- Add
support toacts_as_tenant :account, ->{ with_deleted }
#282 - @adrian-gomez The scope will be forwarded tobelongs_to
. - Add
configuration to customize how tenants are loaded in background jobs - @excid3 This is helpful for situations like soft delete:
ActsAsTenant.configure do |config|
config.job_scope = ->{ with_deleted }
- Easy integration with Sidekiq, not requiring to add any configuration to the initializer - @nunommc
- Add
association #306
- Add
for allowing tenants to be changed within a block #230
- Add support for Sidekiq 7 - @excid3
- Fix global record validations with existing scope #294 - @mikecmpbll
uses current thread for parallel testing - @mikecmpbll- Reset
- @hakimaryan - Add
acts_as_tenant through:
option for HABTM - @scarhand - Allow callable object (lambda, proc, block, etc) for
- @cmer
- Use
from Rails association instead of our own custom lookup - @bramjetten
- Drop support for Rails 5.1 or earlier
- Add tests for Rails 5.2, 6.0, and Rails master
- Use standardrb
- Refactor controller extensions into modules
- Add
option to change which subdomain is used - @excid3 - Unsaved tenant records will now return no records. #227 - @excid3
- Refactor test suite and use dummy Rails app - @excid3
- Remove tenant getter override. Fixes caching issues with association. - @bernardeli
- Implement support for polymorphic tenant
- Ability to use acts_as_tenant with only ActiveRecord (no Rails)
- Allow setting of custom primary key
- Bug fixes
- allow 'optional' relations
- Sidekiq fixes
- Replace all
for Rails 5.1 compatibility
- Removed (stale, no longer working) MongoDB support; moved code to separate branch
- Added without_tenant option (see readme, thx duboff)
- (Sub)domain lookup is no longer case insensitive
- Added ability to use inverse_of (thx lowjoel)
- Added ability to disable tenant checking for a block (thx duboff)
- Allow for validation that associations belong to the tenant to reflect on associations which return an Array from
(thx ludamillion)
- Added ability to configure a default tenant for testing purposes. (thx iangreenleaf)
- AaT will now accept a string for a tenant_id (thx calebthompson)
- Improvements to readme (thx stgeneral)
- Added Mongoid compatibility [thx iangreenleaf]
- Fix for proper handling of polymorphic associations (thx sol1dus)
- Fix fefault scope to generate correct sql when using database prefix (thx IgorDobryn)
- Added ability to specify a custom Primary Key (thx matiasdim)
- Sidekiq 3.2.2+ no longer supports Ruby 1.9. Locking Sidekiq in gemspec at 3.2.1.
- Update RSPEC to 3.0. Convert all specs (thx petergoldstein)
- support sidekiq 3 interface (thx davekaro)
- Added method
(thx preth00nker)
- Fix to degredation introduced after 3.1 that prevented tenant_id from being set during initialization (thx jorgevaldivia)
- Fix to a bug introduced in 0.3.2
- Support user defined foreign keys on scoped models
- correctly support nested models with has_many :through (thx dexion)
- Support 'www.subdomain.example.com' (thx wtfiwtz)
- Support setting
on scoped models if thetenant_id
is nil (thx Matt Wilson)
- Added support for Rails 4
- You can now raise an exception if a query on a scope model is made without a tenant set. Adding an initializer that sets config.require_tenant to true will accomplish this. See readme for more details.
will now return the value of the block it evaluates instead of the original tenant. The original tenant is restored automatically.- acts_as_tenant now raises standard errors which can be caught individually.
, which was deprecated some versions ago and could lead to weird errors, has been removed.
- Added support for many-to-many associations (thx Nucleoid)
- Added dependencies to gemspec (thx aaronrenner)
- Added the
block method (see readme) (thx aaronrenner) - Acts_as_Tenant is now thread safe (thx davide)
- Changed the interface for passing in the current_tenant manually in the controller.
has been deprecated and replaced byset_current_tenant_through_filter
declaration and theset_current_tenant
method. See readme for details.
- Fixed a bug with resolving the tenant model name (thx devton!)
- Added support for using relations: User.create(:account => Account.first) now works, while it wouldn't before (thx bnmrrs)
- Added Rails 3.2 compatibility (thx nickveys!)
- Added correct handling of child models that do not have their parent set (foreign key == nil)
- Added support for models that declare a has_one relationships, these would error out in the previous versions.
- Enhancements
- Added support for aliased associations ( belongs_to :something, :class_name => 'SomethingElse'). In previous version these would raise an 'uninitialized constant' error.
- Initial release