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spanner edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 34 revisions

This is a fork of the multi_site extension. The main addition is a scoped finder that can be applied to any model by calling is_site_scoped, but there are a few other minor changes and the site detection mechanism is shifted to ApplicationController so that a current_site accessor can be made available alongside current_user,

There are several other forks of multisite that enforce various fixed but probably popular scoping patterns. I needed something a bit more flexible and I feel more comfortable with a solution that hooks into ActiveRecord rather than sitting on top of radiant. The main purpose of this version is to underpin other extensions that need to be site-scoped, most of which will appear here shortly.

The additions are all very new and alpha-ish but everything is specced properly and the tests pass.

class Forum < ActiveRecord::Base

  # and you'll need a site_id column

You can also scope an existing Radiant model class by setting a configuration parameter in the config.after_initialize block:

      MultiSite::Config.scoped_models = [:layouts, :snippets]

It has three main effects, all quite simple:

  • a site association is declared and validated
  • an alias_method_chain means that Forum.find(:all) is effectively the same as current_site.forums.find(:all)
  • a before_validation filter sets ||= current_site

Where current_site is a class method that returns Page.current_site, which has been set in the usual way by the controller’s before_filter :set_current_site (which I’ve moved but not changed).

(In fact the main alias is not :find but :find_every, through which I think all find operations travel, including find_by_ids and all the the attribute-based finders.)

As is usual, if Model.find(...) fails we raise a ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound but Model.find_by_name(...) finds nothing it just returns nil. If a site can’t be found during any of these operations we raise a MultiSite::SiteNotFound exception. I probably want to catch that and redirect to admin/sites (without triggering another one) but I haven’t really thought that part through yet.

The forum model in this example must have a site_id column, by the way, and if it validates_uniqueness_of anything then you probably want to add :scope => :site_id. Apart from that it just works.

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