greetings kind regards i enjoyed and learxxxned much from your article titled "World’s first transgenic cow can produce human insulin in her milk" link below . if you will permit me i would like to suggest a few minor corrections to errors which i assumxxx are the result of English not bein your first language .. Although scientists have found ways to make insulin using different methods, such as coli and yeast, researchers at the University of Illinois aim to make insulin. Although scientists have found ways to make insulin using different methods, such as coli and yeast, researchers at the University of Illinois aim to make insulin in cow's milk. This is because they produce much milk, and cows are an everyday product in most homes. This is because they produce much milk. note: cows are not an everyday product in most USA homes. note: cows are not "products" per say . This milk can, in turn, make insulin for people. this sentence is not required as the milk does not make the insulin it merely contains it . the cow makes the insulin just as the prior sentence states.