First automatic deploy to PyPI and conda-forge.
Transform2021: #t21-hack-subsurface builds on the work done by @Leguark during the time since Transform2020. First geo-stack packages start to support subsurface: GemPy, pyGIMLi, segysak, verde (Fatiando), discretize (SimPEG), PyVista, welly, striplog.
Transform2020: #t20-hack-gostin revives the idea with contributions from many people of the SWUNG community, representing also many geo-stack communities (GemPy, PyVista, Fatiando, SimPEG, pyGIMLi, map2loop, OMF, geoh5py, and more).
Transform2019: An idea is born at The Château in France (@kwinkunks, @JesperDramsch, @alex-schaaf).