This document provides the description of the CRI plugin configuration.
The explanation and default value of each configuration item are as follows:
# The "plugins.cri" table contains all of the server options.
# stream_server_address is the ip address streaming server is listening on.
stream_server_address = ""
# stream_server_port is the port streaming server is listening on.
stream_server_port = "0"
# enable_selinux indicates to enable the selinux support.
enable_selinux = false
# sandbox_image is the image used by sandbox container.
sandbox_image = ""
# stats_collect_period is the period (in seconds) of snapshots stats collection.
stats_collect_period = 10
# systemd_cgroup enables systemd cgroup support. This only works for runtime
# type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
# DEPRECATED: use Runtime.Options for runtime specific config for shim v2 runtimes.
# For runtime "io.containerd.runc.v1", use the option `SystemdCgroup`.
systemd_cgroup = false
# enable_tls_streaming enables the TLS streaming support.
# It generates a self-sign certificate unless the following x509_key_pair_streaming are both set.
enable_tls_streaming = false
# "plugins.cri.x509_key_pair_streaming" contains a x509 valid key pair to stream with tls.
# tls_cert_file is the filepath to the certificate paired with the "tls_key_file"
tls_cert_file = ""
# tls_key_file is the filepath to the private key paired with the "tls_cert_file"
tls_key_file = ""
# max_container_log_line_size is the maximum log line size in bytes for a container.
# Log line longer than the limit will be split into multiple lines. -1 means no
# limit.
max_container_log_line_size = 16384
# "plugins.cri.containerd" contains config related to containerd
# snapshotter is the snapshotter used by containerd.
snapshotter = "overlayfs"
# no_pivot disables pivot-root (linux only), required when running a container in a RamDisk with runc.
# This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
# DEPRECATED: use Runtime.Options for runtime specific config for shim v2 runtimes.
# For runtime "io.containerd.runc.v1", use the option `NoPivotRoot`.
no_pivot = false
# "plugins.cri.containerd.default_runtime" is the runtime to use in containerd.
# runtime_type is the runtime type to use in containerd e.g. io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux
runtime_type = "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"
# runtime_engine is the name of the runtime engine used by containerd.
# This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
# DEPRECATED: use Runtime.Options for runtime specific config for shim v2 runtimes.
# For runtime "io.containerd.runc.v1", use the option `BinaryName`.
runtime_engine = ""
# runtime_root is the directory used by containerd for runtime state.
# This only works for runtime type "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux".
# DEPRECATED: use Runtime.Options for runtime specific config for shim v2 runtimes.
# For runtime "io.containerd.runc.v1", use the option `Root`.
runtime_root = ""
# "plugins.cri.containerd.default_runtime.options" is options specific to
# the default runtime. The options type for "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux" is:
# NOTE: when `options` is specified, all related deprecated options will
# be ignored, including `systemd_cgroup`, `no_pivot`, `runtime_engine`
# and `runtime_root`.
# Runtime is the binary name of the runtime.
Runtime = ""
# RuntimeRoot is the root directory of the runtime.
RuntimeRoot = ""
# CriuPath is the criu binary path.
CriuPath = ""
# SystemdCgroup enables systemd cgroups.
SystemdCgroup = false
# "plugins.cri.containerd.untrusted_workload_runtime" is a runtime to run untrusted workloads on it.
# DEPRECATED: use plugins.cri.runtimes instead. If provided, this runtime is mapped to the
# runtime handler named 'untrusted'. It is a configuration error to provide both the (now
# deprecated) UntrustedWorkloadRuntime and a handler in the Runtimes handler map (below) for
# 'untrusted' workloads at the same time. Please provide one or the other.
# runtime_type is the runtime type to use in containerd e.g. io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux
runtime_type = ""
# runtime_engine is the name of the runtime engine used by containerd.
runtime_engine = ""
# runtime_root is the directory used by containerd for runtime state.
runtime_root = ""
# plugins.cri.containerd.runtimes is a map from CRI RuntimeHandler strings, which specify types
# of runtime configurations, to the matching configurations. In this example,
# 'runc' is the RuntimeHandler string to match.
# runtime_type is the runtime type to use in containerd e.g. io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux
runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v1"
# "plugins.cri.containerd.runtimes.runc.options" is options specific to
# "io.containerd.runc.v1". Its corresponding options type is:
# NoPivotRoot disables pivot root when creating a container.
NoPivotRoot = false
# NoNewKeyring disables new keyring for the container.
NoNewKeyring = false
# ShimCgroup places the shim in a cgroup.
ShimCgroup = ""
# IoUid sets the I/O's pipes uid.
IoUid = 0
# IoGid sets the I/O's pipes gid.
IoGid = 0
# BinaryName is the binary name of the runc binary.
BinaryName = ""
# Root is the runc root directory.
Root = ""
# CriuPath is the criu binary path.
CriuPath = ""
# SystemdCgroup enables systemd cgroups.
SystemdCgroup = false
# "plugins.cri.cni" contains config related to cni
# bin_dir is the directory in which the binaries for the plugin is kept.
bin_dir = "/opt/cni/bin"
# conf_dir is the directory in which the admin places a CNI conf.
conf_dir = "/etc/cni/net.d"
# conf_template is the file path of golang template used to generate
# cni config.
# If this is set, containerd will generate a cni config file from the
# template. Otherwise, containerd will wait for the system admin or cni
# daemon to drop the config file into the conf_dir.
# This is a temporary backward-compatible solution for kubenet users
# who don't have a cni daemonset in production yet.
# This will be deprecated when kubenet is deprecated.
conf_template = ""
# "plugins.cri.registry" contains config related to the registry
# "plugins.cri.registry.mirrors" are namespace to mirror mapping for all namespaces.
endpoint = ["", ]