Simple command line utility for SIP protocol based on PJPROJECT. Can be useful for SIP administrators and developers.
Ping remote server with SIP OPTIONS message
sippak --color PING sip:1001@DOMAIN_OR_IP
Initiate call from user 1001 with auth password MYPASS and caller ID "Alice Home" to 1002 When remote end-point answer then sippak will hang-up the call.
sippak INVITE --color -u 1001 -pMYPASSWD -F "Alice Home" sip:1002@DOMAIN_OR_IP
Register to user 8852 with password MYPASS, then list all contacts registered to 8852. Last command cancel all registations to user 8852.
sippak REGISTER --color -u 8852 -pMYPASSWD sip:8852@DOMAIN_OR_IP
sippak REGISTER --color -u 8852 -pMYPASSWD sip:8852@DOMAIN_OR_IP --clist
sippak REGISTER --color -u 8852 -pMYPASSWD sip:8852@DOMAIN_OR_IP --cancel-all
Send MWI update to a phone using phone's IP
sippak notify --color --mwi=0 sip:alice@10.XX.XX.100
Publish UA "1001" status busy or has do-not-disturb activated
sippak PUBLISH --color -u 1001 -pMYPASSWD --pres-status=closed sip:1001@DOMAIN_OR_IP
Command phone 1001 to initiate call to 1002. Not all phones support this option or might need extra configuration to support it.
sippak REFER --color --to=sip:1002@10.XX.XX.160:12345 sip:1001@10.XX.XX.100:5060
Restart remote phone 1000. Event might depend on phone vendor. Not all phones support it.
sippak notify --event=check-sync sip:1000@ --color
Send SIP MESSAGE chat message to user 1000 and attach additional SIP header X-Token
sippak MESSAGE --body="Hello there" --header="X-Token: f7c0265e" --color sip:1001@DOMAIN_OR_IP
Requires pjproject library and CMake 3.
sudo make install
CMake will require pkg-config path to libpjproject. If it has custom path it can be provided with PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable. For example:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig make
Also, packages (rpm, deb and tgz) are available in "dist" directory.
Here is step by step install example for Ubuntu. Note version 2.9 of pjproject. This will install everything for deployement and development. "make test" is optional.
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get -y install build-essential automake ncurses-dev cmake libcmocka0 git \
pkg-config autoconf libterm-ui-perl libasound2-dev libalsaplayer-dev openssl libssl-dev apt-utils xterm \
curl ncurses-dev libsctp-dev libpcap-dev ca-certificates sip-tester
$ git clone -b 2. --depth 1
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd pjproject-2.9
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr && make dep && make && make install
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd sippak
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Nix package is available in dist/nix/
. Inside this folder run
binary file will be available in result/bin
docker pull staskobzar/sippak
docker run -ti staskobzar/sippak sippak --color --trail-dot
docker build -t sippak .
docker run -ti sippak sippak --help
Default commans is "PING".
PING Send OPTIONS packet to destination.
PUBLISH Send PUBLISH events and status. Default document is 'pidf' and default event is 'presence'.
SUBSCRIBE Send SUBSCRIBE request. Default event is 'presence'
NOTIFY Send NOTIFY request. Default event is 'keep-alive'
REGISTER AOR contacts list, register or unregister.
REFER Send REFER method outside dialog. Implements click-to-dial scenario as in RFC5359 #2.18.
This command requires parameter --to for Refer-To header.
MESSAGE Send MESSAGE method with text. SIP instant messaging.
INVITE Initiates and handles INVITE session. After session is confirmed (200) sends BYE.
-h, --help Print this usage message and exit.
-V, --version Print version and exit.
-v, --verbose Verbosity increase. Short option can be repeated multiple times.
Long option can have value. Example: --verbose=6
-q, --quiet Silent or quiet mode. Mute sippak.
--ns=LIST Define DNS nameservers to use. Comma separated list up to 3 servers.
Can be defined with ports. If ports are not defined will use default port 53.
For example: --ns= or --ns=,
--color Enable colorized output. Disabled by default.
--trail-dot Output trailing dot '.' at the end of each SIP message line.
--log-time Print time and microseconds in logs.
--log-level Print log level: ERROR, INFO etc.
--log-snd Print log sender file or module name.
-P, --local-port=PORT
Bind local port. Default is random port.
-l, --local-host=HOST|IP
Bind local hostname or IP. Default is first available local inface.
-u, --username=USER
Username part in Authentication as well as in Contact and
From header URI. Default is from destination URI.
-p, --password=PASS
Password for authentication.
-c, --contact=CONTACT
Custom contact header value. Must be valid SIP URI. For example: sip:alice@
If not set, contact header is generated automatically.
-F, --from-name=DISPLAY_NAME
Display name in From header. Default is empty.
-t, --proto=PROTO
Transport protocol to use. Possible values 'tcp' or 'udp'. Default is 'udp'.
-X, --expires=NUMBER
Expires header value. Must be number more then 0.
Presence status for PUBLISH command. STATUS value can be 'open', 'closed' etc.
If this parameter is not defined or invalid, will use 'open' status.
Presence note message string for PUBLISH command.
-C, --content-type=TYPE
Publish or notify content type. TYPE values can be pidf, xpidf or mwi.
Note: XPIDF implementation is not complete in pjproject.
-E, --event=EVENT
Presence event header for subscribe, publish or notify methods.
EVENT values can be "presence", "message-summary", "keep-alive" etc.
For convinence, there is an alias "mwi" can be used for "message-summary" event.
For PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE method default value is 'presence'.
For NOTIFY method default value is 'keep-alive'.
-M, --mwi=N,N,N,N
Voice messages list. Comma separated list of numbers.
List of messages new,old,urgent_new,urgent_old.
List from 1 to 4 members. Not set members will be initiated with 0.
Voicemail account for message-summary body. If not set then destination URI used.
Flag for REGISTER method to get list of contacts registered for AOR.
Flag for REGISTER method to cancel all registrations for AOR.
Cancel registarations for REGISTER or session for INVITE.
When used with REGISTER method then cancels contact registration for AOR.
Contact field can be set with --contact option or will be generated.
When used with INVITE will cancel session in early state.
Parameter for REFER command to setup Refer-To header value.
Parameter for MESSAGE command to setup message body text.
Set codec or codecs to use during INVITE session. Value can be
a single codec name or comma-separated list of codecs. By default
sippak will use codec g711. Codec names are case-insensitive.
Following codec names can be used:
When set to "all" will try to setup all available codecs for media.
Port to use for media streams and negotiate with SDP.
-A, --user-agent=STRING
Set User-Agent SIP header value.
-H, --header=HEADER
Add custom header to request. Multiple custom headers (up to 12) can be added.
Parameter value must contain header name and value separated by colon.
--header="X-Foo: bar", -H X-Foo:bar, -H "X-Assert:"
-R, --proxy=PROXY
Add proxy to request. Multiple proxies (up to 12) can be added.
The first proxy will be used as outbound proxy where the request will be sent.
All additional proxies will be added as Route headers to the request.
Supported methods are INVITE, REGISTER and PUBLISH.
Examples:, -R sip:;lr