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Deploy a LACChain node

  • Below you will find instructions for the deployment of nodes using Ansible. This implies that it will be executed from a local machine on a remote server. The local machine and the remote server will communicate via ssh.

  • The installation with ansible provided is compatible with Ubuntu 18.04 and Centos7. If you want to deploy your node in a different operative system, you can go to the documentation for Generic Onboarding.

  • It is important to mention that in case an organization needs Orion, it must be deployed in a different instance (virtual machine), in this case the organization will require two virtual machines. It is worth mentioning that Orion is optional and the organization can join the network only with Besu.

Minimum System Requirements

Recommended hardware features for Besu and Orion nodes in the test-net:

  • CPU: 2 cores

  • RAM Memory: 8 GB

  • Hard Disk: 100 GB SSD

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Centos7, always 64 bits

It is necessary to enable the following network ports in the machine in which we are going to deploy the node:

  • Besu Node:

    • 60606: TCP/UDP - Port to establish communication p2p between nodes.

    • 4545: TCP - Port to establish RPC communication. (this port is used for applications that communicate with LACChain and may be leaked to the Internet)

  • Orion Node (Optional component for private transactions):

    • 4040: TCP - Port to communicate with other Orion nodes.

    • 4444: TCP - Port for communication between Besu and Orion.


Install Ansible

For this installation we will use Ansible. It is necessary to install Ansible on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on a remote machine.

Following the instructions to install ansible in your local machine.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ansible

Clone Repository

To configure and install Pantheon and Orion, you must clone this git repository in your local machine.

$ git clone
$ cd besu-network/

Obtain SSH access to your remote machine

Make sure you have SSH access to nodes you're setting up. This step will vary depending on your context (physical machine, cloud provider, etc.). This document assumes that you are able to log into your remote machine using the following command: ssh remote_user@remote_host.

Prepare installation of Oracle Java 11

  • It is a requisite for Besu and Orion to install Java 11 in its LATEST version. Since Oracle Java cannot be downloaded directly, you must follow the next steps to install it:
    1. Download the correspondent java tar.gz(for ubuntu) or java .rpm(for centos) file from Oracle will request that you create an account before downloading the package.
    2. Once the file is downloaded, send the Oracle java11 package to your remote machine by using SCP Linux command:
      $ scp /your/local/path/to/downloaded/jdk-11.0.x_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz remote_user@remote_host:
      If your VM is Centos7 then use:
      $ scp /your/local/path/to/downloaded/jdk-11.0.x_linux-x64_bin.rpm remote_user@remote_host: 
    3. Log into your remote machine by using something like this:
      $ ssh remote_user@remote_host
    4. On the remote machine, for Ubuntu VMs: Create the JDK folder and move the JDK to it:
      $ sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/oracle-jdk11-installer-local
      $ sudo cp jdk-11.0.x_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz /var/cache/oracle-jdk11-installer-local/
      If the VM is Centos7 then execute:
      $ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/src/jdk*linux-x64_bin.rpm
      $ sudo cp jdk-11.0.x_linux-x64_bin.rpm  /usr/local/src
    5. Before leaving, it's a good idea to run an APT update:
      $ sudo apt update
      Or in Centos7 OS:
      $ sudo yum update
    6. [Only for Orion] You must also follow previous steps for the instance where Orion will be installed.

Besu + Orion Installation

Preparing installation of a new node

  • There are three types of nodes (Bootnode / Validator / Writer / Orion) that can be created in the LACChain network at this moment.

  • After cloning the repository on the local machine, enter it and create a copy of the inventory.example file as inventory. Edit that file to add a line for the remote server where you are creating the new node. You can do it with a graphical tool or inside the shell:

    $ cd lacchain/
    $ cp inventory.example inventory
    $ vi inventory
    [writer] # or [validators] or [bootnodes] depending on its role node_ip=your.public.node.ip password=abc node_name=my_node_name node_email=your@email

Consider the following points:

  • Place the new line in the section corresponding to your node's role: [writer], [validators] or [bootnodes].
  • The first element on the new line is the IP or hostname where you can reach your remote machine from your local machine.
  • The value of password is the password that will be used to set up Orion, for private transactions.
  • The value of node_name is the name you want for your node in the network monitoring tool.
  • The value of node_email is the email address you want to register for your node in the network monitoring tool. It's a good idea to provide the e-mail of the technical contact identified or to be identified in the registration form as part of the on-boarding process.
  • [Only for Orion]
    • In your inventory file add a line below [orion] role. This new line is the IP or hostname where you can reach your remote machine from your local machine. In this Ip or hostname will be installed Orion node.
    • Additionally, change orion variable located under the [all: vars] tag in same inventory file to true.
    • The inventory file looks like similar to:
       [orion] ---> Change for your IP Orion instance
       orion=false ---> Set to true to install Orion

