This application is built to be a WhatsApp alternative for communication.
- IN:
- Allow users to create accounts
- Allow users to send and receive messages
- Allow users to make audio calls
- Allow users to make video calls
- OUT:
- This is not meant to be used to collect user information and private conversations for marketing purposes.
Allow users to be able to send and receive messages and calls to and from other users.
Group chat and call functionalities.
List the functionality of your product. This will consist of tasks such as the following:
- A user can create an account
- A user can update their profile information
- A user can add other users to contacts
- A user can start conversations with other users
- Security: Our application should not allow unauthorized users to use/access certain private information
- Usability: Our application must be easy to use.
- Testability: our application must be able to pass authentication and permission tests.