- Research
- I'm interested in computer vision, deep learning, generative AI, and image processing. Most of my research is about inferring the physical world (shape, motion, color, light, etc) from images, usually with radiance fields. Representative papers are highlighted .
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- SMERF: Streamable Memory Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-Time Large-Scene Exploration
- Daniel Duckworth* ,
- Peter Hedman* ,
- Christian Reiser ,
- Peter Zhizhin ,
- Jean-François Thibert ,
- Mario Lučić ,
- Richard Szeliski ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- arXiv , 2023
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- arXiv
- Distilling a Zip-NeRF into a tiled set of MERFs lets you fly through radiance fields on laptops and smartphones at 60 FPS.
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- Nuvo: Neural UV Mapping for Unruly 3D Representations
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Stephan J. Garbin ,
- Dor Verbin ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall
- arXiv , 2023
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- arXiv
- Neural fields let you recover editable UV mappings for the challenging geometries produced by NeRF-like models.
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- ReconFusion: 3D Reconstruction with Diffusion Priors
- Rundi Wu* ,
- Ben Mildenhall* ,
- Philipp Henzler ,
- Keunhong Park ,
- Ruiqi Gao ,
- Daniel Watson ,
- Pratul P. Srinivasan ,
- Dor Verbin ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Poole ,
- Aleksander Holynski*
- arXiv , 2023
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- arXiv
- Using a multi-image diffusion model as a regularizer lets you recover high-quality radiance fields from just a handful of images.
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- State of the Art on Diffusion Models for Visual Computing
- Ryan Po ,
- Wang Yifan ,
- Vladislav Golyanik ,
- Kfir Aberman ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Amit H. Bermano ,
- Eric Ryan Chan ,
- Tali Dekel ,
- Aleksander Holynski ,
- Angjoo Kanazawa ,
- C. Karen Liu ,
- Lingjie Liu ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Matthias Nießner ,
- Björn Ommer ,
- Christian Theobalt ,
- Peter Wonka ,
- Gordon Wetzstein
- arXiv, 2023
- A survey of recent progress in diffusion models for images, videos, and 3D.
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- CamP: Camera Preconditioning for Neural Radiance Fields
- Keunhong Park ,
- Philipp Henzler ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2023
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- arXiv
- Preconditioning based on camera parameterization helps NeRF and camera extrinsics/intrinsics optimize better together.
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- Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Dor Verbin ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Peter Hedman
- ICCV , 2023   (Oral Presentation, Best Paper Finalist)
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- arXiv
- Combining mip-NeRF 360 and grid-based models like Instant NGP lets us reduce error rates by 8%–77% and accelerate training by 24x.
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- DreamBooth3D: Subject-Driven Text-to-3D Generation
- Amit Raj , Srinivas Kaza , Ben Poole , Michael Niemeyer , Nataniel Ruiz ,
- Ben Mildenhall , Shiran Zada , Kfir Aberman , Michael Rubinstein ,
- Jonathan T. Barron , Yuanzhen Li , Varun Jampani
- ICCV , 2023
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- arXiv
- Combining DreamBooth (personalized text-to-image) and DreamFusion (text-to-3D) yields high-quality, subject-specific 3D assets with text-driven modifications
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- BakedSDF: Meshing Neural SDFs for Real-Time View Synthesis
- Lior Yariv* ,
- Peter Hedman* ,
- Christian Reiser ,
- Dor Verbin ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Richard Szeliski ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall
- SIGGRAPH , 2023
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- arXiv
- We use SDFs to bake a NeRF-like model into a high quality mesh and do real-time view synthesis.
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- MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes
- Christian Reiser ,
- Richard Szeliski ,
- Dor Verbin ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Andreas Geiger ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Peter Hedman
- SIGGRAPH , 2023
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- arXiv
- We use volumetric rendering with a sparse 3D feature grid and 2D feature planes to do real-time view synthesis.
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- Eclipse: Disambiguating Illumination and Materials using Unintended Shadows
- Dor Verbin ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Peter Hedman ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Todd Zickler ,
- Pratul Srinivasan
- arXiv , 2023
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- arXiv
- Shadows cast by unobserved occluders provide a high-frequency cue for recovering illumination and materials.
- AligNeRF: High-Fidelity Neural Radiance Fields via Alignment-Aware Training
- Yifan Jiang ,
- Peter Hedman ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Dejia Xu ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Zhangyang Wang ,
- Tianfan Xue
- CVPR , 2023
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- arXiv
- Accounting for misalignment due to scene motion or calibration errors improves NeRF reconstruction quality.
