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Git Cherry

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144 lines (102 loc) · 7.33 KB

Git Cherry Picking by Stav Alfi


  1. Introduction
  2. What is a cherry-pick
  3. How does it work
  4. Multiple commits at once
  5. Quiz
  6. Legal


The goal of this tutorial is for explaining what cherry-pick command is, how does it work and how to handle errors (conflicts).

This tutorial does not focus on real-life examples which involve cherry-picking because those examples may be objective. However, I do say that git cherry-pick is a prerequirement to understand git rebase which will be covered in the future tutorial.

In this toturial I will explain the following cammands and files:

  1. git cherry-pick
  2. cherry-pick --continue
  3. cherry-pick --abort
  4. git cherry-pick <commit1_hash> <commit2_hash> <commit3_hash> and so on
  5. git cherry-pick <commit1_hash>..<commit2_hash>

I assume you fully understand the following git commands concepts:

  1. git am.
  2. git diff (especially chunk and chunk context).
  3. git apply.
  4. git merge-file.
  5. git format-patch.
  6. 2 way merge.
  7. 3 way merge.
  8. blob.

Also if you are not familiar with Git source control, basic git commands can be found here: Introduction to Git by Stav Alfi

What is a cherry-pick

The formal definition is:

git-cherry-pick - Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits.

A quick definition to their definition can be: cherry-pick means to copy a commit from somewhere and git am it where the active branch is on.

For example, in the following graph whereHEAD is looking at the blue (top) branch, we want to copy commit 4 to the blue branch:

git checkout blue-branch
git cherry-pick commit-4

Theoretically, we could copy commit-2 instead (technically, this will probably won't work; We will talk about it later):

How does it work

When we are cherry-picking, Git does not copy a commit but check what has changed between the commit we want to copy, and it's parent. Then Git try to create a new commit from that patch on where the active branch is.

I will describe the algorithm git cherry-pick use as pseudocode:

git checkout blue-branch
git cherry-pick commit-4

Start of pseudo code

  1. Git uses diff between commit-3 and commit-4 and saves it as a patch: git format-patch -1 commit-4 - this means, create a patch from the diff between commit-4 and 1 commit back which is commit-3.
  2. Git tries to apply the patch we created on where the active branch is: git apply --index the-patch-git-created-in-step-1. --index will apply the patch to the index also.
  3. Success. Git commits all the changes in the index file to create a new commit. The active branch will point to the new commit. Finish.
  4. Fail. Git fails to apply some of the chunks in the patch. There can be 2 reasons for the failure:
    • if the chunk is, for example, about a change occurred in file A.txt, Git didn't find file A.txt inside commit-6.
    • Inside the file which the chunk needs to be applied, Git didn't find the chunk contex or Git found the context but the line it should change is missing or changed already. In other words, if the chunk is, for example, about a change occurred in file A.txt, Git search inside file A.txt inside commit-6 the chunk context (3 lines before the lines which should be changed` or 3 lines after them), but it failed to find them or the lines which should be changed because those lines are missing or changes already.
  5. The chunks which successfully applied will stay inside the working directory, and the index but the Git will try to do one last and single.. rescue for you with 3 way merge to the specific chunks which failed to apply. Let us look inside a patch and analyze it:
From 3282a02b0f3f1c49bcd3869a31c3842eaa76f7c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: stav alfi <>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 22:11:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 2

 1.txt | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/1.txt b/1.txt
index 5bc6c8d..5affb52 100644
--- a/1.txt
+++ b/1.txt
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@

If this was the patch which Git created after running git cherry-pick commit-4and failed to apply the only chunk here, then Git will try to do 3 way merge by specify the base to be the blob 5bc6c8d (left side - the version of commit-2), and merge between blob 5affb52 (right side - the version of commit-3) and the blob of our version of this file (1.txt in the patch from the example above).

If Git fails during the 3 way merge, then it means Git found conflicts, and he will do 2 things:

  • set the file CHERRY_PICK_HEAD to point to the problematic commit we can't cherry-pick, which is commit 4. Why? I will answer this after the pseudo code.
  • You need to resolve those conflicts. Good luck. How? The same way we resolve merge conflicts while running git merge. After that, run git cherry-pick --continue because maybe there are more conflicts (Git let you resolve at most 3 conflicts at once). If everything goes well from here and no conflicts are found, then a new commit will be created: commit-4 in the active branch. We are done!

End of pseudo code

Multiple commits at once

What if we want to cherry-pick multiple commits? For example: git cherry-pick commit-2 commit-3 commit-4 ? Git does the same process over and over again from the most left commit to the most right commit in the command. The exciting part is if there were conflicts while applying commit 3, how Git will know where to go back after you resolve the conflicts? Well, that's easy, Git saved a reference to the problematic commit (commit-2 in this example) inside the CHERRY_PICK_HEAD file. So after resolving the conflicts, Git know which it commits cherry-pick now and will move to the next commit in the command above (commit-3 in this example).

Same as if we want to: git cherry-pick commit-1..commit-4which means: cherry pick every commit from commit 4 (commit4 will be cherry-picked) until commit 1 (commit1 will not be cherry picked). In other words: everything from commit-4 to commit-2.


  1. can I cherry-pick a commit in my branch? There can be 2 reasons this can fail -go to step 4 in the pseudo code.


© Stav Alfi, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Stav Alfi with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Creative Commons License "Git Cherry Picking by Stav Alfi" by Stav Alfi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Based on a work at