This is the unofficial release of the app. This version supports the following operations.
- Registering and logging in with email and password.
- Creating new collection.
- Adding items to collections.
- Viewing items and collections.
This is a huge release, giving application new, more classy and stylish look, major functionalities and cherries on top of the cream. The following improvements and new features are included in this release.
- New light and dark themes, with option of picking theme from system.
- Translations in seven (7) languages - English, Slovenian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian.
- Integration with Google Maps for displaying location of items, which is taken from image location or choosen manually when creating an item (only available inside premium collections).
- Premium collections giving collection super powers (displaying location on map for each item).
- User profile page with option of editing user profile.
- Custom names for "Title", "Subtitle", and "Description" fields for items.
- Collections and items inside collection are searchable.
- Deletion of collections and items with manual confirmation.
- # / Register screen visual and functional improvements.
- Various bugfixes and different improvements to code base.