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- DreamFusion: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion
- Ben Poole ,
- Ajay Jain ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall
- ICLR , 2023   (Oral Presentation, Outstanding Paper Award)
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- arXiv
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- gallery
- We optimize a NeRF from scratch using a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to do text-to-3D generative modeling.
- Learning a Diffusion Prior for NeRFs
- Guandao Yang ,
- Abhijit Kundu ,
- Leonidas J. Guibas ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Poole
- ICLR Workshop , 2023
- Training a diffusion model on grid-based NeRFs lets you (conditionally) sample NeRFs.
- MIRA: Mental Imagery for Robotic Affordances
- Lin Yen-Chen ,
- Pete Florence ,
- Andy Zeng , Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Yilun Du ,
- Wei-Chiu Ma ,
- Anthony Simeonov ,
- Alberto Rodriguez ,
- Phillip Isola
- CoRL , 2022
- NeRF lets us synthesize novel orthographic views that work well with pixel-wise algorithms for robotic manipulation.
- SAMURAI: Shape And Material from Unconstrained Real-world Arbitrary Image Collections
- Mark Boss ,
- Andreas Engelhardt ,
- Abhishek Kar ,
- Yuanzhen Li ,
- Deqing Sun ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Hendrik P. A. Lensch ,
- Varun Jampani
- NeurIPS , 2022
- project page /
- video /
- arXiv
- A joint optimization framework for estimating shape, BRDF, camera pose, and illumination from in-the-wild image collections.
+ I am an undergraduate student at
+ BITS Pilani, K.K Birla Goa Campus
+ pursuing a Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communications Engineering with a minor in
+ Data Science. I am interested in interdisciplinary research, including Computer Vision and Applied Machine Learning domains.
+ I was involved in various student projects at BITS Pilani, Goa, including Project Kratos , where I contributed to the Autonomous Subsystem of a Mars Rover prototype. I also serve as the Events, Initiatives and Sponsorship Head at the Center for Technical Education, BITS Goa.
+ During my free time, I like playing my ukulele and listening to music. =)
+ Email
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+ CV
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- Polynomial Neural Fields for Subband Decomposition
- Guandao Yang* ,
- Sagie Benaim* ,
- Varun Jampani ,
- Kyle Genova ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Thomas Funkhouser ,
- Bharath Hariharan ,
- Serge Belongie
- NeurIPS , 2022
- Representing neural fields as a composition of manipulable and interpretable components lets you do things like reason about frequencies and scale.
+ This template is a modification to Jon Barron's website and Karan Bania's website . Find the source code to my website here .
- Fast and High-Quality Image Denoising via Malleable Convolutions
- Yifan Jiang ,
- Bartlomiej Wronski ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Zhangyang Wang ,
- Tianfan Xue
- ECCV , 2022
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- arXiv
- We denoise images efficiently by predicting spatially-varying kernels at low resolution and using a fast fused op to jointly upsample and apply these kernels at full resolution.
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- NeRF-Supervision: Learning Dense Object Descriptors from Neural Radiance Fields
- Lin Yen-Chen ,
- Pete Florence ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Tsung-Yi Lin ,
- Alberto Rodriguez ,
- Phillip Isola
- ICRA , 2022
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- arXiv /
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- colab
- NeRF works better than RGB-D cameras or multi-view stereo when learning object descriptors.
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- Ref-NeRF: Structured View-Dependent Appearance for Neural Radiance Fields
- Dor Verbin ,
- Peter Hedman ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Todd Zickler ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Pratul Srinivasan
- CVPR , 2022   (Oral Presentation, Best Student Paper Honorable Mention)
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- arXiv
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- video
- Explicitly modeling reflections in NeRF produces realistic shiny surfaces and accurate surface normals, and lets you edit materials.
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- Mip-NeRF 360: Unbounded Anti-Aliased Neural Radiance Fields
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Dor Verbin ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Peter Hedman
- CVPR , 2022   (Oral Presentation)
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- arXiv
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- video
- mip-NeRF can be extended to produce realistic results on unbounded scenes.
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- NeRF in the Dark: High Dynamic Range View Synthesis from Noisy Raw Images
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Peter Hedman ,
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- CVPR , 2022   (Oral Presentation)
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- arXiv
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- Properly training NeRF on raw camera data enables HDR view synthesis and bokeh, and outperforms multi-image denoising.
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- RegNeRF: Regularizing Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
- Michael Niemeyer ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi ,
- Andreas Geiger ,
- Noha Radwan
- CVPR , 2022   (Oral Presentation)
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- arXiv
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- Regularizing unseen views during optimization enables view synthesis from as few as 3 input images.
