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Developer Guide

This document explains how to get started developing Brigade.

Brigade is composed of numerous parts:

  • brigade-controller: The Kubernetes controller for delegating Brigade events
  • brigade-server: The implementation of the GitHub web hooks. It requires the controller.
  • brigade-worker: The JavaScript runtime for executing brigade.js files. The controller spawns these, though you can run one directly as well.
  • brigade-api: The REST API server for user interfaces
  • brigade-project: The Helm chart for installing Brigade projects
  • git-sidecar: The code that runs as a sidecar in cluster to fetch Git repositories

This document covers development of brigade-controller, brigade-server, and brigade-worker.


  • Go toolchain (latest version)
  • Minikube
  • Docker
  • make
  • Node.js and NPM

Clone the Repository In GOPATH

Follow these steps when cloning the brigade repository to use an existing GOPATH for your system:

  • $ mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/ # GOPATH is set to $HOME/go by default
  • $ git clone $(go env GOPATH)/src/
  • $ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/

Building Source

To build all of the source, run this:

$ make bootstrap build

To build just the client binaries, run this:

$ make bootstrap brig

To build Docker images, run:

$ make docker-build

Minikube configuration

Start Minikube. Your addons should look like this:

$  minikube addons list
- default-storageclass: enabled
- kube-dns: enabled
- dashboard: disabled
- heapster: disabled
- ingress: enabled
- registry: disabled
- registry-creds: disabled
- addon-manager: enabled

Feel free to enable other addons, but the ones above are expected to be present for Brigade to operate.

For local development, you will want to point your Docker client to the Minikube Docker daemon:

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

Running make docker-build docker-push will push the Brigade images to the Minikube Docker daemon.

From here, you can install Brigade into Minikube using the Helm chart:

$ helm install -n brigade ./charts/brigade

Don't forget to also create a project ($ helm install -n empty-testbed charts/brigade-project).

Running Brigade inside remote Kubernetes

Some developers use a remote Kubernetes instead of minikube.

To run a development version of Brigade inside of a remote Kubernetes, you will need to do two things:

  • Make sure you push your brigade docker images to a registry the cluster can access
  • Set the image when you do a helm install ./chart on the Brigade chart.

Running Brigade (brigade-server) Locally (against Minikube)

Assuing you have Brigade installed (either on minikube or another cluster) and your $KUBECONFIG is pointing to that cluster, you can run brigade (brigade-server) locally.

$ ./bin/brigade --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG

(The default location for $KUBECONFIG on UNIX-like systems is $HOME/.kube.)

For the remainder of this document, we will assume that your local $KUBECONFIG is pointing to the correct cluster.

Running the Functional Tests

Once you have Brigade running in Minikube or a comparable alternative, you should be able to run the functional tests.

First, create a project that points to the deis/empty-testbed project. The most flexible way of doing this is via the ./charts/brigade-project Helm chart:

$ helm inspect ./charts/brigade-project > functional-test-project.yaml
$ # edit the functional-test-project.yaml file
$ helm install -f functional-test-project.yaml -n brigade-functional-tests ./charts/brigade-project

At the very least, you will want a config that looks like this:

project: deis/empty-testbed
repository: ""
cloneURL: ""
namespace: "default"

It is possible to run the functional tests against a clone of the repo above, but there's no need to. Basically we are testing GitHub connectivity and transactions in these tests.

Once Helm installs the project, you can test it with helm get brigade-functional-tests.

With this setup, you should be able to run make test-functional and see the tests run against your local Brigade binary.

Running the Brigade-Worker Locally

You can run the Brigade worker locally by cding into brigade-worker and running k brigade. Note that this will require you to set a number of environment variables. See brigade-worker/index.ts for the list of variables you will need to set.

Here is an example script for running a quick test against a locally running brigade worker.


export BRIGADE_EVENT_TYPE=quicktest
export BRIGADE_COMMIT=9c75584920f1297008118915024927cc099d5dcc
export BRIGADE_PROJECT_ID=brigade-830c16d4aaf6f5490937ad719afd8490a5bcbef064d397411043ac
export BRIGADE_SCRIPT="$(pwd)/brigade.js"

cd ./brigade-worker
yarn start

You may change the variables above to point to the desired project.