Now find the flux divergence
for i in mesh.iterators.cell.domain
ᵢ₋₁ = shift(i, iaxis, -1)
# note the use of the mesh metric,
# which for this case is just the cell spacing
∇_dot_q[i] = ξx[i]^2 * (qᵢ₊½[i] - qᵢ₊½[ᵢ₋₁])