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- Block-NeRF: Scalable Large Scene Neural View Synthesis
- Matthew Tancik ,
- Vincent Casser ,
- Xinchen Yan ,
- Sabeek Pradhan ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Henrik Kretzschmar
- CVPR , 2022   (Oral Presentation)
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- arXiv
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- We can do city-scale reconstruction by training multiple NeRFs with millions of images.
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- HumanNeRF: Free-viewpoint Rendering of Moving People from Monocular Video
- Chung-Yi Weng ,
- Brian Curless ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman
- CVPR , 2022   (Oral Presentation)
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- arXiv
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- video
- Combining NeRF with pose estimation lets you use a monocular video to do free-viewpoint rendering of a human.
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- Urban Radiance Fields
- Konstantinos Rematas ,
- Andrew Liu ,
- Pratul P. Srinivasan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Andrea Tagliasacchi ,
- Tom Funkhouser ,
- Vittorio Ferrari
- CVPR , 2022
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- arXiv
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- video
- Incorporating lidar and explicitly modeling the sky lets you reconstruct urban environments.
- Dense Depth Priors for Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Input Views
- Barbara Roessle ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Matthias Nießner
- CVPR , 2022
- arXiv
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- video
- Dense depth completion techniques applied to freely-available sparse stereo data can improve NeRF reconstructions in low-data regimes.
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- Zero-Shot Text-Guided Object Generation with Dream Fields
- Ajay Jain ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Pieter Abbeel ,
- Ben Poole
- CVPR , 2022
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- arXiv
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- video
- Supervising the CLIP embeddings of NeRF renderings lets you to generate 3D objects from text prompts.
- Advances in Neural Rendering
- Ayush Tewari ,
- Justus Thies ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Edgar Tretschk ,
- Yifan Wang ,
- Christoph Lassner ,
- Vincent Sitzmann ,
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla ,
- Stephen Lombardi ,
- Tomas Simon ,
- Christian Theobalt ,
- Matthias Niessner ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Gordon Wetzstein ,
- Michael Zollhoefer ,
- Vladislav Golyanik
- State of the Art Report at EUROGRAPHICS, 2022
- A survey of recent progress in neural rendering.
- Neural-PIL: Neural Pre-Integrated Lighting for Reflectance Decomposition
- Mark Boss ,
- Varun Jampani ,
- Raphael Braun ,
- Ce Liu ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Hendrik P. A. Lensch
- NeurIPS , 2021
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- arXiv
- Replacing a costly illumination integral with a simple network query enables more accurate novel view-synthesis and relighting compared to NeRD.
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- HyperNeRF: A Higher-Dimensional Representation
-for Topologically Varying Neural Radiance Fields
- Keunhong Park ,
- Utkarsh Sinha ,
- Peter Hedman ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Sofien Bouaziz ,
- Dan B Goldman ,
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla ,
- Steven M. Seitz
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2021
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- arXiv
- Applying ideas from level set methods to NeRF lets you represent scenes that deform and change shape.
- NeRFactor: Neural Factorization of Shape and Reflectance
- Under an Unknown Illumination
- Xiuming Zhang ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Boyang Deng ,
- Paul Debevec ,
- William T. Freeman ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2021
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- arXiv
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- video
- By placing priors on illumination and materials, we can recover NeRF-like models of the intrinsics of a scene from a single multi-image capture.
- Scalable Font Reconstruction with Dual Latent Manifolds
- Nikita Srivatsan ,
- Si Wu ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
- EMNLP , 2021
- VAEs can be used to disentangle a font's style from its content, and to generalize to characters that were never observed during training.
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- Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Matthew Tancik ,
- Peter Hedman ,
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla ,
- Pratul Srinivasan
- ICCV , 2021   (Oral Presentation, Best Paper Honorable Mention)
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- arXiv
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- code
- NeRF is aliased, but we can anti-alias it by casting cones and prefiltering the positional encoding function.
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- Baking Neural Radiance Fields for Real-Time View Synthesis
- Peter Hedman ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Paul Debevec
- ICCV , 2021   (Oral Presentation)
- project page
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- arXiv
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- demo
- Baking a trained NeRF into a sparse voxel grid of colors and features lets you render it in real-time in your browser.
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- Nerfies: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields
- Keunhong Park ,
- Utkarsh Sinha ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Sofien Bouaziz ,
- Dan B Goldman ,
- Steven M. Seitz ,
- Ricardo-Martin Brualla
- ICCV , 2021   (Oral Presentation)
- project page /
- arXiv /
- video
- Building deformation fields into NeRF lets you capture non-rigid subjects, like people.
- Cross-Camera Convolutional Color Constancy
- Mahmoud Afifi ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Chloe LeGendre ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Francois Bleibel
- ICCV , 2021   (Oral Presentation)
- With some extra (unlabeled) test-set images, you can build a hypernetwork that calibrates itself at test time to previously-unseen cameras.
- Defocus Map Estimation and Deblurring from a Single Dual-Pixel Image
- Shumian Xin ,
- Neal Wadhwa ,
- Tianfan Xue ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Jiawen Chen ,
- Ioannis Gkioulekas ,
- Rahul Garg
- ICCV , 2021   (Oral Presentation)
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- code
- Multiplane images can be used to simultaneously deblur dual-pixel images, despite variable defocus due to depth variation in the scene.
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- NeRD: Neural Reflectance Decomposition from Image Collections
- Mark Boss ,
- Raphael Braun ,
- Varun Jampani ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ce Liu ,
- Hendrik P. A. Lensch
- ICCV , 2021
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- arXiv
- A NeRF-like model that can decompose (and mesh) objects with non-Lambertian reflectances, complex geometry, and unknown illumination.
- How to Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal
- Yicheng Wu ,
- Qiurui He ,
- Tianfan Xue ,
- Rahul Garg ,
- Jiawen Chen ,
- Ashok Veeraraghavan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- ICCV , 2021
- project page /
- arXiv
- Simulating the optics of a camera's lens lets you train a model that removes lens flare from a single image.
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- iNeRF: Inverting Neural Radiance Fields for Pose Estimation
- Lin Yen-Chen ,
- Pete Florence ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Alberto Rodriguez ,
- Phillip Isola ,
- Tsung-Yi Lin
- IROS , 2021
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- arXiv /
- video
- Given an image of an object and a NeRF of that object, you can estimate that object's pose.
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- IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering
- Qianqian Wang ,
- Zhicheng Wang ,
- Kyle Genova ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Howard Zhou ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla ,
- Noah Snavely ,
- Thomas Funkhouser
- CVPR , 2021
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- arXiv
- By learning how to pay attention to input images at render time,
- we can amortize inference for view synthesis and reduce error rates by 15%.
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- NeRV: Neural Reflection and Visibility Fields for Relighting and View Synthesis
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Boyang Deng ,
- Xiuming Zhang ,
- Matthew Tancik ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- CVPR , 2021
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- video /
- arXiv
- Using neural approximations of expensive visibility integrals lets you recover relightable NeRF-like models.
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- Learned Initializations for Optimizing Coordinate-Based Neural Representations
- Matthew Tancik* ,
- Ben Mildenhall* ,
- Terrance Wang ,
- Divi Schmidt ,
- Pratul Srinivasan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ren Ng
- CVPR , 2021   (Oral Presentation)
- project page /
- video /
- arXiv
- Using meta-learning to find weight initializations for coordinate-based MLPs allows them to converge faster and generalize better.
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- NeRF in the Wild: Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections
- Ricardo Martin-Brualla* ,
- Noha Radwan* ,
- Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi* ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Alexey Dosovitskiy ,
- Daniel Duckworth
- CVPR , 2021   (Oral Presentation)
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- arXiv /
- video
- Letting NeRF reason about occluders and appearance variation produces photorealistic view synthesis using only unstructured internet photos.
- Learned Dual-View Reflection Removal
- Simon Niklaus ,
- Xuaner (Cecilia) Zhang ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Neal Wadhwa ,
- Rahul Garg ,
- Feng Liu ,
- Tianfan Xue
- WACV , 2021
- project page /
- arXiv
- Reflections and the things behind them often exhibit parallax, and this lets you remove reflections from stereo pairs.
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- Neural Light Transport for Relighting and View Synthesis
- Xiuming Zhang ,
- Sean Fanello ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Tiancheng Sun ,
- Tianfan Xue ,
- Rohit Pandey ,
- Sergio Orts-Escolano ,
- Philip Davidson ,
- Christoph Rhemann ,
- Paul Debevec ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ravi Ramamoorthi ,
- William T. Freeman
- ACM TOG , 2021
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- arXiv /
- video
- Embedding a convnet within a predefined texture atlas enables simultaneous view synthesis and relighting.
