Import the headless-services modules into your workspace as existing Maven projects.
Startup the Boot Language Server with:
Main Class:
(or a corresponding class for other language servers)
Vmargs: -Dstandalone-startup=true
This starts up the language server and it listens on port 5007
Use STS or a dedicated instance of VSCode to launch
in run or debug mode (or another Language Server app)
@ Connect local STS4 Boot Java LS to VSCode
You should run the extension from vscode as a 'runtime workbench' with some small changes.
Start by opening the extension for the server you want to work on in vscode:
$ cd vscode-extensions/vscode-spring-boot
$ ./
$ code .
Open Main.ts
and change:
Save, then launch by pressing F5
This connects the VSCode extension to the locally running language server. It also uses port 5007
Startup Eclipse or STS (3). I.e something that support for RCP / plugin development.
Define a recent nightly STS 4 build as your target platform.
Import the projects under eclipse-language-servers
into your workspace.
Startup a runtime workbench of the Eclipse STS4 distribution
The language server plugin is:
Add Vmargs: -Dboot-java-ls-port=5007
This lets the Eclipse language server extension connect to the locally running language server on port 5007
Generic editor source code (used by lsp4e as a dependency): Not sure which version of this you should checkout, it probably depends on your version of Eclipse as this is part of the eclipse platform.
LSP4E source code: clone gir repo and import: and import the projects into your workspace.
LSP4J source code: Add the LSP4J-SDK feature to your target platform. We have usually versions from this in our builds:
There is an update site that contains our latest language servers as extensions for Eclipse: This is being produced by:
CI builds of the full STS4 distribution can be downloaded from here: