Examples of citations within court decisions:
- 1301
- 130.10
- 723.00
- 104-A
Often preceded with "section ".
And citations within the Laws of New York:
- one hundred five-a, two hundred forty-a or three hundred ninety-six-a of this chapter (seriously)
- subdivisions one and two of section two hundred seven of this chapter
- section 1303 (Violations)
- section 1011 (Dissolution for failure to file certificate of type of Not-for-Profit Corporation Law under section 113)
Section numbers are not unique -- they're reused between titles (or whatever they call their major sections.)
Each title has both a title ("Civil Service") and an three-character abbreviation ("CVS"), but it does not appear that the abbreviations are used in cross-references within the laws.
Here's a crude start: