Source for the Space Station OS Documentation site
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- Find an appropriate .md file for the site you want to edit
- After edit issue for pull request for the page
- TBD (talk to Chris and Hiroki for this)
Space Station OS is an open-source platform advancing space station software, designed to facilitate operational research, simulation, and real-time control for space habitats. It leverages the ROS 2 framework and provides tools for tasks such as Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) with practical demos simulating space station scenarios.
To set up Space Station OS:
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS 2 Humble (desktop install)
After cloning this repository, source the ROS2 setup in your terminal, e.g.,
source \opt\ros\humble\setup.bash
Then, colcon build
from the top level of the repository.
Afterward, each terminal must also source the install, i.e., source install\setup.bash
Recreates the ISS Nauka incident for fault analysis.
Run commands in multiple terminals (after sourcing):
- Terminal 1:
$ ros2 run space_station_gnc demo1a_nauka_incident_estimate
- Terminal 2:
$ ros2 launch space_station_gnc
- Terminal 3:
$ ros2 run rviz2 rviz2
(launches RVIZ)
- FDIR Tools for Incident Response
- Simulated Propulsion and Attitude Control
- Real-time Visualization with RVIZ
- Community-driven, open-source architecture
- Specify joints in URDF for Isaac Sim
- Decouple URDF components to isolate mechanics/physics
- Create Action Graph generator for Isaac Sim
- Implement simple method for deploying environmental dynamics
For further information, please reach out to us at: