Just sign and verify your docker images with x509 certificates, keyless, really...
- Build and push your image
- Issue an x509 certificate: part of commonName must contain image digest(so-called digestslice)
- Sign(push certificate) with dia-sign.sh or with your CI manually
- Validate digestslice with kubernetes validation webhook
Digestslice - a part of digest sha256. Digestslice used due to x509 commonName length limitation(64 characters). By default digestslice = 0-45.
Full digest: 0addcc1de26ee0f660d21b01c1afdff9f59efb989331fed17334cf8a6dcd8d6b
commonName certificate must contain from 0 to 45 character: 0addcc1de26ee0f660d21b01c1afdff9f59efb98933
dia-sign.sh [ARGS] [IMAGE]
-h, --help print this help message
-c, --cert path to x509 certificate file (base64 encoded)
-d, --digest sha256 digest of image, will used instead [IMAGE]
EXAMPLE: dia-sign.sh -c /tmp/image.crt registry.local/test-app:v1
- Vault integrated with gitlab via jwt auth method
- PKI engine is up on vault
Example dynamic pki role for gitlab applications signer:
"allow_any_name": false,
"allow_bare_domains": true,
"allow_glob_domains": true,
"allowed_domains": [
"allowed_domains_template": true
.gitlab-ci.yml example:
name: ghcr.io/spanarek/dia/dia-dind:hashicorp0.1.0
stage: build
VAULT_AUTH_PATH: auth/jwt/gitlab
VAULT_ADDR: https://vault.local:8200
VAULT_CAPATH: vault.pem
VAULT_PKI_PATH: pki/issue/by-gitlab-id
DOCKER_REG_IMAGE: registry.local/test-app
- docker login -u "${REGISTRY_USER}" -p "${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" "${REGISTRY_URL}"
- docker build -t ${DOCKER_REG_IMAGE}:latest .
- docker push ${DOCKER_REG_IMAGE}:latest
- dia-sign.sh ${DOCKER_REG_IMAGE}
A webhook recieve your deployments and another yaml, and check digest and certificate issuer for image. We don't check expiration dates, it's not really for images and some artifacts...
image not signed:
{"GET https://registry.local/test-app/manifests/dia-0addcc1de26ee0f660d21b01c1afdff9f59efb989331fed17334cf8a6dcd8d6b: NOT_FOUND: artifact test-app:dia-0addcc1de26ee0f660d21b01c1afdff9f59efb989331fed17334cf8a6dcd8d6b not found"}
certificate CN invalid
{"Invalid certificate"}
certificate issued by unknown authority
{"Certificate signed by unknown authority, crypto/rsa: verification error"}
dia image file does not contain x509 certificate on pem format
{"failed to parse certificate"}
Build an webhook image manually when needed
docker build -t your-registry.local/diawh -f webhook.Dockerfile .
Webhook chart parameters: see chart/values.yaml By default validating webhook enabled for namespaces with label: diawh=enabled
helm upgrade --install -n dia diawh chart/
kubectl label namespace sandbox diawh=enabled
Sign with JWT tokens
Local run and verify request example:
# Place your tls cert and key, attestor ca and go run
DIAWH_TLS_CERT=.local/diawh.crt DIAWH_TLS_KEY=.local/diawh.key DIAWH_ATTESTOR_CA_CERT=.local/ca.pem go run ./cmd/dia-webhook/
# Check request
curl --data '{"Request": {"UID":"dummy-uid"}}' -k https://localhost:8080/verify