- Light Stage Super-Resolution: Continuous High-Frequency Relighting
- Tiancheng Sun ,
- Zexiang Xu
- Xiuming Zhang ,
- Sean Fanello ,
- Christoph Rhemann ,
- Paul Debevec ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ravi Ramamoorthi
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2020
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- arXiv
- Scans for light stages are inherently aliased, but we can use learning to super-resolve them.
- Fourier Features Let Networks Learn High Frequency Functions in Low Dimensional Domains
- Matthew Tancik* ,
- Pratul Srinivasan* ,
- Ben Mildenhall* ,
- Sara Fridovich-Keil ,
- Nithin Raghavan ,
- Utkarsh Singhal ,
- Ravi Ramamoorthi ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ren Ng
- NeurIPS , 2020   (Spotlight)
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- video: 3 min , 10 min /
- arXiv /
- code
- Composing neural networks with a simple Fourier feature mapping allows them to learn detailed high-frequency functions.
- A Generalization of Otsu's Method and Minimum Error Thresholding
- Jonathan T. Barron
- ECCV , 2020   (Spotlight)
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- bibtex
- A simple and fast Bayesian algorithm that can be written in ~10 lines of code outperforms or matches giant CNNs on image binarization, and unifies three classic thresholding algorithms.
- What Matters in Unsupervised Optical Flow
- Rico Jonschkowski ,
- Austin Stone ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ariel Gordon ,
- Kurt Konolige ,
- Anelia Angelova
- ECCV , 2020   (Oral Presentation)
- code
- Extensive experimentation yields a simple optical flow technique that is trained on only unlabeled videos, but still works as well as supervised techniques.
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- NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
- Ben Mildenhall* ,
- Pratul Srinivasan* ,
- Matthew Tancik* ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ravi Ramamoorthi ,
- Ren Ng
- ECCV , 2020   (Oral Presentation, Best Paper Honorable Mention, CACM Research Highlight)
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- arXiv
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- CACM (foreward)
- Training a tiny non-convolutional neural network to reproduce a scene using volume rendering achieves photorealistic view synthesis.
- Portrait Shadow Manipulation
- Xuaner (Cecilia) Zhang ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Rohit Pandey ,
- Xiuming Zhang ,
- Ren Ng ,
- David E. Jacobs
- SIGGRAPH , 2020
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- video
- Networks can be trained to remove shadows cast on human faces and to soften harsh lighting.
- Learning to Autofocus
- Charles Herrmann ,
- Richard Strong Bowen ,
- Neal Wadhwa ,
- Rahul Garg ,
- Qiurui He ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ramin Zabih
- CVPR , 2020
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- arXiv
- Machine learning can be used to train cameras to autofocus (which is not the same problem as "depth from defocus").
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- Lighthouse: Predicting Lighting Volumes for Spatially-Coherent Illumination
- Pratul Srinivasan* ,
- Ben Mildenhall* ,
- Matthew Tancik ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Richard Tucker ,
- Noah Snavely
- CVPR , 2020
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- arXiv
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- We predict a volume from an input stereo pair that can be used to calculate incident lighting at any 3D point within a scene.
- Sky Optimization: Semantically Aware Image Processing of Skies in Low-Light Photography
- Orly Liba ,
- Longqi Cai ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Elad Eban ,
- Yair Movshovitz-Attias ,
- Yael Pritch ,
- Huizhong Chen ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- NTIRE CVPRW , 2020
- project page
- If you want to photograph the sky, it helps to know where the sky is.
- Handheld Mobile Photography in Very Low Light
- Orly Liba ,
- Kiran Murthy ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Timothy Brooks ,
- Tianfan Xue ,
- Nikhil Karnad ,
- Qiurui He ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Dillon Sharlet ,
- Ryan Geiss ,
- Samuel W. Hasinoff ,
- Yael Pritch ,
- Marc Levoy
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2019
- project page
- By rethinking metering, white balance, and tone mapping, we can take pictures in places too dark for humans to see clearly.
- A Deep Factorization of Style and Structure in Fonts
- Nikita Srivatsan ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Dan Klein ,
- Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
- EMNLP , 2019   (Oral Presentation)
- Variational auto-encoders can be used to disentangle a characters style from its content.
- Learning Single Camera Depth Estimation using Dual-Pixels
- Rahul Garg ,
- Neal Wadhwa ,
- Sameer Ansari ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- ICCV , 2019   (Oral Presentation)
- code /
- bibtex
- Considering the optics of dual-pixel image sensors improves monocular depth estimation techniques.