Network ID / ChainID

In order to establish connection with a different network than central net, you need to change

net_id = 648529 

in the file /roles/lacchain-writer-node/vars/main.yml

The possible values are:

  • Central: 648529
  • David19: 648530
  • Academy: 648539

If you have already deployed a node, and you want to change the network, do the following steps:

  1. Access to the LACChain node with ssh
  2. Execute sudo su
  3. Edit chainId variable in /root/lacchain/data/genesis.json
  4. Edit --network-id flag in /root/lacchain/
  5. Delete /root/lacchain/data/database directory
  6. Restart service service pantheon restart

Deploying the new node

  • To deploy a boot node execute the following command in your local machine. If needed, don't forget to set the private key with option --private-key and the remote user with option -u:

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-bootnode.yml
  • To deploy a validator node execute the following command in your local machine. If needed, don't forget to set the private key with option --private-key and the remote user with option -u:

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-validator.yml
  • To deploy a writer node with/without orion/tessera node execute the following command in your local machine. If needed, don't forget to set the private key with option --private-key and the remote user with option -u:

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-writer.yml
  • [in case you have previously deployed a writer node without orion or tessera] To deploy a orion or tessera node execute one of the following command in your local machine. If needed, don't forget to set the private key with option --private-key and the remote user with option -u:

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-orion.yml
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-tessera.yml
  • At the end of the installation, if everything worked a PANTHEON service will be created in the case of a validator node managed by Systemctl with stopped status.

Don't forget to write down your node's "enode" from the log by locating the line that looks like this:

TASK [lacchain-validator-node : print enode key] ***********************************************
ok: [x.x.x.x] => {
    "msg": "enode://cb24877f329e0e3fff6c7d7b88d601b698a9df6efbe1d91ce77130f065342b523418b38cb3c92ea3bcca15344e68c7d85a696eb9f8c0152c51b9b7b74729064e@a.b.c.d:60606"
  • If everything worked, an ORION service (if it was chosen) and a PANTHEON service managed by Systemctl will be created with stopped status on each instance.
  • After installation has finished you will have nginx installed on each instance chosen; it will be up and running and will allow secure and encrypted RPC connections (on the default 443 port). Certificates used to create the secure connections are self signed; it is up to you decide another way to secure RPC connections or continue using the provided default service.
  • In order to be permissioned, now you need to follow the administrative steps of the permissioning process.
  • Once you are permissioned, you can verify that you are connected to other nodes in the network by following the steps detailed in #issue33.

Node Configuration

Configuring the Besu node file

The default configuration should work for everyone. However, depending on your needs and technical knowledge you can modify your local node's settings in /root/lacchain/config.toml, e.g. for RPC access or authentication. Please refer to the reference documentation.

Start up your node

Once your node is ready, you can start it up with this command in remote machine:

  • For Besu instance:
<remote_machine>$ service pantheon start
  • For Orion instance:
<remote_machine>$ service orion start

Node Operation

  • If you need to restart the services, you can execute the following commands:
<remote_machine>$ service orion restart
<remote_machine>$ service pantheon restart


  • You can update your node, by preparing your inventory with:

    • For Besu
    [writer] #here put the role you are going to update 
    • For Orion
    [orion] #here put the role you are going to update 

    Optionally you can choose the sha_commit of the version you want to update refered to Orion; with Besu is is only neede to specify the version:

    [writer] #here put the role you are gong to update besu_release_version='1.4.4' orion_release_version='1.5.2'

    Current Besu versions obtained from: Tested BESU versions: 1.5.2 1.4.4 1.3.6

    Current orion commit sha versions obtained from: Tested orion versions: 1.5.2 1.3.2 1.4.0

    Replace the ip address with your node ip address.

    Now according to the role your node has, type one of the following commands on your terminal:

    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_ecdsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-update-writer.yml 
    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_ecdsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-update-orion.yml 
    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_ecdsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-update-bootnode.yml 
    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_ecdsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-update-validator.yml 

Checking your connection

Once you have been permissioned, you can check if your node is connected to the network properly.

Check that the node has stablished the connections with the peers:

$ sudo -i
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_peerCount","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:4545

You should get a result like this:


Now you can check if the node is syncing blocks by getting the log of the last 100 blocks:

$ tail -100 /root/lacchain/logs/pantheon_info.log

You should get something like this:

Log of latest blocks

If any of these two checks doesn't work, try to restart the besu service:

$ service pantheon restart

If that doesn't solve the problem, contact us at

Deploying Dapps on LACCHAIN

For a quick overview of some mainstream tools that you can use to deploy Smart Contracts, connect external applications and broadcast transactions to the LACChain Besu Network, you can check our Guide.


For any issues, you can either go to issues or e-mail us at Any feedback is more than welcome!



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a license



We acknowledge very much the contributions of everis to this development, leading the first deployment of the network and actively participating in the day-to-day.