- Fix not working online results when the settings responsible for timing are missing
- Added the ability to enter started numbers
- Added the ability to import participants from the table (For example Excel)
- Add credit time calculation
- Rebuild indexes after major changing/deleting bibs and cards operations
New features
Fix teamwork
The program is faster
- RFID Impinj equipment support
- Sum results by places and time
- Split removing
- Labyrinth mode - clone existing person, found by card number
- Group start
- New formats of export, IOF XML v.3
- Split printout for DSQ persons in "any course" mode
- Sending intermediate times to online (orgeo.ru)
- Enhanced bulk edit
- Result merging
- Printing several split printouts into single document
- Naming of report by template name
- Rounding of result time settings
- New ranking for rogain
- Ranking calculation by first X person
- Fixed: sending relay results to online (orgeo.ru)
- Ignoring of duplicated SFR readout
- Fixed: error in creation of results for person without start time
- Fixed: import of person without qualification
- Printout speed increased (template-based)
- Increased spead of card and person duplicate checking while import
- Fixed: memory leaks while printout
- New teamwork (not compatible with 1.5)
- Last control code increased from 99 to 999
- Checking of score list
- Table refresh speed increased (comfortable work with >1000 rows)
- Fast split printout (predefined standard template) with scaling
- 2x2 relay support
- SPORTident SRR Dongle support - touchless readout, intermediate
- Merging punches while several readout
- Split printout: added information, how many athletes can win current person
- Athlete autocreate while readout (labyrinth)
- Results by course
- Results autoscroll
- Search athlete by name while unknown chip readout
- Relays: set first leg finish as seond leg start etc.
- Improved SI-6 support
- Fixing in *.docx template for relays (last teams was missed)
- Data model was changed. Use exchange formats to downgrade (xml, wdb)
- Added import of CourseData (courses) for IOF xml
- New status "Forced OK" to recover
- Mass edit possibility for selected athletes
- Calculating scores from leader time - ignoring mispunched athletes
- Team work data exchange format changed. Previous:
, now:{}
- Search window freezing was fixed
- Added MSP (mispunch) status, calculated by punches automatically
- List or electronic cards to rent
- Reduced row height in tables
- Bib is stored in result even if athlete is deleted
- Possibility of non-existing bib assigning for result
- Reassigning results by bib
- Reassigning results by card number
- Import from another sportorg file
- Result by score (rogain, free order with time limit, trail-o).
- File auto-saving
- Show quantity of results for each athlete
- Jinja2 templates .docx (MS Word)
- Safe file saving (first write to file.sportorg.tmp, if it written correctly, rename to file.sportorg)
- Introduced custom scripts for online sending
- New JavaScript-based templates
- Added new template (results_live) to manage DNF persons
- "Rent" field it result table
- Labyrinth mode, auto-define correct course
- Handicap. Calculation of start time from results
- Multi day support
- Dictionary of regions (file
) - Dictionary of given names (file
- Fixed error with last record in SFR card readout
- Fixed error with mixed toss (all athletes of course)
- Added margins when printing
- SFR (http://www.sportsystem.ru) timekeeping system support on Windows (only last model U5a with HID Interface). Thanks to Alexander Kurdumov for support and equipment sample.
- Sportiduino (https://github.com/alexandervolikov/sportiduino) timekeeping system support. Thanks to Semyon Yakimov for contribution.
- Sound effects while e-card readout
- Auto filling of group and team if filter applied
- Confirmation of application closing (including Alt+F4)
- Detailed description of disqualification rules (Rus)
- rufso-18-2. 'ZMS' qualification was removed (Rus)
- rufso-18-10. Some translation changes (Rus)
- Fixed. Incorrect course order in relay printout
- Fixed. No ".json" extension while saving file on Linux
- Official stable release
- COM-port selecting for SPORTident master station
- Environment configuration for html templates
- Minor fixes in data model
- Automatic disqualification if overtime
- Templates improvement - information about course, location, time limit, referees was added
- Team lists - added sorting by number and start time
- Custom statuses for disqualification (external file)
- Entry statistics report
- Ranking for relays (Rus)
- Saving of ranking information (Rus)
- Row braking in event title
- Relay online sending for orgeo.ru
- Simple finish support fixed (just finish time, F3)
- SI card editing fixed
- SI Card assign mode
- New templates for relay (start/result)
- New storage format (.json)
- Team work (client/server)
- Editing person from result dialog
- SI station status
- Multi-language support
- CP removing from courses and splits
- Integration with Telegram
- Minor bug fixed
- Search fixed
- Online sending fixed
- Fast start group editing (Alt + num)
- Bulk DNS processing
- New templates for splits and results
- Partial relay support
- Custom course order checking
- Minor buf fixed
- Saving with applied filter
- Stable sireader working (separated thread)
- Added new field - id (uuid4)
- Search tool - search text in all columns of current table
- Creation organization while athlete editing
- Team lists with start fee
- Taking of start and finish time from any punch (by code)
- Taking of start and finish from first and last punches
- Live translation (to orgeo.ru)
- Score calculation (formula and array)
- Team result calculation by organization and region
- Basic relay support (number assigning mode, place calculation)
- Penalty calculation for marked route (Rus)
- New Russian ranking ESVK 2018-2021 (Rus)
- Fixed the error of concurrent SI readout and split printing
- Added the ability to edit splits
- Support for multiple marking systems at the model level
- Printing of bib
- Numbering rows in tables
- Ability to select templates for separation
- New template for split
- Taking into account the change in the starting time of the result
- Changed the project structure
- Assigning of card for athlete while result editing
- Result editing - interactive number change
- Person editing - check for duplicated bibs and card numbers
- Improvements in SPORTident card readout
- Rank calculation (specific for Russian orienteering)
- Control order rechecking option
- Automatic split reloading after course or bib change of result
- Results tab: card number showing
- Course editing: example of course control points configuration
- Database format was changed - don't use files from previous version
- Default file names - date is moved to the first position
- Course: lap length saving was fixed
- Translation fixing for reports and interface
- Readout of cards with empty finish was fixed
- Automatical database saving while new finish or readout
- Automatical SPORTident station connection
- Remember the last used directory
- Opening of recent file
- Submenu "Recent files"
- Templates (start list, results) were updated
- Automatical split printing while readout
- "Open with" option for *.sportorg extention
- Mixing several groups while tossing
- Winorient import - splits import was fixed
- Init