- Single Image Portrait Relighting
- Tiancheng Sun ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- Zexiang Xu , Xueming Yu,
- Graham Fyffe , Christoph Rhemann, Jay Busch,
- Paul Debevec ,
- Ravi Ramamoorthi
- SIGGRAPH , 2019
- project page /
- arxiv /
- video /
- press /
- bibtex
- Training a neural network on light stage scans and environment maps produces an effective relighting method.
- A General and Adaptive Robust Loss Function
- Jonathan T. Barron
- CVPR , 2019   (Oral Presentation, Best Paper Award Finalist)
- arxiv /
- supplement /
- video /
- talk /
- slides /
- code: TF , JAX , pytorch /
- reviews /
- bibtex
- A single robust loss function is a superset of many other common robust loss functions, and allows training to automatically adapt the robustness of its own loss.
- Pushing the Boundaries of View Extrapolation with Multiplane Images
- Pratul P. Srinivasan , Richard Tucker,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ravi Ramamoorthi ,
- Ren Ng ,
- Noah Snavely
- CVPR , 2019   (Oral Presentation, Best Paper Award Finalist)
- supplement /
- video /
- bibtex
- View extrapolation with multiplane images works better if you reason about disocclusions and disparity sampling frequencies.
- Unprocessing Images for Learned Raw Denoising
- Tim Brooks ,
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Tianfan Xue ,
- Jiawen Chen ,
- Dillon Sharlet ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- CVPR , 2019   (Oral Presentation)
- arxiv /
- project page /
- code /
- bibtex
- We can learn a better denoising model by processing and unprocessing images the same way a camera does.
- Learning to Synthesize Motion Blur
- Tim Brooks ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- CVPR , 2019   (Oral Presentation)
- arxiv /
- supplement /
- project page /
- video /
- code /
- bibtex
- Frame interpolation techniques can be used to train a network that directly synthesizes linear blur kernels.
- Stereoscopic Dark Flash for Low-light Photography
- Jian Wang ,
- Tianfan Xue ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Jiawen Chen
- ICCP , 2019
- By making one camera in a stereo pair hyperspectral we can multiplex dark flash pairs in space instead of time.
- Depth from Motion for Smartphone AR
- Julien Valentin ,
- Adarsh Kowdle ,
- Jonathan T. Barron , Neal Wadhwa , and others
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2018
- planar filter toy code /
- bibtex
- Depth cues from camera motion allow for real-time occlusion effects in augmented reality applications.
- Synthetic Depth-of-Field with a Single-Camera Mobile Phone
- Neal Wadhwa ,
- Rahul Garg ,
- David E. Jacobs , Bryan E. Feldman, Nori Kanazawa, Robert Carroll,
- Yair Movshovitz-Attias ,
- Jonathan T. Barron , Yael Pritch,
- Marc Levoy
- SIGGRAPH , 2018
- arxiv /
- blog post /
- bibtex
- Dual pixel cameras and semantic segmentation algorithms can be used for shallow depth of field effects.
- This system is the basis for "Portrait Mode" on the Google Pixel 2 smartphones
- Aperture Supervision for Monocular Depth Estimation
- Pratul P. Srinivasan ,
- Rahul Garg ,
- Neal Wadhwa ,
- Ren Ng ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- CVPR , 2018
- code /
- bibtex
- Varying a camera's aperture provides a supervisory signal that can teach a neural network to do monocular depth estimation.
- Burst Denoising with Kernel Prediction Networks
- Ben Mildenhall ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Jiawen Chen ,
- Dillon Sharlet ,
- Ren Ng , Robert Carroll
- CVPR , 2018   (Spotlight)
- supplement /
- code /
- bibtex
- We train a network to predict linear kernels that denoise noisy bursts from cellphone cameras.
- A Hardware-Friendly Bilateral Solver for Real-Time Virtual Reality Video
- Amrita Mazumdar , Armin Alaghi , Jonathan T. Barron , David Gallup , Luis Ceze , Mark Oskin , Steven M. Seitz
- High-Performance Graphics (HPG) , 2017
- project page
- A reformulation of the bilateral solver can be implemented efficiently on GPUs and FPGAs.
- Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancement
- Michaël Gharbi , Jiawen Chen , Jonathan T. Barron , Samuel W. Hasinoff , Frédo Durand
- SIGGRAPH , 2017
- project page /
- video /
- bibtex /
- p r e s s
- By training a deep network in bilateral space we can learn a model for high-resolution and real-time image enhancement.
