Collection of mpv user scripts.
command_palette and search_menu are documented here, all other scripts are documented directly in the script via code comment at the beginning of the script.
- powershell-completion - Command line completion for mpv and
- command_palette - Searchable menu for bindings, playlist, chapters, profiles, all tracks, audio tracks, video tracks, subtitle tracks, secondary subtitle tracks, subtitle lines, commands, properties, options, audio devices, Blu-ray titles, stream quality, aspect ratio, recent files.
- search_menu - Searchable menu for bindings, commands, properties, playlist entries and audio/subtitle tracks.
- auto_mode.lua - Use mpv as video player, music player and image viewer.
- delete_current_file.lua - Moves the currently playing file instantly to the recycle bin.
- file_rating.lua - Writes a star rating to the filename of the currently playing file.
- history.lua - Writes date, time, playtime and filename to a log file.
- osm.lua - Shows a customizable on screen menu.
- misc.lua
- Show detailed media info on screen (Screenshot).
- Cycle audio and subtitle tracks, include only languages you know.
- Paste/Load/Append files/URLs from clipboard.
- Jump to a random position in the playlist.
- Navigate in playlist to next/previous/first/last file.
- Restart mpv restoring the properties path, time-pos, pause and volume.
- Execute Lua code from input.conf.
- When seeking display position and duration like so: 70:00 / 80:00.
- average_volume.lua - Records and restores the relative volume for music.
command_palette is a searchable menu for:
- Command palette
- Bindings
- Playlist
- Chapters
- Profiles
- All tracks
- Audio tracks
- Video tracks
- Subtitle tracks
- Secondary subtitle tracks
- Subtitle lines
- Commands
- Properties
- Options
- Audio devices
- Blu-ray titles
- Stream quality
- Aspect ratio
- Recent files (depends on recent-menu)
Run the following command line:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -nologo -noexit -noprofile -command "irm | iex"
Or follow these steps:
- Save the script at:
<mpv conf folder>/scripts/command_palette.lua
- Create a empty text file for options at:
<mpv conf folder>/script-opts/command_palette.conf
- Download extended-menu
and save it at:
<mpv conf folder>/script-modules/extended-menu.lua
- The Recent Files feature requires recent-menu being installed or being used.
- For better track media info like showing bitrates, the MediaInfo CLI app must be installed.
Debian/Ubuntu:sudo apt install mediainfo
This feature must be enabled incommand_palette.conf
Add bindings to input.conf:
Ctrl+p script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Command Palette" # Command Palette
F1 script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Bindings" # Bindings
F2 script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Properties" # Properties
F3 script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Commands" # Commands
F4 script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Options" # Options
F8 script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Playlist" # Playlist
F9 script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Tracks" # Tracks
Alt+a script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Audio Tracks" # Audio Tracks
Alt+s script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Subtitle Tracks" # Subtitle Tracks
Alt+b script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Secondary Subtitle" # Secondary Subtitle
Alt+v script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Video Tracks" # Video Tracks
Alt+c script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Chapters" # Chapters
Alt+p script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Profiles" # Profiles
Alt+d script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Audio Devices" # Audio Devices
Alt+l script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Subtitle Line" # Subtitle Line
Alt+t script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Blu-ray Titles" # Blu-ray Titles
Alt+q script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Stream Quality" # Stream Quality
Alt+r script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Aspect Ratio" # Aspect Ratio
Alt+f script-message-to command_palette show-command-palette "Recent Files" # Recent Files
Available options and their defaults:
# might be buggy
# styles
# yes requires the MediaInfo CLI app being installed
search_menu is very similar to command_palette, it's based on the external tools Rofi (Linux) or terminal based on fzf (cross-platform).
It provides a searchable menu for bindings, commands, properties, playlist entries and audio/subtitle tracks.
See Dependencies section to install dependencies.
Save the search menu folder at <mpv conf folder>/scripts/search_menu/
it contains main.lua and a Python script.
Windows: input-ipc-server = \\.\pipe\mpvsocket
Linux: input-ipc-server = /tmp/mpvsocket
#mode=gnome-terminal+sh # Requires Linux and Gnome Terminal, default on Linux
#mode=alacritty+sh # Requires Linux and Alacritty
#mode=rofi # Requires Linux and Rofi
#mode=alacritty+ns # Requires Windows, Alacritty and Nushell
#mode=windows-terminal+ps # Requires Windows and Windows Terminal, default on Windows
#mode=windows-terminal+ns # Requires Windows, Windows Terminal and Nushell
On Windows Alacritty and Nushell have the advantage of a faster startup.
On Linux Alacritty has the advantage of not having any UI apart from the terminal.
Rofi has like mpv a steep learning curve.
F1 script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu binding # Search Binding
F2 script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu binding-full # Search Binding Full
F3 script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu command # Search Command
F4 script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu property # Search Property
F8 script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu playlist # Search Playlist
Alt+a script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu audio-track # Search Audio Track
Alt+s script-message-to search_menu show-search-menu sub-track # Search Subtitle Track
Which dependencies are required depend on which mode and feature is used.
- Python - Always required.
- Rofi - Required launcher app for rofi mode, depends on Linux and X11.
- fzf - Required CLI tool for modes other than rofi (terminal modes).
- MediaInfo - Required CLI tool to search audio or subtitle tacks.
- Alacritty - Modern, simple and fast terminal emulator.
- Nushell - Modern shell that starts 200 ms faster than PowerShell.
Invoke a menu via shortcut key, type a search keyword, use up/down key to select, enter key to confirm, escape key to close.
misc.lua has various features, among them is printing media info on the screen.