3 Axis G Meter with ADXL335
3 Wire LCD MikroC for AVR
7 Segment RTC and Temperature Sensor
74HC164 Dual Seven Segment Display (Max-Min Thermometer)
8 Channel Thermometer - MCP3008 ADC Demo (AVR Studio)
8 Channel Thermometer - MCP3008 ADC Demo (MikroC)
ADXL345 Triple Axis Accelerometer Demo
ATMega88PA Internal Temperature Sensor
ATtiny45 Internal Temperature Sensor Demo (TM1637 Yellow)
Bi-colour LED Pattern Generator
Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver
DHT11 Sensor with Interrupt and Timer
DHT22 Relative Humidity-Temperature Sensor Demo
DHT2x Sensor with Interrupt and Timer
Digital Compass with HMC5883L
Dot-Matrix Audio Spectrum Analyzer
Dot-Matrix Audio Spectrum Analyzer
Dot-Matrix Audio Spectrum Analyzer.atsln
Dual Seven Segment + Quad LED + Quad Button Module Demo
GLCD 555 Calculator-Simulator
Graphical Accelerometer Ball
Graphical Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature Densor with ATXMega32A4U, BMP180 and ST7735 TFT Display
HC-05 Master-Slave Bluetooth Communication
ILI9341 320x240 TFT Display Demo
IR Remote Transmitter Emulators
ITG3200 Triple Axis Gyroscope Demo
LVMax-EZ0 SONAR (Serial Mode Test)
Linear Interpolation Technique with Sharp's IR Rangefinder
MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor Demo (AVR)
MAX44009 Light Sensor Demo
MLX90614 IR Thermometer Demo
MODBUS RTU Slave - DS18B20
MPL115A1 Barometer-Thermometer with TM1640 Seven Segment Displays
Nokia 5110 LCD Demo with AVR
Nokia GLCD Dual Thermometer
OLED (SSD1306) Display Demo
PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM Controller Demo
Port Expansion with 74LS137 Decoder
Port Expansion with 8255 (AVR)
SHT1x Relative Humidity - Temperature Sensor Demo
SHT3x Relative Humidity - Temperature Sensor Demo
SPL Meter with Sparkfun Sound Sensor
SSD1289 TFT Touch Display Demo with AVR
SSD1306 OLED (128x32) I2C Demo
ST7735S 1.8 Inch TFT Display Demo with AVR
Serial NEC IR Communication Module Demo
Si7021 Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor
TCS3200 Colour Sensor Demo
TM1622_DM8BA10 COG LCD Demo with DHT11
TMP175 Temperature Sensor Demo
US-020 Ultrasonic Rangefinder Demo
USB AVR Panel DC Meter with ACS714-5
Ultrathin RGB Dot Matrix Display Demo
WS2812 Neopixel Ring Drive with AVR's SPI
WS2812 Neopixel Strip Drive with AVR's SPI
WS2812_Flexible_Strip_Demo (AVR Studio 7)
Weather Prediction System with BMP085 Pressure Sensor
WiFi UDP Communication between AVRs
Winner MODBUS Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Demo
XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo (AVR)
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