- Fast Fourier Color Constancy
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Yun-Ta Tsai ,
- CVPR , 2017
- video /
- bibtex /
- code /
- output /
- blog post /
- p r e s s
- Color space can be aliased, allowing white balance models to be learned and evaluated in the frequency domain. This improves accuracy by 13-20% and speed by 250-3000x.
- This technology is used by Google Pixel , Google Photos , and Google Maps .
- Jump: Virtual Reality Video
- Robert Anderson , David Gallup , Jonathan T. Barron , Janne Kontkanen , Noah Snavely , Carlos Hernández , Sameer Agarwal , Steven M Seitz
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2016
- supplement /
- video /
- bibtex /
- blog post
- Using computer vision and a ring of cameras, we can make video for virtual reality headsets that is both stereo and 360°.
- This technology is used by Jump .
- Burst Photography for High Dynamic Range and Low-Light Imaging on Mobile Cameras
- Samuel W. Hasinoff , Dillon Sharlet , Ryan Geiss , Andrew Adams , Jonathan T. Barron , Florian Kainz, Jiawen Chen , Marc Levoy
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2016
- project page /
- supplement /
- bibtex
- Mobile phones can take beautiful photographs in low-light or high dynamic range environments by aligning and merging a burst of images.
- This technology is used by the Nexus HDR+ feature.
- The Fast Bilateral Solver
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Ben Poole
- ECCV , 2016   (Oral Presentation, Best Paper Honorable Mention)
- arXiv /
- bibtex /
- video (they messed up my slides, use →) /
- keynote (or PDF ) /
- code /
- depth super-res results /
- reviews
- Our solver smooths things better than other filters and faster than other optimization algorithms, and you can backprop through it.
- Geometric Calibration for Mobile, Stereo, Autofocus Cameras
- Stephen DiVerdi ,
- Jonathan T. Barron
- WACV , 2016
- bibtex
- Standard techniques for stereo calibration don't work for cheap mobile cameras.
- Semantic Image Segmentation with Task-Specific Edge Detection Using CNNs and a Discriminatively Trained Domain Transform
- CVPR , 2016
- Liang-Chieh Chen , Jonathan T. Barron , George Papandreou , Kevin Murphy , Alan L. Yuille
- bibtex /
- project page /
- code
- By integrating an edge-aware filter into a convolutional neural network we can learn an edge-detector while improving semantic segmentation.
- Convolutional Color Constancy
- Jonathan T. Barron
- ICCV , 2015
- supplement / bibtex / video (or mp4 )
- By framing white balance as a chroma localization task we can discriminatively learn a color constancy model that beats the state-of-the-art by 40%.
- Scene Intrinsics and Depth from a Single Image
- Evan Shelhamer , Jonathan T. Barron , Trevor Darrell
- ICCV Workshop , 2015
- bibtex
- The monocular depth estimates produced by fully convolutional networks can be used to inform intrinsic image estimation.
- Fast Bilateral-Space Stereo for Synthetic Defocus
- Jonathan T. Barron , Andrew Adams , YiChang Shih , Carlos Hernández
- CVPR , 2015   (Oral Presentation)
- abstract /
- supplement /
- bibtex /
- talk /
- keynote (or PDF )
- By embedding a stereo optimization problem in "bilateral-space" we can very quickly solve for an edge-aware depth map, letting us render beautiful depth-of-field effects.
- This technology is used by the Google Camera "Lens Blur" feature.
- Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping for Image Segmentation and Object Proposal Generation
- Jordi Pont-Tuset , Pablo Arbeláez , Jonathan T. Barron , Ferran Marqués , Jitendra Malik
- TPAMI , 2017
- project page /
- bibtex /
- fast eigenvector code
- We produce state-of-the-art contours, regions and object candidates, and we compute normalized-cuts eigenvectors 20× faster.
- This paper subsumes our CVPR 2014 paper.
- Shape, Illumination, and Reflectance from Shading
- Jonathan T. Barron , Jitendra Malik
- TPAMI , 2015
- bibtex / keynote (or powerpoint , PDF ) / video / code & data / kudos
- We present SIRFS , which can estimate shape, chromatic illumination, reflectance, and shading from a single image of an masked object.
- This paper subsumes our CVPR 2011, CVPR 2012, and ECCV 2012 papers.
- Multiscale Combinatorial Grouping
- Pablo Arbeláez , Jordi Pont-Tuset , Jonathan T. Barron , Ferran Marqués , Jitendra Malik
- CVPR , 2014
- project page /
- bibtex
- This paper is subsumed by our journal paper .
