Repository for Appium tests for Sora project.
Please set up:
brew install node
- Appium:
npm install -g appium
- The iOs driver:
npm install appium-xcuitest-driver
- Next step is to set up the Sora Wallet app to the simulator. Please download the Sora Wallet to Downloads folder and then run
xcrun simctl list | grep 14
It should return something like this:
iPhone 14 (85C6EDCA-0831-4075-B26D-A45C8295E203) (Shutdown)
iPhone 14 Plus (3B2693CF-150D-4E3F-8114-FF747E873882) (Shutdown)
iPhone 14 Pro (E529C846-CC49-43A3-9E38-7BEDF37286C3) (Shutdown)
iPhone 14 Pro Max (0284B3FC-F186-491F-9405-97E076CB6084) (Shutdown)
iPad mini (6th generation) (1494B97C-D292-41B8-A4A0-2CBD5E626A71) (Shutdown)
You'll need the long ID you have in brackets for the iPhone 14 Pro Max. So please replace my ID with yours in the install command.
xcrun simctl boot 0284B3FC-F186-491F-9405-97E076CB6084
xcrun simctl install 0284B3FC-F186-491F-9405-97E076CB6084 Downloads/
Almost done! And the last step is to download and run tests.
cd sora2-passport-appium-tests
mvn clean install test -DsuiteXmlFile=testng.xml
And now you should see the Success message with tests results somewhere above:
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
In case of problems please use Appium-doctor:
npm install -g appium-doctor
appium-doctor --ios
Please set up everything above. Also you will need:
- The development environment (I prefer Eclipse, it's available here:
- Appium server gui:
- Appium inspector:
Please add testNG run configuration and add the PATH environment variable. The value can be found here:
echo $PATH
Now you can run tests from the Eclipse.