Used for every action that is executed by selecting a unit and using Right-Mouse-Botton
on an object in the game environment. It depends on the context (:target_id, :selected_id) which specific action is executed. Units with several right-click abilities (monks, villagers) will use their primary action for all of them.
Because primary actions are contextual, a primary action can have the exact same effect of another action (that was executed by using a button from the HUD or a hotkey). Notable examples are repairing and garrisoning units into rams/transport ships.
Action that classify as a primary action include attacking, gathering, repairing, converting, healing, picking up relics and boarding transport ships.
def PrimaryAction
int8 :action_identifier
int8 :player_id
int16 :zero
int32 :target_id
int8 :selection_count
byte24 :zero2
float :x_coord
float :y_coord
array :selected_ids,
type => :int32,
length => :selection_count,
onlyif => :selection_count < 0xFF
Always has the value 0x00
The ID of the player who executes the action (0x01
- 0x08
The two bytes following :player_id are unused.
The ID of the targeted object.
The number of selected units. When the value of this field is 0xFF
, the action is executed for the units referenced in the previous command.
The three bytes following :selection_count are unused.
The x-coordinate of the targeted position.
The y-coordinate of the targeted position.
The IDs of the selected units.
Gathering stone with villager.
00 02 00 00 92 17 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 80 33 43 00 80 16 43 4d 17 00 00
— action_identifier
— player_id
00 00
— zero
92 17 00 00
— target_id
— selection_count
00 00 00
— zero2
00 80 33 43
— x_coord
00 80 16 43
— y_coord
4d 17 00 00
— selected_id
Attacking a building.
00 02 00 00 38 1a 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 40 42 00 00 0b 43 5e 1a 00 00 62 1a 00 00
— action_identifier
— player_id
00 00
— zero
38 1a 00 00
— target_id
— selection_count
00 00 00
— zero2
00 00 40 42
— x_coord
00 00 0b 43
— y_coord
5e 1a 00 00
— selected_id
62 1a 00 00
— selected_id
Boarding a transport ship with the same units
00 02 00 00 57 1a 00 00 ff 00 00 00 7a 7c 47 43 52 da 38 43
— action_identifier
— player_id
00 00
— zero
57 1a 00 00
— target_id
— selection_count
00 00 00
— zero2
7a 7c 47 43
— x-coord
52 da 38 43
— y-coord