- Volumetric Semantic Segmentation using Pyramid Context Features
- Jonathan T. Barron , Pablo Arbeláez , Soile V. E. Keränen , Mark D. Biggin ,
- David W. Knowles , Jitendra Malik
- ICCV , 2013
- supplement /
- poster /
- bibtex / video 1 (or mp4 ) / video 2 (or mp4 ) / code & data
- We present a technique for efficient per-voxel linear classification, which enables accurate and fast semantic segmentation of volumetric Drosophila imagery.
- 3D Self-Portraits
- Hao Li , Etienne Vouga , Anton Gudym, Linjie Luo , Jonathan T. Barron , Gleb Gusev
- SIGGRAPH Asia , 2013
- video / shapify.me / bibtex
- Our system allows users to create textured 3D models of themselves in arbitrary poses using only a single 3D sensor.
- Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image
- Jonathan T. Barron , Jitendra Malik
- CVPR , 2013   (Oral Presentation)
- supplement / bibtex / talk / keynote (or powerpoint , PDF ) / code & data
- By embedding mixtures of shapes & lights into a soft segmentation of an image, and by leveraging the output of the Kinect, we can extend SIRFS to scenes.
- TPAMI Journal version: version / bibtex
- Boundary Cues for 3D Object Shape Recovery
- Kevin Karsch ,
- Zicheng Liao ,
- Jason Rock ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Derek Hoiem
- CVPR , 2013
- supplement / bibtex
- Boundary cues (like occlusions and folds) can be used for shape reconstruction, which improves object recognition for humans and computers.
- Color Constancy, Intrinsic Images, and Shape Estimation
- Jonathan T. Barron , Jitendra Malik
- ECCV , 2012
- supplement /
- bibtex /
- poster /
- video
- This paper is subsumed by SIRFS .
- Shape, Albedo, and Illumination from a Single Image of an Unknown Object
- Jonathan T. Barron , Jitendra Malik
- CVPR , 2012
- supplement /
- bibtex /
- poster
- This paper is subsumed by SIRFS .
- A Category-Level 3-D Object Dataset: Putting the Kinect to Work
- Allison Janoch ,
- Sergey Karayev ,
- Yangqing Jia ,
- Jonathan T. Barron ,
- Mario Fritz ,
- Kate Saenko ,
- Trevor Darrell
- ICCV 3DRR Workshop , 2011
- bibtex /
- "smoothing" code
- We present a large RGB-D dataset of indoor scenes and investigate ways to improve object detection using depth information.
- High-Frequency Shape and Albedo from Shading using Natural Image Statistics
- Jonathan T. Barron , Jitendra Malik
- CVPR , 2011
- bibtex
- This paper is subsumed by SIRFS .
- Discovering Efficiency in Coarse-To-Fine Texture Classification
- Jonathan T. Barron , Jitendra Malik
- Technical Report , 2010
- bibtex
- A model and feature representation that allows for sub-linear coarse-to-fine semantic segmentation.
- Parallelizing Reinforcement Learning
- Jonathan T. Barron , Dave Golland , Nicholas J. Hay
- Technical Report , 2009
- bibtex
- Markov Decision Problems which lie in a low-dimensional latent space can be decomposed, allowing modified RL algorithms to run orders of magnitude faster in parallel.
- Blind Date: Using Proper Motions to Determine the Ages of Historical Images
- Jonathan T. Barron , David W. Hogg , Dustin Lang , Sam Roweis
- The Astronomical Journal , 136, 2008
- Using the relative motions of stars we can accurately estimate the date of origin of historical astronomical images.
- Cleaning the USNO-B Catalog Through Automatic Detection of Optical Artifacts
- Jonathan T. Barron , Christopher Stumm , David W. Hogg , Dustin Lang , Sam Roweis
- The Astronomical Journal , 135, 2008
- We use computer vision techniques to identify and remove diffraction spikes and reflection halos in the USNO-B Catalog.
- In use at Astrometry.net
- Area Chair, CVPR 2024
- Demo Chair, CVPR 2023
- Area Chair, CVPR 2022
- Area Chair & Award Committee Member, CVPR 2021
- Area Chair, CVPR 2019
- Area Chair, CVPR 2018
- Graduate Student Instructor, CS188 Spring 2011
- Graduate Student Instructor, CS188 Fall 2010
- Figures, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", 3rd Edition
- Basically Blog Posts
- Squareplus: A Softplus-Like Algebraic Rectifier
- A Convenient Generalization of Schlick's Bias and Gain Functions
- Continuously Differentiable Exponential Linear Units
- Scholars & Big Models: How Can Academics Adapt?
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